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▶My name is Moze. I am Feixiao's shadow guard. Please stand closer to this side so that you can block other people's view of me.
▶How have you been? Please, no need to shake hands. My hand must remain on my weapon at all times.
▶Goodbyes are unnecessary. I often brush past you on the street anyway.
About Self: Work
About Self: Work
▶Feixiao's job is to charge at enemy lines. Jiaoqiu's job is to plot and scheme. My job is to... clean up "messes."
About Self: Disciples of Sanctus Medicus
About Self: Disciples of Sanctus Medicus
▶I was raised by the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. Never-ending "treatments," unreasonable "family rules," and temperamental "family members"... I used to think all these things were a part of normal life.
About Self: Mysophobia
About Self: Mysophobia
▶If you want to get rid of the messes in this world, you must first get your hands dirty. That's why I wash my hands over and over again.
About Self: Silence
About Self: Silence
▶Some people are silent because they have no desires. Some are silent because they have no thoughts. I am silent only because I do not wish to speak.
About Self: Crow-Feather Weirdo
About Self: Crow-Feather Weirdo
▶The nickname "Crow-Feather Weirdo" does not refer to my appearance. It refers to when I sent three scoundrels to the Merciful Medicus with just a crow-feather quill. Don't ask me why I used a quill — it just happened to be on the table.
Chat: Duty
Chat: Duty
▶Hate evil as one hates an enemy? No, no, would a sewer cleaner hate the filth the city discharges?
Chat: Urban Legends
Chat: Urban Legends
▶The people of the Yaoqing like to talk about me, but when some people actually see me, they curl up in a ball and scream.
▶Bathing and cleaning up. Getting rid of filth is a great feeling.
▶Being a shadow means that automatic doors often don't detect you. Whatever, I don't usually use the main entrance anyway.
Something to Share
Something to Share
▶Did you know? The groove on a blade is not for channeling blood. It's for making the blade lighter. It's called a "fuller"... If you didn't know already, now you know.
▶Feixiao is a personal "enemy" who took the lives of my "family members," but she is also a personal savior who gave me a new life.
About Feixiao 2
About Feixiao 2
▶Feixiao allows me to try to "assassinate" her at any time. She uses me as a dagger with which to sharpen her senses. This is how she shows her trust in me, but to this day, I have not won a single time.
▶I ran into her in the barracks a few years ago, but she didn't recognize me. I was an advisor to Feixiao at that time and often had to go to Jiaoqiu's home. How could she have not seen me?