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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

New Londinium is a mentioned planet in Honkai: Star Rail.


New Londinium is the Interastral Peace Corporation's industrial planet. A place that produces heavy pollution constantly. The air was described to have used to smell of suffocating smoke, stinking like Baviru cheese that had been sitting in the cupboard for six months. It was impossible to get around without an air purifier mask made by the IPC in the filthy environment.[1] Advertisements, news and announcements are projected in the sky. There is a saying, "Even the poorest worker in east New Londinium can't help but feel proud of the wealth we jointly own with the IPC!"[2]


A Baviru IPC employee who was recently promoted to P30 from the Traditional Project Department in New Londinium once accidentally crashed their flying motorcycle after looking up briefly at the news projected in the sky to find out the latest happenings in the bustling city and saw face of the co-prime minister.[2]

When Colleen was there the first time, she was inexperienced and couldn't breathe when she got off the ship. Luckily, a passerby managed to bring her to a physician in time. All the physicians on that planet wore face-covering beak masks. Initially, she thought they had deliberately dressed themselves to look stylish and were silently mocking them.

It was until they put the same mask on her that she realized she could breathe freely again. Just then, Colleen saw a projection of the company's advertisement appearing in the sky. In it was a man dressed in a suit, and he spoke in a tone that fit his appearance, "Citizens of New Londinium, all of you have been performing well for the past year. IPC's efficiency has also improved tremendously, a big step forward for environmental protection."

Those words were so ridiculous to her that Colleen burst out laughing, and the people around looked at her dubiously. She hurried and explained to them that this was the oldest joke in the history of mankind — no matter where you're heading, you're walking forward.

Later, when she left New Londinium, Colleen realized the beak-looking air purifying mask was a limited edition and wasn't sold on other planets. No matter how hard she tried, she could only get cheap alternatives.[1]

Boothill was accused of burning down a warehouse in New Londinium. All the newly purchased pollution control equipment were gone and the Chemical Products Factory had to redo their accounting, though they managed to snake through that year's environmental inspection.[3]

Known Characters[]

  • Daniel — Factory Manager of the Chemical Products Factory



  • Londinium, also known as Roman London, was the capital of Roman Britain during most of the period of Roman rule.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishNew Londinium
SpanishNuevo Londinium
FrenchNew Londinium
RussianНовый Лондиний
ThaiNew Londinium
VietnameseNew Londinium
GermanNeu Londinium
IndonesianNew Londinium
PortugueseNova Londinium

Change History[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 NPC: Colleen dialogue
  2. 2.0 2.1 Memory Bubble: The Road Home
  3. Event: [[All About Boothill...]

