Night Stars, Accompany My Slumber is the third part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter Heroic Saga of Flame-Chase. It automatically begins after completing Distant Travelers, Listen to this World's Prayer.
- Submit to Aglaea's interrogation — it's better to speak the truth
- Follow Phainon
- Listen to what Phainon has to say
- Listen to Lance of Fury's Voice of Constellation
- Speak to Phainon about the voices of Titans you heard
- Take a photo of the wondrous sight of the Vortex of Genesis
- Leave the Vortex of Genesis and return to the private bath chamber
- Calm your mood and rest up
- Tell Dan Heng about the voice you heard in your dream
- Go to the Chrysos Heirs baths and meet with everyone
- Speak with Trianne and get ready to go to Castrum Kremnos
Submit to Aglaea's interrogation — it's better to speak the truth[]
Mission Description
Aglaea's control over Okhema runs far deeper than we anticipated, and the previous incident has already reached her ears. This leader of the Chrysos Heirs revealed a cold and unyielding side, going to great lengths to reassess our intentions. After such perilous moments, we must reconsider the viability of our expedition in Amphoreus.
- Dan Heng: ...What is the meaning of this?
Why is this happening again?
We've been made...
As expected.
- Aglaea: This is no laughing matter. It's an interrogation.
- Aglaea: While the both of you were roaming the city, someone was paying attention to your every move. Unfortunately... you have broken your promises.
- Dan Heng: So, you are indeed aware of our transgression... However, we only did so to save a life.
- Aglaea: The holy city's fate is as fragile as thread. I must exercise prudence in order to eliminate sources of potential disaster.
- Aglaea: I will grant the both of you another chance to mend our broken trust. The golden thread shall judge on my behalf. If you're truthful, you will live, else... you will perish.
- Castorice: We meet again, distinguished guests.
- Aglaea: Castorice will be your executioner.
- Dan Heng: Lady Aglaea, it is undeniable that we broke our agreement out of carelessness. However, you never explained to us how revealing that a world beyond the sky exists would lead to dire consequences.
- Dan Heng: What I want to know is, exactly how grave a crime have we committed?
- Aglaea: A reasonable request. It is indeed my oversight for failing to tell you everything in time.
- Aglaea: There have always been people in Amphoreus who looked beyond the skies. Indeed, there used to be a usurper nation that spared no expense in constructing "skyships," with the desire to break through the blue sky and reach the stars...
- Aquila's divine punishment fell the instant the fleet of skyships took flight. An entire city-state, along with all of its subjects, was reduced to ash in that moment. Aglaea: However,
- Aglaea: It's not that Amphoreus is unwilling to head toward the stars. Yet, anyone who even thinks about breaching the firmament would undoubtedly infuriate the gods, causing this land of the living to burn and an entire nation of mortals to perish. The Eye of Twilight is only one example of this.
- Aglaea: This is forbidden territory which can never be ventured into.
So you're saying that it's better to pretend it doesn't exist instead?
- Dan Heng: Humanity has always longed for the sky... and this is something that you can't prevent.
We mean no harm toward Amphoreus...
- Aglaea: Divine punishment has never been fair. As Okhema's guardian, I must do the same.
- Aglaea: This is a world dominated by Titans. And that order can only be toppled by the Chrysos Heirs.
- Aglaea: Therefore, the only thing that I can do right now is to ensure that the both of you remain... devoted.
- Aglaea: Three steps, Castorice.
- Castorice: ...Yes, Lady Aglaea.
- Aglaea: I shall ask you four questions. Dishonest answers will cause the golden thread to vibrate, while truthful responses will not affect the thread.
- Aglaea: The number of times that the thread trembles... is the number of steps forward that the executioner will take.
- Aglaea: If she isn't standing behind you after all four questions have been asked and answered, the both of you will have passed this test. If she is... your journey will end here.
- Castorice: You'll fall asleep amid the warm embrace of flowers and feel no pain... That I can guarantee.
There's no need for such guarnatees!
Does this mean that we can lie up to two times?
- Aglaea: If you treat your lives as mere trifles, then you may do as you wish.
- Trailblazer), we'll be fine as long as our consciences are clear. Dan Heng: Regardless of what she says, (
- Aglaea: Well then, let us begin. Question One.
- why have you come to Amphoreus? Aglaea: Outlanders,
To solve the problems plaguing this world.
- The golden thread trembles slightly.
- Aglaea: A half-truth that still conceals some facts. Yet, the rules leave no room for compromise. A step will be recorded.
To allow our journey to continue.
- The golden thread remains calm and unchanged.
- Aglaea: A truthful response. A step will not be recorded.
To turn this place upside down!
- The golden thread trembles violently.
- Aglaea: Jokes cannot conceal your true intentions. Opportunities are fleeting and you've just wasted one.
- Aglaea: Question Two.
- why did you lend your aid to Okhema? Aglaea: Outlanders,
Because of our courageous spirit and selfless hearts!
- The golden thread trembles slightly.
- Aglaea: A response that is certainly full of spirit, but lacking in sincerity... A step will be recorded.
I regret what we did. We shouldn't have aided Okhema at all!
- The golden thread trembles violently.
- Aglaea: You've let your anger consume you. A step will be recorded.
To allow our journey to continue.
- The golden thread remains calm and unchanged.
- Aglaea: No fluctuations detected. A step will not be recorded.
- Aglaea: Question Three.
- if the current situation changed dramatically, could you eventually point your blades at Okhema and its citizens? Aglaea: Outlanders,
I... can't make any guarantees.
- The golden thread remains calm and unchanged.
- Aglaea: A response that lacks embellishment. You have no misgivings about the friction or suspicion that your answer might cause. A step will not be recorded.
Not a chance!
- The golden thread trembles slightly.
- Aglaea: Although you attempted to make a promise, your resolve didn't match your response... A step will be recorded.
I use a baseball bat, not a blade.
- The golden thread trembles violently.
- Aglaea: Trying to hasten your demise by being glib with your response? I can certainly satisfy your desire. A step will be recorded.
- Aglaea: Final Question.
- an unknown but surging power exists within your body... Are you willing to use it to aid the Chrysos Heirs in slaying the gods? Aglaea: Outlander,
Wait, you can even detect that?
- The golden thread trembles violently.
- Aglaea: Response to a question with another question indicates intense suspicion and resistance... A step will be recorded.
I am not willing, and I cannot agree to your request.
- The golden thread remains calm and unchanged.
- Aglaea: Such determination... It makes me wonder what secrets are hidden within you. A step will not be recorded.
It's one of the Destruction's seeds of disaster. Be careful, it might backfire.
- The golden thread trembles slightly.
- Aglaea: An angry threat... but one laced with uncertainty. You don't understand the power within your body either. A step will not be recorded this time.
- (If at least two questions were answered truthfully)
- Aglaea: All four questions have been asked and answered.
- Aglaea: You have earned a second chance with your honesty.
- Aglaea: Both of you may continue to stay in Okhema, and its citizens will continue to view you as distinguished guests. However, you must promise that today's farce will not occur again.
- Dan Heng: I think it's more appropriate for us to say that last part.
- Dan Heng: You seriously still expect us to help you after what we just went through?
- Aglaea: Regardless of your choice, the Chrysos Heirs will continue to follow the path in the prophecy.
- Aglaea: You may be a ray of hope that fell onto Amphoreus. However, until all has been proven, you cannot be allowed to pose a threat to Amphoreus.
If we stay, will you continue to monitor us?
Are all Chrysos Heirs as paranoid as you?
- Aglaea: For the holy city, I am willing to bear all the traits that others despise and use every heartless yet effective trick in the book.
- Dan Heng: Forgive us, but I'm afraid our cooperation cannot continue under these conditions.
- Nameless. Dan Heng: If we cannot gain people's — no, if we cannot gain your trust, Lady Aglaea — we'll depart. Amphoreus isn't the only option for the
- Dan Heng: Things don't have to end on a sour note between us.
- Aglaea: ...I respect your decision.
- ???: Hold on! Please wait a moment...
- Aglaea: ...Phainon?
- Phainon: Aglaea, as the first person to encounter them... I have some thoughts I would like to share regarding whether they can stay.
- Aglaea: Do speak your mind.
- Phainon: When I first met them in the Abyss, I was wary of them as well and never let my guard down throughout our journey back to the holy city.
- Phainon: However, during the battle to defend Okhema, we fought side by side numerous times. The look in someone's eyes in moments of life-and-death never lies, and I was able to detect the conviction in their eyes back then. That's why I was willing to put my life in their hands.
- Phainon: Please believe a warrior's intuition.
- Phainon: At present, Okhema is desperate for aid, and I am loath to lose two allies just like that.
- Phainon: Isn't this what Miss Castorice believes as well?
- Castorice: ...Yeah.
- Castorice: I'm more willing to view "death" as a peaceful farewell than a punishment.
- Aglaea: So, two Chrysos Heirs are willing to vouch for you. Hah... It seems my actions were too high-handed.
- Aglaea: Phainon, will you fulfill your duty as host and look after our distinguished guests?
- Phainon: While I'm not good at formalities, I'll do my best.
- Aglaea: Cas... Next time, I hope you will express your thoughts openly.
- Castorice: I will.
- Aglaea: Now, it's time to welcome the newcomers to the Vortex of Genesis. As you both have chosen to trust these outlanders, ensure they are adequately informed about the mysteries concealed within.
- (If at least 3 questions were not answered truthfully)
- Aglaea: All four questions have been asked and answered.
- Aglaea: The golden thread has exposed your hesitations. Regrettably, the both of you have failed the test.
- Aglaea: While you may be a ray of hope that fell onto Amphoreus, you may also be... a threat to Amphoreus. You leave me no choice but to shut the doors of your fates.
- Dan Heng: Determining our fates with extrajudicial execution... How unreasonable.
Talk about burning bridges! After all we've done to help you.
Justice, fairness, impartiality, where art thou?
Someone, anyone, save us...
- Dan Heng: I don't think anybody will be able to hear our cries... given where we are right now.
- Aglaea: For the holy city, I am willing to bear all the traits that others despise and use every heartless yet effective trick in the book.
- Aglaea: Castorice, please give our guests a merciful farewell.
- Castorice: Don't be nervous...
D—Don't come near me...
Wait! Please, just give me one more chance...
- Castorice: Please... relax.
- Castorice places her slender, pale finger over your pulse.
- A chill seeps through your skin, then immediately spreads into your veins.
- Castorice adds a second finger... then a third, until half her palm gently envelops your left wrist.
- A subtle fragrance of an unnamed flower fills your senses, its sweetness making you forget the need to breathe.
- Your vision blurs, and cold reality fades into a purple ocean — her promised land of flowers.
- ...
- Then, you finally understand...
- are currently welcoming your own sweet demise.
- ...
- ???: ...Wait! This story can't end just like that.
- Aglaea: ...Phainon?
I'm still alive.
- Phainon: You bet you are.
I've been reborn on Amphoreus?
- Phainon: Not quite, Friend. You're still alive and kicking.
- Thanatos wouldn't end a journey so hurriedly. Phainon: You've been on Amphoreus for such a short time. Even someone as ruthless as
- Phainon: Aglaea, as the first local to encounter them... I have some thoughts I would like to share regarding their fates.
- Aglaea: Do speak your mind.
- Phainon: When I first met them in the Abyss, I was wary of them as well and never let my guard down throughout our journey back to the holy city.
- Phainon: However, during the battle to defend Okhema, we fought side by side numerous times. The look in someone's eyes in moments of life-and-death never lies, and I was able to detect the conviction in their eyes back then. That's why I was willing to put my life in their hands.
- Phainon: Please believe a warrior's intuition.
- Phainon: At present, Okhema is desperate for aid, and I am loath to lose two allies just like that.
- Phainon: Isn't this what Miss Castorice believes as well?
- Castorice: ...Yeah.
- Castorice: I'm more willing to view "death" as a peaceful farewell than a punishment.
- Aglaea: ...I see.
- Aglaea: So, two Chrysos Heirs are willing to vouch for you. Hah... It seems my actions were too high-handed.
- Aglaea: Phainon, will you fulfill your duty as host and look after our distinguished guests?
- Phainon: While I'm not good at formalities, I'll do my best.
- Aglaea: Cas... Next time, I hope you will express your thoughts openly.
- Castorice: I will.
- Aglaea: Now, it's time to welcome the newcomers to the Vortex of Genesis. As you both have chosen to trust these outlanders, ensure they are adequately informed about the mysteries concealed within.
- Dan Heng: Hold on, you seriously still expect us to help you after what we just went through?
- Dan Heng: Forgive us, but I'm afraid our cooperation cannot continue under these conditions. If we cannot gain people's — no, if we cannot gain your trust, Lady Aglaea — we'll depart. Amphoreus isn't the only option for the Nameless.
- Dan Heng: Things don't have to end on a sour note between us.
- Aglaea: Regardless of your choice, the Chrysos Heirs will continue to follow the path in the prophecy.
- Aglaea: Phainon's words have convinced me to make an exception for you. Whether you stay or go after this is for you to decide.
Follow Phainon[]
- Phainon: Sorry, I should've gotten here earlier. Please hear me out before you make up your mind.
Listen to what Phainon has to say[]
- (Approach Phainon)
- Phainon: ...I swear by the honor of the Chrysos Heirs here that your lives were never in danger. Before the interrogation started, Miss Castorice already sent a message to me, hoping that I would stop Aglaea.
- Castorice: Only a select few can sway Lady Aglaea, and Lord Phainon is one of them.
But she didn't even apologize...
Phainon's a big deal, huh?
- Phainon: Oh, please stop.
- Phainon: Aglaea... She has long sealed her heart in ice, for Okhema's sake.
- Phainon: Maybe this is the price of being a demigod? Standing among mortals, yet still so far from them.
- Phainon: Ah... one more thing to explain. Let's not worry about that for now. You'll soon find out that Amphoreus's deepest secrets are all hidden here.
- Astral Zodiac of the Vortex of Genesis, divided into twelve parts that record the Flame-Chase Journey of the Chrysos Heirs. Phainon: Well, first, kindly look upward. What you see right now is the
- Coreflame that mankind has restored to its rightful place. Phainon: The twelve vacant signs symbolize the twelve Titans of Amphoreus, while each illuminated constellation represents one
- Dan Heng: There are... six restored Coreflames. You're already halfway through your journey?
- Phainon: The generations before us paid a heavy price for that. The journey of the Chrysos Heirs once faced immense hurdles and made no progress for a very long time...
- Phainon: It was Aglaea and Tribbie who rallied the Chrysos Heirs from all over the world once again, leading us to re-embark on this prophesized journey.
- Castorice: And they are the only two demigods in the holy city.
Shouldn't it be the only four?
- Phainon: While Tribbie, Trianne, and Trinnon are three individuals, I suppose they are considered one single divine essence.
So, what exactly is a demigod?
- Phainon: Worry not, I haven't forgotten about that.
- Phainon: In the past, the Titans were the pillars of the world. Yet, the prophecy's revelation is that these twelve pillars must be shattered and the world's order reconstructed.
- After the fall of the old gods, someone must hold up the broken pillars and fill the vacant seats until the coming of the Miracle of Genesis. Phainon: But here's the problem:
- Phainon: Otherwise, the entire world will collapse before the prophecy comes true.
- making them now both human and divine, as well as the bearers of Amphoreus's fate. Phainon: Aglaea and Tribbie have already laid their own gods to rest,
Sounds like quite a responsibility
Will you also become a demigod?
You mentioned persuing the Strife Titan...
- Dan Heng: So, that's what you meant by "your Coreflame."
- Phainon: Bringing down the Titans, retrieving the Coreflames, and filling the vacant seats... This is the mission of the Chrysos Heirs, and I'm following in the footsteps of those two.
- Castorice: Mission, huh...
- Phainon: When it comes to the twelve Titans... no words can describe them more vividly than the whispers within the constellations.
- Phainon: Why not step forward and listen to them for yourselves?
Listen to Lance of Fury's Voice of Constellation[]
- Dan Heng: Listening to the voices of the constellations... Is that really possible?
- (Talk to Phainon, optional)
- Phainon: Move closer, listen carefully, and you may just catch the whispers echoing in the void.
- Phainon: How about you start with the Lance of Fury, the voice of Nikador?
- (Talk to Castorice, optional)
- Castorice: Chrysos Heirs, demigods... Is what's written in the prophecy truly Amphoreus's only possible fate?
- Castorice: Sorry, I was just thinking out loud... Please, step closer and listen to the voices of the Titans.
- (Interact with the basin)
- ...The day is silent, and darkness has taken the stage...
- ...Flames rise higher, and drums fall like rain...
- ...Warriors soaked in golden blood, their cloaks tattered...
- ...Bronze shields you, and brass echoes my sorrow...
- ...
- (After listening to the Voice of Constellation)
- (Unlock Achievement Gods and Mortals)
- As the echoes of the constellations fall silent, the next sound to meet your ears is... waves?
- (Titan's murmurs)
- The unfamiliar call carries a longing to take your soul's essence into the pool...
- (Enter Tidal Bounty)
In the exploration of Amphoreus, Celestial Ambrosia can be obtained through various means, such as completing Trailblaze Missions, Adventure Missions, World Missions, opening treasures in the world, defeating Spirithieves Bartholos that occasionally appear, collecting Creation Nymphs, and solving the brainteasers of Verax Leo.
In the exploration of Amphoreus, Celestial Ambrosia can be obtained through various means, such as completing Trailblaze Missions, Adventure Missions, World Missions, opening treasures in the world, defeating Spirithieves Bartholos that occasionally appear, collecting Creation Nymphs, and solving the brainteasers of Verax Leo.
- (After offering the Celestial Ambrosia)
- Voice of the Tides: ...
- The water returns to its serene state... How curious — it appears that you just have to bring Celestial Ambrosia back here next time to get something nice.
Speak to Phainon about the voices of Titans you heard[]
- (Talk to Phainon or Castorice)
- Phainon: So, did you hear it?
I did...
I couldn't understand it...
- Phainon: The first time I heard the voices of the Titans, I was just a boy playing with swords, oblivious to the meaning of life.
- Phainon: To this day, I still don't know why the prophecy chose me, but I'm grateful for it... Without this journey, I might've already become a wandering soul on the battlefield.
- Phainon: Alright, that's enough of my story. I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to you: join the Chrysos Heirs, and aid us in hunting down Nikador and retrieving the Coreflame from the Titan of Strife.
- Phainon: If you still harbor doubts, I'll do my best to provide you with answers.
How are the Chrysos Heirs chosen?
- Castorice: ...Unfortunately, the workings of the prophecy still remain a mystery to us all.
- it favors those caught in dire circumstances and bestows miracles upon them. Castorice: The only reliable speculation is that...
Where are the other Chrysos Heirs in the world?
- Phainon: Legend has it that the first Chrysos Heir was born millennia ago. Since then, the chosen ones began to walk this earth.
- Phainon: Then came the Chrysos War... A conflict backed by the gods, yet one that brought much bloodshed and claimed many heroes.
- Phainon: By the time of my birth, the tales of the Chrysos Heirs had become more like legends than historical accounts. If there are others called forth by the prophecy... I trust that fate will guide them to us.
How do you plan to fight Nikador?
- Phainon: Armed with courage and unwavering resolve, our quest will begin as soon as Trianne locates Castrum Kremnos.
- Phainon: Without a doubt, it will be a momentous battle to the death... Prepare yourselves.
I've got it all figured out.
- Phainon: The path ahead is bound to be perilous, and I won't impose my will upon you. Yet, if you choose to stay, I, Phainon from Aedes Elysiae, will spare no effort to bridge the gap between you and the Chrysos Heirs.
- Castorice: Thawing the ice in Lady Aglaea's heart won't be easy...
- Castorice: But I will do my best as well.
- Dan Heng: ...(Trailblazer), I'll leave the final decision to you.
You don't have any comments?
- Dan Heng: I trust Phainon, but I trust your judgment more.
You're letting me make the decision? Seriously?
- Dan Heng: I trust your judgment more on matters like this.
Stay on Amphoreus.
- Phainon: That's wonderful to hear. You truly are the hope of Amphoreus.
- Phainon: I've always believed that the journey of the Chrysos Heirs is not meant to be the saga of a select few, and that we must unite all potential allies, especially heroic figures like you.
- Phainon: Once we triumph in the battle against Nikador... that should dispel Aglaea's doubts.
- Castorice: Lord Phainon... Our guests seem quite weary. Should we have them return to the bath chamber for some rest?
- Phainon: Ah, my apologies. I got a bit carried away. It's been a long first day for you here on Amphoreus.
- Phainon: To leave the Vortex, simply repeat the same ritual in front of the spirit basin.
- Phainon: Be sure to rest well in the bath chamber. I trust that Trianne will have returned with news about Castrum Kremnos by the time the two of you are fully recharged.
Leave Amphoreus.
- Dan Heng: So... you'll end things here? Are you sure about that?
Just kidding. We have to press on in our trailblazing expedition.
- (Same dialogue as above)
I'm tired. I just want to go.
- Phainon: ...I understand. Now that I think back on it, you both have selflessly helped Okhema, while we have met your good will with doubt and intimidation. It's indeed not fair.
- Phainon: You showed empathy toward my struggle earlier, and now it's my turn to return that kindness.
- Castorice: The journey of the Chrysos Heirs... truly is a lonely one.
- Phainon: Let's go, Dan Heng, (Trailblazer). I'll escort you back to where you landed.
- Phainon: I know that a reunion in the future is wishful thinking, but at the very least, we can bid each other a proper farewell.
- Escorted by Phainon and the holy city guards, you and Dan Heng return to the crash site in the Abyss. Together, you salvage the Express' coach car.
- With the assistance of an Okhema citizen resembling an Intellitron, you depart Amphoreus without suffering the so-called "curse from beyond the sky."
- After returning to the Astral Express, you discover Black Swan has already left without telling anyone. March 7th's condition has gotten worse, but no one seems to know what the cause is.
- Despite a fuel shortage, you complete a final warp jump, putting your hopes in the next location and how it might resolve all your worries.
- As for the fate of Amphoreus, the Eternal Land, and the dramatic changes it will bring to the Cosmos... It has nothing to do with you, at least in your lifetime.
- (Credits roll)
- Amphoreus, The Eternal Land
The End
Honkai: Star Rail
Lead Actors
Dan Heng as Dan Heng
Phainon as ??
Castorice as Castorice?
Tribios as Tribbie, Trinnon, Trianne ?? ?? ??...
Aglaea as Aglaea
Mydeimos as Mydei
?? as ??
Nikador as Nikador
May This Journey Lead Us Starward- (Return to the starting screen)
- (Return to before speaking with Phainon, with the option removed)
- Dan Heng: Well, that was a lot of drama for one day.
- Dan Heng: Let's go. With Phainon's guarantee, we can at least take a moment to rest without any worries.
I kind of feel like we might've forgotten something...
- Dan Heng: Oh... We need to take a photo for March. Good thing you still remembered that.
We've got to take a photo of this place for March 7th.
- Dan Heng: ...I almost forgot. Good thing you still remembered that.
- Dan Heng: Let's capture the spectacle of the Vortex of Genesis.
Take a photo of the wondrous sight of the Vortex of Genesis[]
Step Description
After understanding from Phainon the Chrysos Heirs' arduous journey to save the world, we ultimately decided to remain in Amphoreus. After a period of rest and recovery, the Chrysos Heirs reconvened, readying themselves for an attack against Castrum Kremnos, where Nikador was, with the goal of seizing the Coreflame of the Lance of Fury.
- (Talk to Phainon, optional)
- Phainon: Be sure to rest well in the bath chamber. I trust that Trianne will have returned with news about Castrum Kremnos by the time the two of you are fully recharged.
- (Talk to Castorice, optional)
- Castorice: I'm sorry. I hope... you can forgive me for my actions earlier.
- Castorice: I had to follow Lady Aglaea's instructions to avoid arousing her suspicion.
Why did she choose you to be the executioner?
- Castorice: ...
I don't blame you.
- Castorice: ...But I should not come near you.
- Castorice: Because I... am the shadow of "death."
- Castorice: I'm sorry, but I prefer not to delve into such a heavy topic at the moment. Please follow Lord Phainon's suggestion and return to the bath chamber for some rest.
- Castorice: If you're interested in hearing more of the world's voices, feel free to prolong your stay in the Vortex.
- (Start Taking Photo)
- The totems of the Twelve Titans stand like twelve pairs of watchful, imperious eyes, overseeing the world they forged, nurtured, and ultimately brought to ruin.
- When the twelve constellations align and shine, the "miracle" that the Chrysos Heirs speak of will illuminate — or so their prophecies claim.
Leave the Vortex of Genesis and return to the private bath chamber[]
- (After taking the photo)
- Dan Heng: Alright... All the constellations of the twelve Titans are in there. Time to head out.
- (Teleport back to Hall of Respite)
- (Unlock Achievement I Like to Tie People in My Dream)
Calm your mood and rest up[]
- (Interact with the chair)
Rest for one night
- Dan Heng: So much has happened today.
- Dan Heng: What? Do I have something on my face?
Today, you talked...
...more than you did in the entire three worlds before this.
- the talkative one isn't around, someone else has to take her place. Dan Heng: Well, since
- Dan Heng: But it's been a long day for me too, so let's get through the review quickly.
- Dan Heng: By estimation, it took us about twenty system hours to figure out the current conditions on Amphoreus and build connections with the locals — a pretty good start.
- Dan Heng: But I feel that there's more to everything than meets the eye... Even the Chrysos Heirs themselves aren't as unified as we imagined.
Is it too late to bail out now?
- Dan Heng: Don't take Aglaea's words to heart right now. Her verbal attack on us was quite sudden. There might be a reason behind it.
We're still looking at things through a clouded lens.
- Dan Heng: Aglaea's verbal attack on us was also quite sudden. There might be a reason behind it.
Wasn't expecting Aglaea to be that ruthless...
- Dan Heng: Her verbal attack on us seemed quite sudden. There might be a reason behind it.
- Dan Heng: With all these doubts in our minds, we can only just do our best.
- Dan Heng: There's no "right" answer to the Trailblaze, after all. All we can do is dive into this world and take things one step at a time.
- Dan Heng: Plenty of questions are still up in the air, but my brain is too tired to handle them... Phainon's right — let's call it a day and save them for tomorrow.
- In the meantime...
- Tribbie: ...Agy, this campaign is going to turn out fine, right?
- Aglaea: Do not harbor doubt, teacher. As the interpreter of the prophecy for the Chrysos Heirs, any uncertainty in your words may undermine people's resolve.
- Tribbie: Alright, alright, but it's just you and us here...
- Tribbie: By the way... Agy, I was actually wondering, when you were in the Vortex earlier with Dan Heng and (Trailblazer), were you actually going to...
- Aglaea: Certainly not.
- Tribbie: Phew... That's good to know.
- Aglaea: Why even bother to ask? If you were truly convinced of my intent to harm them, you would have intervened.
- Tribbie: You sure don't miss a thing. We are just curious... What is really going through your head, Agy?
- Aglaea: ...Initially, my plan was to use the threat of "banishment" to test their resolve and perseverance.
- Aglaea: But I noticed a sense of unease in Castorice. She trusted in them and even reached out to Phainon in secret, believing I was unaware...
- Aglaea: Therefore, I took advantage of the situation and changed the threat from "banishment" to "execution," to see if the two could remain firm under the most extreme pressure.
- Aglaea: Simultaneously, it might also strengthen their bonds with Phainon and Castorice.
- Tribbie: ...Do you have to go to such lengths for the battle against Nikador?
- Tribbie: That's going to make it a lot tougher for you to gain their trust...
- Aglaea: That's not important.
- That's the future you foresee, isn't it? Aglaea: You and I will eventually step off the stage and leave Amphoreus's fate in the hands of others...
- Tribbie: ...Yeah.
- Aglaea: The prophecy of deliverance is nothing if not ambiguous. It urges us to defy the gods yet refrains from providing a clear glimpse of what lies ahead.
- Aglaea: Right now, it is people's faith in the prophecy that unites them around the Chrysos Heirs. Should a time come when their faith is shaken... all will crumble.
- Aglaea: Hence, we must be prepared. When our task is to craft the armor for the Deliverer, what harm is there if you and I don humble attire?
- Tribbie: Agy... Have you noticed...
- Tribbie: You keep saying that you don't believe in humanity's altruism, but your actions are a counterexample.
- Aglaea: Perhaps it's because my "humanity" is distancing itself from me.
- Aglaea: Another never-ending dawn. How bright is the day, and how long is the night.
- Aglaea: The golden thread hangs unusually silent today, as if the heavens, earth, and ocean are all holding their breath. Could they be mourning the impending downfall of a Titan...
- Aglaea: Unwinding in a bath sounds appealing now... Would you care to join me?
- Tribbie: Let's go, Agy. When have we ever been able to say no in all these hundreds of years?
- ???: ...
- (Trailblazer): Mmm... What's that sound?
- ???: ...Sound? Who? That? Which?
- (Trailblazer): Who's talking...
- ???: ...Calm down. Calm down. This time. Next time?
Tell me who you are.
- ???: ...Who? Who is? You... I... Who am I?
Is that you, Stellaron?
- ???: ...Ron? Stella? Who? You... I... Who am I?
Oh, shut it! Someone's trying to sleep here!
- ???: ...Sleep? Here? There? You... I... Who am I?
- ???: ...Broken. Lost. Want... complete.
- ???: ...Sleep. Go sleep. Disturb... should not.
- (Trailblazer): (Am I... dreaming?)
- (Trailblazer): (Feels like there's been a voice talking in my head all night...)
- (Trailblazer): (I should probably mention this to Dan Heng.)
Tell Dan Heng about the voice you heard in your dream[]
- (Talk to Dan Heng)
- Dan Heng: You're finally awake. About time.
I slept in pretty late. It's so bright outside!
- Dan Heng: Did you already forget? The sky has been this bright since we arrived at the holy city.
Have you been up for a while?
- Dan Heng: Yeah, I wake up easily when it's too bright outside... The sky has been like this since we arrived at the holy city.
- Dan Heng: Did you sleep well?
There was this voice in my dream...
- Dan Heng: A voice? The Voice of the Stellaron again or...
It sounded like an animal, but somehow, I could understand it.
- Dan Heng: That sounds a bit contradictory.
I couldn't really make it out. It was like it was speaking in riddles.
- Dan Heng: In a way, chaos is the nature of dreams.
It was... pretty cute, unlike the Stellaron.
- Dan Heng: So, it wasn't a nightmare. But be careful, that might be its means of luring you in.
- Dan Heng: Keep a note of whatever you can remember. This strange dream might be connected to the rules of this world.
- Dan Heng: While you were asleep, I did some thinking. I believe the most pressing concern is still how the people of Amphoreus view what's beyond the sky. Unfortunately, contacting the Express might not be feasible for a while.
If we try to fly out of Amphoreus...
...Will we also incur the wrath of the gods?
- Dan Heng: Yes. In the worst case, the entrance to Amphoreus is a one-way door, letting people in but not out.
- Dan Heng: Hm? There's a new message.
- (Receive a message from Amphoreus Welcome Team)
- Fully recharged!The rest wasn't great...
Go to the Chrysos Heirs baths and meet with everyone[]
- Dan Heng: I wasn't expecting the expedition to set off after only a night of rest.
- Dan Heng: Let's set the questions aside for now. The Chrysos Heirs are getting ready to mobilize.
- (Approach Phainon)
- Phainon: Great to see you here!
- Mydei: Hmph... Entrusting our fates to two strangers, is this madness or folly?
- Phainon: Maybe both. You should really make more friends, Mydei.
- Aglaea: Heroes, your attention please.
- Aglaea: Trianne has returned with news: For the first time in many years, we have dispersed the fog around Castrum Kremnos and verified its location.
- Aglaea: The awaited moment has finally arrived for the Chrysos Heirs. Our path forward is now clear: Vanquish Nikador, the violent Lance of Fury, and bring the Coreflame of Strife back to Okhema to fuel the prophesized miracle.
- Aglaea: This is an arduous mission, and I must heed the voices of all to determine the best candidates for this campaign.
- Aglaea: Should you harbor any thoughts, this is the moment to bring them forth.
- Phainon: I, Phainon of Aedes Elysiae, wish to join the crusade against Nikador.
- Phainon: Furthermore, I recommend the two warriors from foreign lands. They have fought alongside me against Nikador's double, and I have full faith in their bravery.
That sounds really dangerous. Is it too late to back out?
- Dan Heng: Lounging in a bath chamber isn't exactly trailblazing.
Guess we have no choice but to give it our all.
- Dan Heng: Are you still not used to it? This is the destiny of a Trailblazer.
- Mydei: I, Mydei from Castrum Kremnos, volunteer to join.
- Mydei: Nikador has become corrupted over the years, his pride waning, but his might endures. Victory only lies in assembling a full-fledged army.
- Castorice: ...I'm willing to join as well, to help guide departing souls and ease everyone's burdens...
- Aglaea: I concur with your opinion. Though his divinity has faded, Nikador remains a formidable adversary.
- Aglaea: Yet, I cannot jeopardize all of your lives in one single battle.
- Hand of Shadow remains missing, the Eye of Twilight is still coveting our land, and Cerces and Oronyx present significant threats, despite their lack of overt hostility toward humanity. Aglaea: As we speak, the
- Aglaea: Even with two demigods protecting the holy city, the risk is too great. Hence...
- Aglaea: Castorice, you must remain here. Your place is not on the front lines, and the battlefield is best left to the warriors.
- Castorice: ...I understand.
- Aglaea: As for the two foreign warriors... Select one to accompany you, Phainon. Placing both esteemed guests on the front line would not be proper.
- (his/
her) flaming lance has quelled the enemy's advances multiple times. Mydei and I are both better at offense, so from a tactical standpoint...
Phainon: (Trailblazer) excels in wielding a range of weapons, and - Phainon: (Trailblazer), would you be willing to fight alongside us?
Sure, let's do this!
I might not be tanky enough, though.
- Dan Heng: With those two, the battle should end quickly.
We could try letting Dan Heng tank...
- Dan Heng: What are you talking about? Now's not the time for jokes.
- Phainon: If (Trailblazer) has no objections... Aglaea, the three of us will take on the mission to hunt down the Titan.
- Aglaea: Mydeimos, Castrum Kremnos was your home. Your people were once Nikador's followers, yet you've chosen to turn to Okhema and dedicate yourself to the prophecy.
- Kephale's body to make this mission of the Chrysos Heirs your foremost duty? Aglaea: Do you swear upon
- Mydei: When Nikador succumbed to madness, they stopped being a god to my people.
- Mydei: I will use my wrath as a human to strip that god of their authority. As for the Coreflame and that soon-to-be-vacant divine throne...
- Mydei: If that is the object you desire, you can have it. I have no interest in becoming a replacement god.
- Phainon: Hah! How generous, but I'm not the type to accept charity, so I'll definitely be the one who deals the final blow through Nikador's heart.
- Aglaea: The party that will embark on the expedition to Castrum Kremnos is decided: Phainon from Aedes Elysiae, Mydei from Castrum Kremnos, and... (Trailblazer) from the outlands.
- Mnestia's divine authority — hereby bless your journey ahead. Aglaea: I — Aglaea from Okhema, Chrysos Heir and the demigod who bears
- Aglaea: Trianne will open the gate that will lead you to Castrum Kremnos. May the golden thread guide you on your journey and bring you safely home.
Speak with Trianne and get ready to go to Castrum Kremnos[]
- (Talk to Aglaea, optional)
- Aglaea: It is by the will of the gods that you stood on Okhema's side in the end.
I thought you didn't trust me.
No thanks to you.
- Aglaea: You are Phainon and Mydei's companion. So long as they're willing to entrust you with their lives, my trust in you doesn't matter.
- Aglaea: Go. Stand with the two Chrysos Heirs. Okhema has need of a true god of war. It's time for the mad god Nikador's reign to end.
- (Talk to Castorice, optional)
- Castorice: Please, come back victorious.
- Castorice: I'll pray for you. May your steps be ever quicker than death's relentless pursuit.
- (Talk to Dan Heng, optional)
- Dan Heng: I plan to stay here for a while and learn more about Amphoreus from Lady Tribbie. You'll handle the action, and I'll deal with the research. We each have a role to play.
Shall we have a goodbye hug?
- Dan Heng: ...
- Dan Heng refuses your proposal with silence.
- (Talk to Trianne)
- Trianne: Blow, wind, blow~! All the way to Castrum Kremnos!
- Trianne: Woohoo! Snowy, De, let's fly together! All the way across!
- Phainon: We don't have wings on our backs, Trianne. Can you open a gate for us?
- Trianne: Oh... A gate. How boring. Alright, let's open a gate! Century Gate! Woo!!
Why does she act like a child?
Oh, it's not an actual gate?
- Phainon: Hahaha, were you expecting actual city gates?
- Phainon: It's true Trianne is very playful, but she's the best gatekeeper in Amphoreus. Her Century Gate never fails.
There's a chance of failure?
...Is there another way to travel?
- Mydei: Instead of worrying about gates, why don't you take the time to think about how the three of us are supposed to fend off an entire army.
- Phainon: That's not like you at all, Mydei. Don't tell me you're scared?
- Trianne: Alright! Century Gate... is opening... soon! Right now!
- Trianne: Snowy, De, and newbie Little Gray, are you all ready?
Let's go slay a god!
- Trianne: Slay, slay!
- Dan Heng: (Trailblazer), take this with you.
- Dan Heng gives March 7th's camera to you...
- Dan Heng: Record the sights you see on your adventure for March.
Wait for my triumphant return!
I'll capture all the decisive moments!
- Dan Heng: Keep yourself safe, and work within your capabilities.
- Trianne: Ahem! Stand still and listen up!
- Trianne: We — Tribbie, Trianne, and Trinnon from Janusopolis, messengers of the Chrysos Heirs and the demigods who bear Janus's divine authority — give unto you our blessings!
- Trianne: May fate show you benevolence and seal away all paths that lead to dead ends...
- Trianne: And throw open all gates that lead to victory!
I still need a moment to mentally prepare...
- Trianne: Get ready! Get ready! I don't wanna wait! Slowpoke!
- Phainon: I'm sorry, Trianne. This is a matter of grave importance, so please bear with us.
- (Mission complete)
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Night Stars, Accompany My Slumber |
Chinese (Simplified) | 晚星啊,莫让我长夜独卧 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 晚星啊,莫讓我長夜獨臥 |
Japanese | 最後の星よ、孤独にすることなかれ |
Korean | 저녁별이여, 긴 밤을 홀로 남겨두지 말아다오 |
Spanish | Estrellas de la noche, acompáñenme en mi sueño |
French | Nuit étoilée, joins-toi à mon sommeil |
Russian | О ночные звёзды, не оставьте меня во время долгой ночи |
Thai | ดาวราตรีเอ๋ย โปรดอยู่เคียงข้าในคืนยาวไกล |
Vietnamese | Hỡi Sao Đêm, Đừng Để Tôi Ngủ Một Mình Trong Đêm Dài |
German | Sterne der Nacht, begleitet meinen Schlummer |
Indonesian | Bintang Malam, Temani Tidurku |
Portuguese | Estrelas Noturnas, Acompanhem o meu Sonhar |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.0