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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Module β: Autoreactive Armor is one of Firefly's Bonus Abilities.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishModule β: Autoreactive Armor
Koreanβ모듈-자기 제어 기갑
SpanishMódulo β: Armadura autorreactiva
FrenchArmure auto-réactive du module β
RussianМодуль β: Моментальная броня
ThaiModule β: Autoreactive Armor
VietnameseMô Đun β: Chiến Giáp Tự Phản Ứng
GermanModul β: Autoreaktive Rüstung
IndonesianModule β: Autoreactive Armor
PortugueseMódulo β: Armadura Auto-Reativa

Change History[]

Version 2.7

  • Updated description.
    • Old: When SAM is in Complete Combustion with a Break Effect that is equal to or greater than 200%/360%, attacking a Weakness-Broken enemy target will convert the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 35%/50% Super Break DMG.
    • New: When SAM is in Complete Combustion with a Break Effect that is equal to or greater than 200%/360%, attacking a Weakness-Broken enemy target will convert the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 35%/50% Super Break DMG.

Version 2.3

  • Module β: Autoreactive Armor was released.

