Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Borisin can further enhance their bodies through their innate "Moon Rage."
The battle-frenzied warriors exhibit incredible healing abilities, shedding the blood of their enemies in a sanguine mist together with the unbridled growth of their muscles and bones.

"O, Brood Lord, grant us divine strength."

Moon Rage Fang is a 4-star Trace Material and Light Cone Ascension Material.

Sold By[]

No shop sells Moon Rage Fang.

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Moon Rage Fang for ascension.

5 Light Cones use Moon Rage Fang for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

3 Characters use Moon Rage Fang for their Traces:

FireFirefly Firefly
IceMisha Misha
PhysicalYunli Yunli

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMoon Rage Fang
Korean달의 광기 이빨
SpanishColmillo de la locura lunar
FrenchCrocs de la Folie lunaire
RussianКлыки лунного озверения
ThaiMoon Rage Fang
VietnameseRăng Nanh Trăng Cuồng
GermanReißzähne des Mondwahnsinns
IndonesianMoon Rage Fang
PortugueseCanino de Loucura da Lua

Change History[]

Version 2.3

  • Renamed to Moon Rage Fang.
  • Lore text changed.
    • Old: Borisins can further enhance their bodies through their innate "Moon Madness."
    • New: Borisin can further enhance their bodies through their innate "Moon Rage."

Version 2.0

  • Moon Madness Fang was released.

