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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Gallagher Sticker 01
"Careful, don't get too lost in those sweet dreams."
The following information presented may not be definitive and is subject to change. Sources cited may be written ambiguously, in a highly interpretive manor, or have canonically been affected by in-game factions in order to mask the truth. This page or section should not be taken as complete fact and should be held under more scrutiny than other similar pages. We encourage all users to please check sources and engage in healthy discussion on the topic.

The Aeon that presides over the Path of Enigmata. THEIR form remains unknown.
THEY believe that things-in-themselves are beyond perception, and that finite entities are incapable of envisioning true infinity, and therefore everything is an enigma.

Loading Screen: Mythus

Mythus is an Aeon in Honkai: Star Rail representing the path of Enigmata.


"To stop questioning is to ask pouring rain to relinquish its faith in the glittering stars. Open yourself to the roaring river of metaphors, and you will find truth awaits, hiding at the end of the night sky, in the swirling rosy storm of a bygone age."
Sharon Leighton, Galactic Laureate Poet (Self-Proclaimed)

It is a fallacy that all things can be experienced and recognized. The living seek to produce prophecies of the unknown based on their limited grasp of order, but little do they know that the universe has no end and that the truth is but a fevered dream.

To prevent the certainty that Erudition brought about from destroying the possibilities championed by Mythus, Mythus conjured the Fog of Thought and the Rain of Sensation to reveal to the mortals the inexplicable truth through the four agents: Morph, Screen, Riddle, and Mirage.


Mythus strives to challenge the certainty of Nous the Erudition regardless of the consequences.[1] THEY conjured the Fog of Thought and the Rain of Sensation to reveal to the mortals the inexplicable truth through the four agents: Morph, Screen, Riddle, and Mirage.[2]


Mythus resembles a broken and torn jellyfish, akin to a deliberately destroyed version of the cognitive center of the human brain.[1] THEY have a humanoid body surrounded by a staircase.



Mythus's origins are predictably unknown but according to Herta, the Path Enigmata was born from the Remembrance.[1] It's possible that Herta was being more literal then she thought, as during the era of Astral Express Navigator Sam-3000, the Nameless claimed to have seen Mythus manifesting in the reflection of the Eden of Blessed Insight.[3] However, this may just be Mythus appearing and not a recount of THEIR birth. In Simulated Universe: Gold and Gears, when the Trailblazer attempts to investigate the Eden of Blessed Insight, realm of Fuli, Mythus appears and pulls them away.[4]

Gold and Gears[]

In Louis Fleming's retirement speech, Mythus left a riddle with no question, but the answers are "blood" and "flower."[5] This prediction is about the subsequent murder of Rubert I in the hands of Polka Kakamond.

During the Borderstar Trade War, Mythus slightly shifted De Wayne's usual position of Broadened Cognition.[6] After the Borderstar Trade War was over, De Wayne lost his mind for some reasons unknown.[7] It is unknown if this is related to Mythus.

During the First Mechanical Emperor's War, Mythus attempted to challenge the certainty of unchangeable moments calculated by Nous. When a group of Armed Archaeologists entered the Machine Empire to steal the Anti-Organic Equation, Mythus was present possibly to hinder their action, but these organic beings still accidentally sparked the Anti-Organic Equation and awakened Rubert I.[8][9] Mythus intended but failed to shatter the concept of moments when Polka Kakamond was about to kill Rubert I.[10]

Memoria Leak[]

At some point in the past, Mythus caused numerous breaches on the border between realspace and the Memory Zone.[11] Enigmatic forces turn some Memory Bubbles into Dream Bubbles.[12] It is suggested that THEY were responsible for the memoria leak in the Asdana system.

Simulated Universe[]

When Mythus appears in the Simulated Universe, the following sound will play:

Dev Log1[]

Related Entry — The Enigmata

...Mythus, undoubtedly the most mysterious among all the Aeons! This one is as destructive to the Simulated Universe as the simulated Aha. In the rare handful of authenticated accounts, Mythus' form is described as a broken and torn "jellyfish," akin to a deliberately destroyed version of... the "cognitive" center of the human brain. THEIR appearance is always accompanied by a fog of thoughts and rain of sensation. Symbolic objects dissolve like paint within THEIR shadow. History, knowledge, and language are soaked, drenched, and distorted in the deluge — Mythus wants to challenge the certainty of the Erudition regardless of the consequences — Is it truly worth it? To erase the past and distort the present all for the pursuit of an... uncertain future? Perhaps I can only hope to uncover more information about Mythus by digging into Remembrance, the birthplace of Enigmata. Alternatively, I can try Finality...

Follower Factions[]

Character Mentions[]





Simulated Universe Secrets





  • Mythus refers to Mythos, a worldview-based traditional story or body of mythology.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

Version 2.1

  • Numerous mentions of Mythus in the game had the pronouns updated to an all uppercase THEY/THEM.

Version 1.0

  • Mythus was introduced.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Simulated Universe, Aeons: Mythus Dev Log1
  2. Data Bank, Aeons: Mythus the Enigmata
  3. Event Cosmodyssey, Report: Herald of the Sea of Stars
  4. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Anti-Organic War (I)
  5. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Supreme Inorganic: God's Three Revelations (I)
  6. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Supreme Inorganic: Universe's Throne (I)
  7. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Broadened Cognition: Mental Spices (II)
  8. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Judged as Inorganic: Liquid Gold (I)
  9. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Anti-Organic War (II)
  10. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Emperor Rubert (II)
  11. Loading Screen: Memory Zone
  12. Loading Screen: Dream Bubble

