Pascal is an NPC on Jarilo-VI. Depending on the player's choice in Companion Mission Rarely Affectionate (II) in the Chapter Slices of Life Before the Furnace, it can be found as an Automaton Grizzly with no dialogue:
- In Abandoned Market, Rivet Town, upon completing Adventure Mission No One Is Answering.
- In the southwest of Svarog's Base, Robot Settlement, upon completing Adventure Mission Wish You Were Here.
Pascal is an automaton with a higher degree of sentience than most: it fears for its own safety in dangerous situations, and greets Clara and the Trailblazer with affection after becoming acquainted with them. According to Clara, Pascal's sentience is a quality that other small robots do not possess. It also performs altruistic tasks of its own initiative, most notably collecting mechanical parts to repair Rivet Town.
Pascal was originally a Guard Automaton in Rivet Town. Its original hardware was a Direwolf or Grizzly model.[2]
In 694 AF, the Fragmentum began to invade Rivet Town.[3][4] Sometime in 697 AF,[5] Pascal's backup power was activated after the residents were evacuated, and it woke up to discover that Rivet Town had been abandoned. It decided to collect parts, repair the town, and wait for the residents to return. Around that time, Pascal became sentient. To maintain itself, it collected various parts lying around, though these were tainted by Fragmentum, resulting in its fellow automatons mistaking it for a Fragmentum creature. Its module used to detect emotions was frequently damaged, eventually turning it into a small robot that did nothing but collect parts.[2]
Following an investigation, Clara and the Trailblazer find that Pascal, now in the form of an Automaton Spider, is the culprit of some unusual thefts in the Robot Settlement.[6] They fix it several times, eventually moving its core into a Grizzly model, and learn of its origin after reading Pascal's Diary. According to Svarog, Pascal has been repairing itself using Fragmentum-contaminated components for an extended period of time. Therefore, automatons connected to the base network recognize it as a Fragmentum creature.[2]
Svarog recommends that Pascal's data be formatted and integrated into the base network, so he will maintain its core module and repair its hardware once it has been integrated into the base network. However, once the formatting is complete, Pascal's emotional intelligence will vanish.[2]
Clara comes up with the other solution: a "lock" can be installed in Pascal's core. They can clear the redundant data and locate the core sectors that are still intact. Then, they can install a new suite of operational programs, which can regulate Pascal's behavior and prevent it from hurting people. With this method, they might be able to retain as much of Pascal's emotional intelligence as possible while keeping it out of trouble. If they can keep Pascal's emotional intelligence, she might be able to teach it to treat people with kindness.[2]
Svarog and Clara both state their thoughts and leave the decision to the Trailblazer. This leads to two outcomes:[2]
- If Clara's idea is chosen: The protective programs are successfully installed in Pascal's core. It is now found in Abandoned Market, Rivet Town. According to Clara, the programs are extremely effective. Pascal still retains its emotional intelligence.[7]
- If Svarog's idea is chosen: Pascal is successfully formatted and integrated into the base network. It is now found in the Robot Settlement. Clara discovers that whenever she mentions the Trailblazer's name to Svarog, the other robots at the base will get really happy. Clara wonders if the robots share Pascal's emotions. Svarog says Pascal's emotional intelligence is like a virus that infects the entire base network at some point. Clara doesn't think it's a bad thing because Svarog chooses not to get rid of it.[8]
Missions and Events[]
Companion Missions
Adventure Missions
Character Mentions[]
- Pascal and its story may be a reference to the eponymous robot NPC in NieR:Automata. They also share the same English voice actress, Alexis Tipton.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Pascal |
Chinese (Simplified) | 帕斯卡 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 帕斯卡 |
Japanese | パスカル |
Korean | 파스칼 |
Spanish | Pascal |
French | Pascal |
Russian | Паскаль |
Thai | Pascal |
Vietnamese | Pascal |
German | Pascal |
Indonesian | Pascal |
Portuguese | Pascal |
Change History[]
- ↑ EN VA Self Announcement, Twitter. Retrieved May 30, 2023.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Companion Mission, Slices of Life Before the Furnace: Rarely Affectionate (II)
- ↑ Readable: Notice: Additional Barricades on the Main Road of the Plaza
- ↑ Readable: Notice Under Bridge
- ↑ 6█7 in Readable: Pascal's Diary
- ↑ Companion Mission, Slices of Life Before the Furnace: Rarely Affectionate (I)
- ↑ Adventure Mission: No One Is Answering
- ↑ Adventure Mission: Wish You Were Here