Overture of Inebriation is Robin's Technique.
Unique Status Effects[]
- Debuffs
Icon | Name | Description |
Revelry | Becomes attracted by Robin's singing voice. Follows allies without initiating attacks. |
- Others
Icon | Name | Description |
Resonating Echo | After entering battle while the dimension is active, Robin regenerates 5 Energy at the start of each wave. |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Overture of Inebriation |
Chinese (Simplified) | 酣醉序曲 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 酣醉序曲 |
Japanese | 酩酊のオーバーチュア |
Korean | 심취의 서곡 |
Spanish | Obertura embriagadora |
French | Prélude à l'ivresse |
Russian | Пьянящая увертюра |
Thai | Overture of Inebriation |
Vietnamese | Khúc Dạo Đầu Say Men |
German | Berauschte Ouvertüre |
Indonesian | Overture of Inebriation |
Portuguese | Prelúdio da Inebriação |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.2