Borisin can further enhance their bodies through their innate "Moon Rage."
The battle-frenzied warriors exhibit incredible healing abilities, shedding the blood of their enemies in a sanguine mist together with the unbridled growth of their muscles and bones.
"O, Brood Lord, grant us divine strength."
The battle-frenzied warriors exhibit incredible healing abilities, shedding the blood of their enemies in a sanguine mist together with the unbridled growth of their muscles and bones.
"O, Brood Lord, grant us divine strength."
Moon Rage Fang is a 4-star Trace Material and Light Cone Ascension Material.
Sold By[]
No shop sells Moon Rage Fang.
Ascension Usage[]
No Characters use Moon Rage Fang for ascension.
5 Light Cones use Moon Rage Fang for ascension:
Trace Usage[]
3 Characters use Moon Rage Fang for their Traces:
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Moon Rage Fang |
Chinese (Simplified) | 月狂獠牙 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 月狂獠牙 |
Japanese | 月狂いの凶牙 |
Korean | 달의 광기 이빨 |
Spanish | Colmillo de la locura lunar |
French | Crocs de la Folie lunaire |
Russian | Клыки лунного озверения |
Thai | Moon Rage Fang |
Vietnamese | Răng Nanh Trăng Cuồng |
German | Reißzähne des Mondwahnsinns |
Indonesian | Moon Rage Fang |
Portuguese | Canino de Loucura da Lua |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0
- Renamed to Moon Rage Fang.
- Lore text changed.
- Old: Borisins can further enhance their bodies through their innate "Moon Madness."
- New: Borisin can further enhance their bodies through their innate "Moon Rage."
- Moon Madness Fang was released.