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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

New Friends Bring New Joy is the sixth part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter Windswept Wanderlust.


  1. Head to the Exalting Sanctum Plaza whenever you are ready.
  2. Using the photo you received on your phone to find the waiting messenger
  3. Head to the Divination Commission


Head to the Exalting Sanctum Plaza whenever you are ready.[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Mission Description

Fu Xuan took Kafka to the Divination Commission but asked you to wait. The Xianzhou Luofu is in troubled times, and everyone feels trapped in place.
You take this chance to stroll around the area and wait for the Divination Commission's messenger to arrive.
(Approach middle of plaza)
(Open phone to message from ???)
NPC ??? Icon
Greetings, Master Diviner asked me to wait for you.
It's about time.
Can't go. Busy right now.
Message Qingque New Friends Bring New Joy

March 7th: What does that mean? It's just a picture. Are we supposed to meet someone there?
March 7th: It's like one of those messages a kidnapper sends in a horror movie...
Welt: That's enough of that. Come on, let's go.

Using the photo you received on your phone to find the waiting messenger[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Fu Xuan took Kafka to the Divination Commission but asked you to wait. The Xianzhou Luofu is in troubled times, and everyone feels trapped in place.
The Divination Commission's messenger is late. Perhaps she, too, is hindered by troublesome business. Maybe it's best to actively go and find her.
(Approach the area shown in the photo)
Player in the South Seat: Hurry up, Qingque! We'll be fossils by the time you're finished.
Player in the West Seat: I heard there was a disaster in the Divination Commission's delve? I'm surprised you're in the mood to play right now, Qingque.
Qingque: Even if the sky was gonna collapse on the Divination Commission, the master diviner would be there to hold it up. What she lacks in height, she more than makes up for in stamina.
Qingque: Anyway, I didn't come here just to play — she ordered me to wait here for our guests. Time is precious! I'm simply multitasking.
March 7th: It's the place in the photo alright. Is this... a games parlor!? What kind of problem can they possibly be facing?
Qingque: Ha! Isn't this hand a problem? I have the worst luck...
Qingque: Hi there! I can tell just by looking at you that you're the Divination Commission's guests.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Did you bring us here just for this?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you even know how long we've been waiting!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You don't want the master diviner to know you've been slacking off, do you?
Qingque: I know, I know, I'm sorry — I was going to wait for you by the statue, but— Ah— Triplet!
Qingque: ...but folks from the Realm-Keeping Commission descended on the area. It's too loud over there now... Pass! Pass!
Qingque: ...So I thought to myself, wouldn't it be better to meet somewhere quieter? FOUR OF A KIND!
Qingque: ...And wouldn't that be more fun, too? Better to show you the real Exalting Sanctum and introduce you to a true Xianzhou pastime: Celestial jade. Aha...
Qingque: Victory!
Qingque: *sigh* Now that my wish has been fulfilled, there's nothing holding us back. Follow me, honored guests.
(Unlock Achievement A Professional Onlooker)

Head to the Divination Commission[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You finally meet up with Qingque, the messenger from the Divination Commission. She is indeed "trapped in place" as she ponders how to play her tiles in hand. You can't help but think the master diviner has interesting tastes in hiring staff.
Qingque's luck in the game drastically improves as soon as you arrive, and she happily starts to fulfill her duty as your guide.
(After the previous dialogue)
Qingque: I must apologize for your long wait, honored guests.
Welt: It wasn't too long. Seeing your enthusiasm for this "celestial jade" game has stoked my curiosity.
Qingque: Haha, I'm glad to hear it — you clearly have excellent taste! If you're interested I can show you how to play — it's great fun.
Welt: Sure!
March 7th: Mr. Yang! Is this really the best time?

(When passing by Synwood Pavilion)
March 7th: (Trailblazer), look! Is that a...?
Tingyun: It's an ancient tree — we call it the Ambrosial Arbor. It was once the Xianzhou Luofu's prized treasure.
Qingque: I didn't know the Sky-Faring Commission were history buffs! Not bad, younger generations usually don't know much about it. It's said that the Ambrosial Arbor is an ancient remnant from when the Xianzhou roamed the ether.
Qingque: From a distance it looks like half a tree stump, but according to Records of the Early Nation, in its prime, "it wound into the heavens, and from it celestial bodies hung!"
March 7th: Meaning...?
Welt: It means the tree was as tall as the sky and stars hung from its branches.
March 7th: So how big was it? Bigger than the Express? Bigger than Herta space station? No, that can't be right.
March 7th: "Stars hung from its branches..." Then how did it fit in the Xianzhou!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Technically, any tree in the spaceship fits this description.
Qingque: Those are metaphors! You shouldn't take poetry so literally.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It sounds like an unimaginably magnificent tree.
Qingque: Exactly, let's just say it was bigger than your imagination.
Qingque: Anyway, it's just a legend. I see this view every day on my way to work — I'm kinda bored of it.
Qingque: Let's go.

(Upon entering the dock)
Qingque: We're almost there everyone, stay close.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishNew Friends Bring New Joy
Korean새로운 친구, 새로운 기쁨
SpanishNuevas amistades traen nuevas alegrías
FrenchDe nouveaux amis pour plus de bonheur
RussianНовые друзья - новые радости
Thaiเพื่อนใหม่สุขี เปรมปรีดิ์สุขใจ
VietnameseNgười Bạn Mới, Làn Gió Mới
GermanNeue Freunde bringen neue Freuden
IndonesianTeman Baru, Kebahagiaan Baru
PortugueseNovos Amigos, Novas Alegrias

Change History[]

