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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The champion fighter of the Underworld, Luka, has returned to Boulder Town and is preparing for a trial...

Mo Cuishle is the first and only mission in Luka's Companion Mission chain. It is part of the Age of Awakening chapter that takes place on Jarilo-VI.


After reaching Trailblaze Level 24 and completing the Trailblaze Mission Silent Galaxy in the Chapter In the Sweltering Morning Sun, interact with Oleg and Seele.


  1. Listen in on Oleg and Seele's conversation
  2. Head to the Fight Club to watch Luka defend his title
  3. Talk to Luka and start his "trial"
    1. Speak with Cassidy the mechanic
    2. Find Cassidy's robot friends
    3. Fix Cassidy's robot friend, Little Fay
    4. Follow Little Fay to find Big Ben's whereabouts
    5. Interact with Big Ben
    6. Follow Big Ben and report to Cassidy
    7. Remove the enemies from the Fragmentum
    8. Defeat the formidable foe from the Fragmentum
    9. Find Svarog as per Luka's wishes
    10. Challenge Svarog and complete the "trial"
  4. Talk to Oleg and ask about Luka
  5. Find Seele and follow Luka with her
    1. Follow Luka — Don't get discovered!
    2. Keep following Luka — Don't get discovered!
    3. Investigate the item Luka left behind

Gameplay Notes[]

  • This mission requires the use of Luka, and provides him for use as a Trial character.

Trial Character[]

ELELCharacter &
Light Cone
Skills & RelicsAttributes
PhysicalLuka E0 Lv. 77 Luka
NihilityEyes of the PreyIII Lv. 77 Eyes of the Prey
  • Basic ATK Lv. 5
  • Skill Lv. 8
  • Ultimate Lv. 8
  • Talent Lv. 8
Icon HP Max HP: 1831 +916
Icon ATK ATK: 1036 +1557
Icon DEF DEF: 799 +278
Icon SPD SPD: 103 +31
Icon CRIT Rate Crit Rate: 18.5%
Icon CRIT DMG Crit DMG: 77.0%
Icon Break Effect Break Effect: 27.0%
Icon Outgoing Healing Boost Outgoing Healing Boost: 0.0%
Icon Energy Max Energy: 130
Icon Energy Regeneration Rate Energy Regeneration Rate: 100.0%
Icon Effect Hit Rate Effect Hit Rate: 28.0%
Icon Effect RES Effect RES: 18.0%
Type Physical DMG Bonus: 42.3%
Relic Level 12
Space Sealing Station Space Sealing Station (2-Piece)
Champion of Streetwise Boxing Champion of Streetwise Boxing (4-Piece)


Listen in on Oleg and Seele's conversation[]

UI Companion Mission Mission Description

Belobog's reconstruction is progressing steadily, and the situation in the Underworld is gradually stabilizing. People are beginning to regain the lost joys of life. Oleg and Seele seem to be discussing something here when a great hero who saved the world happens to pass by...
(Approach the marked area)
Oleg: Aren't you going to go watch the fight, Seele? He's defending his championship title.
Seele: ...Nah. I'll pass. It's not like anyone else has a chance with him around.
Oleg: Hahaha, you're right about that! I get it if you don't wanna join in the fun. It's all the same after a while.
Oleg: Ahh, what a rare moment of rest... Maybe I should find a spot to stretch my legs a bit, too.
(Trailblazer): (Seele and Oleg... I wonder what they're talking about?)
(Trailblazer): (I'll go ask them.)

Oleg: Hey, isn't that the trailblazer? It's been a while since I've seen you around. How you doing?
Seele: Hey! How have your travels been? Thanks to you, things are pretty peaceful around here. The chief and I are getting restless!
Oleg: Hahaha, silly girl! Just a few days of hard-earned rest, and you're already making it sound like jail time!
Icon Dialogue Arrow What were you two chatting about?
(Proceed to main dialogue)
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm kinda missing Boulder Town's homey feeling.
Seele: ...Homey? Sheesh, you must've gone through a lot since leaving here...
Oleg: Sounds like our rustic and friendly community left a good impression on the visitors, hahaha.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What were you two chatting about?
Oleg: Oh, you heard us?
Oleg: We were talking about my student, Luka.
(If the player interacted with Luka before)
Oleg: You've probably met him before, right? Yep, it's that boy with the mechanical arm. He was also doing work for Wildfire before, just not in this town.
(If the player did not interact with Luka before)
Oleg: Oh, you probably haven't met him yet. In short, he's a top-tier fighter in the Underworld. He was also doing work for Wildfire before, just not in this town.
Oleg: Oh, right — (he/she) hasn't seen Luka defend his championship title before, right? Seele, why don't you take our hero and swing by the Fight Club to show him [sic] the match?
Seele: Uh...
Oleg: What? You don't want to?
Seele: ...No, it's just... I'm worried Luka might do something stupid again.
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Again?
(Proceed to main dialogue)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Come on! Take me! I wanna go! Pleaaase~
Seele: Ugh... How old are you again?
Oleg: Oh, I remember now... Luka was defending his title once, and Seele was watching in the audience.
Oleg: The opponent for that fight was too weak. They went down with just a few punches. I don't know what got into Luka after that, but he said out loud that he wanted Seele to come up and fight him right there and then...
Seele: ...Why don't we stop there, chief. I'd rather not relive the moment.
Oleg: Hahaha, okay, I'll stop. Anyway, that's what Luka's like. He forgets about himself once he's in the mood.
Oleg: ...But I trust Luka not to make the same mistake again. So back to the original suggestion — are you good to take (Trailblazer) to the Fight Club, Seele?
Seele: ...Fine. I'll take you there.
Oleg: That's more like it. The more friends the merrier! I hope you can get along with my favorite student.
(Accepted Mission Mo Cuishle)

Head to the Fight Club to watch Luka defend his title[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

You meet Oleg and Seele in the Underworld, who are your old Belobogian friends.
Oleg hopes you can go and support the match being fought by his student Luka, who is Boulder Town's fight club champion.
If you don't have anything urgent at the moment, it wouldn't be bad to go and enjoy the show.
(While moving)
Seele: Why does Luka always come sneaking back into town like this?
Seele: I haven't seen him for a while... I hope he's grown up a bit since then.
(Optional, talk to Oleg)
Oleg: Huh? Hurry and run to the Club now. Otherwise, the fight'll be over when you get there.
Oleg: Luka's opponents usually don't last long, hahaha. Go!
(Enter the Fight Club)
Fighter: That's it... I give up...
Luka: ...Hmph.
Dr. Dig: Friends of the Under— I mean — friends of Belobog! The champion of the 1761st Fighting King Challenge, 30 tournaments, 28 victories, the Boulder King of Fists... Luuuuuuuukaaaaaaaa!
Seele: ...Looks like it's over already.
Luka: ...Hehe.
(Luka approaches Seele and the Trailblazer)
(If the player interacted with Luka before)
Seele: Another title defended — congrats, Luka.
Luka: Thanks, Seele! And who might... Oh, it's (Trailblazer)! I remember you.
(If the player did not interact with Luka before)
Luka: Hey! Seele! And, um, you are...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Trailblazer). Pleasure to meet you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Look at Seele)
Seele: ...Oh, I forgot to introduce (him/her). This is the trailblazer. You must have heard of (him/her) before.
Luka: ...So this is the trailblazer who helped reunite the Overworld with the Underworld? It's truly a pleasure to meet you!
Luka: Were you here just to see my fight? Well, I'm flattered.
Luka: I just won a little fight in the cage — what you did was much bigger than that. We...
Passionate Spectators: Luka — Luka — Luka —
Seele: ...The crowd never gets tired, do they?
Luka: Do you wanna head outside? It's a bit loud for talking in here.
(Luka turns to the crowd)
Luka: See you next time, everyone...
Luka: ...there are sparks yet to fly!

Luka: Finally, I think we lost them... Let's chat here!
Seele: You're popular as ever, "champion."
Luka: ...Are you still angry at me over that one time, Seele? I just got a bit carried away...
Icon Dialogue Arrow So, you two had a fight?
Seele: Of course not. Two senior members of Wildfire duking it out in the Fight Club? That would be bad form.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What are you two talking about...?
Seele: Nothing. Just that thing Chief Oleg mentioned before.
Seele: It's not like we actually fought. Two senior members of Wildfire duking it out in the Fight Club? That would be bad form.
Luka: The mood was on fire that day, but the final match was over in just a few swings — everyone wanted more. So, in the heat of the moment, I just... Come on — don't hold that against me, Seele.
Luka: I've always been impressed by you — I've wanted to spar with you for ages.
Seele: ...I don't fight for fun. Stop getting your hopes up.
Seele: Anyway, now that you've dragged us out here, what did you wanna talk about?
Luka: Ah, yes! So, I'm trying to get a plan going...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Plan?
Luka: Yes — more accurately, my personal training plan.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Anything to do with me?
Luka: Hm? Not really. It's my personal training plan.
Luka: I want you to join me in witnessing the next steps in the development of Luka, the Boulder Town fighting champion!
Seele: ...
Seele: Whoa, whoa, hold your horses. Chief Oleg wanted us to come and cheer for you, he didn't say anything about becoming your sparring partners.
Seele: We haven't got the time…
Luka: Hahaha, you can't hide anything on that face of yours. Oleg already told me that things in the Underworld are pretty peaceful now, and even Wildfire is running out of things to do.
Luka: Besides, look at (Trailblazer)! You want in, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You got me...
Luka: I knew it!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I do have plenty of time...
Luka: I knew it!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Protagonist, at your service...
Seele: ...That might be the weirdest thing you've ever said.
Luka: So that's a yes, right? I knew it!
Seele: *sigh* There's no stopping you once you've made up your mind. Fine. Since (Trailblazer) agreed, count me in too.
Luka: Great! That's settled then! The training is on Svarog's turf. I heard about your achievements — you probably know that place like the back of your hand, right?
Luka: Just lemme know when you're ready and we can head over together!

Talk to Luka and start his "trial"[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

It's still a new experience for you to watch Luka defend his title. However, it is just another ordinary day for Luka.
Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
As someone who doesn't know how to say no, of course you agree to his request.
(Optional, talk to Seele)
Seele: I have a bad feeling about this... Luka always does things on the spur of the moment.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He does seem very excited...
Seele: ...Maybe he's on a victory high? Or maybe not. Either way, it's classic Luka.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He does seem very passionate...
Seele: ...Too passionate. Either way, it's classic Luka — I’m used to it by now.
Seele: Still, when it comes to fighting on the front lines, you can put your life in his hands. There's a dozen of us in Wildfire who are still in his debt... not to mention ordinary Underworlders.
Seele: ...That's a story for another day. I have no idea what he's up to this time, we'll just have to wait and see.
(Talk to Luka)
Luka: How about it, (Trailblazer)? Are you ready to head out for the special training?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let’s go.
Luka: That was fast! Let's do it!
Luka: Keep up, Seele! Don't fall behind!
Seele: ...I don't need you to remind me. Let's go.
Icon Dialogue Exit I might need some more prep time...

(Enter instance Luka's "Trial")[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka, who had just successfully defended his title, wants you and Seele to witness his "trial" on a whim... Unable to refuse his insistent requests, you two decide to go with him.
May Encounter

Seele: This is Svarog's turf. Where to now?
Luka: Don't worry, just follow me. We need to find a mechanic called Cassidy first — I've hit him up before. This way!

Speak with Cassidy the mechanic[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The first goal of the trial is to... help with chores. Chat with Cassidy the mechanic and see how you lot can help him out of this crisis.
(Approach Cassidy)
Cassidy: Luka! You're finally here. I've been waiting for you for ages...
Luka: Relax, bro! I'm a man of my word. No need to stress out.
Cassidy: And these two are... Oh, Miss Seele!? To think that two senior Wildfire members are concerned with my trivial problems...
Luka: They just came along to help. Don't mind them! Just tell us exactly what happened.
Seele: Came along to help, huh...
Cassidy: O—Okay... this may sound strange but — I'm an amateur mechanic. I like collecting scrap in my free time, doing odd jobs like putting robots together... that sort of thing.
Cassidy: But a few days ago, two of my robots suddenly disappeared! They were my pride and joy. I usually leave them in the tent when I head out — everyone in the settlement knows each other. This has never happened before...
Cassidy: Someone must have set their sights on my robots and stolen them while I was gone — I just don't know how they managed it. Did they change the programming? But that's not possible...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Maybe they just went out for a walk together.
Cassidy: H—Hey, stop kidding around! Can't you tell I have a serious problem on my hands...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why isn’t that possible?
Cassidy: *sigh* It's not impossible, I just don't think there's anyone in the settlement capable of something like that.
Luka: I see, two robots... Do you have any clues? Any reasonable guesses? We need to have an opening to start the investigation.
Cassidy: Not really... but here's the most mysterious part of all this:
Cassidy: One of the machines they stole was a drone — I call it Little Fay. Little Fay has an alarm that buzzes non-stop as soon as any unauthorized people get close. It's guaranteed to wake up the entire settlement.
Cassidy: But I didn't hear Little Fay's alarm at all... I still can't figure out how that happened.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Maybe it stopped working?
Cassidy: No way! Little Fay was shipshape - not a hitch nor glitch in sight.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Maybe there’s a true robotics master in the settlement.
Cassidy: T—Trust me! I know the people here — it's extremely unlikely.
Luka: Hmm, a drone that was supposed to sound an alarm suddenly went silent... Worth remembering. Anything else?
Cassidy: Let me think... Oh, there is one other thing, but I don't know if it's useful...
Cassidy: Little Fay also has a tracker. If it gets too far from Big Ben — oh, Big Ben is the name of the other robot — if there's too much distance between them, Little Fay will automatically start routing and fly to Big Ben's location.
Cassidy: ...That's all I suppose. I tried to find clues myself, but I don't know where to start. This job needs real professionals...
Luka: Mm-hmm... Cool, we've got this! Don't worry, bro. We promise we'll find your robots!
Seele: ...Hey, how can you be so sure?
Luka: Trust me, Seele!
Luka: Don't worry, Cassidy — Wildfire's on the case. You just rest up here, and don't let this ruin your day!

Seele: What was that all about? You’re 100% certain we’re going to find those robots for him?
Luka: Slow down, Seele! Listen to my analysis first.
Luka: It's a big job to steal two robots without anyone noticing, especially when one of them has an alarm. I'm guessing that our thief friend never even took Little Fay.
Seele: You mean...
Luka: I think the thief knew that Little Fay had an alarm, so they decided to break it.
Luka: But they also knew that Cassidy could fix Little Fay, and use its tracker function to find Big Ben... The thief must have tossed the broken drone somewhere and only made off with Big Ben.
Luka: ...Hey, why are you both looking at me like that? Say something.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Whoa, hold up! That sounds sus. You didn’t do it, did you?
Luka: Hahaha, so you agree with my reasoning, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow It does make sense...
Luka: Seriously? You've gotta tell me if there are holes in my logic.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What do you think, Seele?
Seele: I think... Luka's analysis makes sense, provided there was only one thief.
Seele: So, you do have a brain somewhere in all that muscle.
Luka: Hahaha, I'm not just biceps and steel, y'know. Well, if you all agree with what I said, let's go prove it.
Luka: Missing drones are a bit of a regular occurence [sic] down here. Come on, move those legs!

Find Cassidy's robot friends[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The first goal of the trial is to... help with chores.
Cassidy the mechanic's two robot friends, Little Fay and Big Ben, have both been incomprehensibly stolen. You lot need to help him regain his legal property.
(While moving)
Seele: Luka... Do you often find stuff for other people?
Luka: Seems like it. Kids always come to me when they lose stuff.
Seele: Ha... no wonder.
Luka: Man, this is [sic] area is so run-down... I wouldn't wanna live here.
Seele: The people living here don't want to either, they've got no other choice.
Luka: We can change that, right?
Seele: Yeah.
(Optional, talk to Cassidy)
Cassidy: Please, I'm depending on you for Little Fay and Big Ben!
Cassidy: They are the fruits of my entire life's labor...
(Approach the broken robot)
Luka: Look, there's a drone over there! But how can we tell if it's the one Cassidy lost...
Seele: Here, look... someone deliberately scratched off the paintwork — didn't even do a good job of it.
Luka: Oh, you're right! You've got a good eye, Seele! Whoever did it must've been in a hurry.
Luka: We need to fix this little guy up — (Trailblazer), can you lend a hand?

Fix Cassidy's robot friend, Little Fay[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The first goal of the trial is to... help with chores.
You find one of Cassidy the mechanic's robot friends, Little Fay. However, it is in a very bad state.
Flex your muscles as an amateur mechanic and fix it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Check the circuit structure
Magflow Link
Connect all terminals
(After solving)
Seele: Done! The little one can fly again!
Little Fay: Beep - bing! Little Fay re-initialization complete!
Seele: Haha, we really found it! Pretty lucky if you ask me.
Little Fay: Scanning for signal from Big Ben...
Luka: Listen! That must be the tracking system Cassidy mentioned.
Little Fay: Signal not found. Big Ben is currently too far away from this unit. Tracking function must be enabled.
Seele: It really does have a tracking function... Let's see how useful it is.

Follow Little Fay to find Big Ben's whereabouts[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The first goal of the trial is to... help with chores.
You fix Little Fay the robot. Its auto-navigation function will lead you to Big Ben, Cassidy's other robot friend.
Icon Dialogue Gear Activate Little Fay's tracking function.
(While moving)
Seele: Hey, it's flying away! Follow it!
Luka: Look! That fella over there is acting pretty shifty.
Luka: He's gotta be the thief we're looking for. Let's go and have a chat with him!
(Approach Little Fay)
Luka: Hey, friend!
Nervous Thief: W-Who's there!?
Nervous Thief: A red ribbon... W-Wildfire!? Ha! How did you...? I'm doing just fine — no monsters around here. Why don't you go bother someone else?
Seele: Hmph, shying away from honest work, indulging in petty crime — of course you're "doing just fine."
Luka: Uh, I'm not sure this falls under "petty crime", Seele — that's a whole robot he's got next to him. It's Big Ben alright.
Nervous Thief: H—Hold on a second. Who told you the name of this robot? Don't tell me it's—
Luka: That's right. Cassidy sent us here! Hand over what you stole, or be prepared to face the fist of a champion!
Nervous Thief: ...F—Fist of a champion, huh? Hmph, I've come this far — I won't be able to show my face around here if news gets out... Do your worst!
Nervous Thief: Big Ben, let's get him!
Seele: Going all the way, huh? Enough talk then — Luka, let's get him!
Luka: Ha! I was thinking the exact same thing! Here, let me punch some sense into you!
(Enter battle)

(During the battle, after hitting the Nervous Thief significantly)
Luka: Give it up! You're no match for us!
Nervous Thief: I—I can't turn back now!
Luka: You've got guts... Time to end this!

(After the battle)
Nervous Thief: ...Spare me! Please, all of you, I shouldn't have stolen anything — I admit! Give me a second chance!
Luka: Hahaha, you're admitting defeat? What happened to all that bravado you had a few moments ago?
Luka: "The Moltammerville warrior..."
Luka: "...the peerless Boulder champion..."
Luka: "...upholding justice and peace once again!"

Luka: Nice! Our thieving friend surrendered, and Big Ben looks to be in one piece. The first step of the champion's training is complete!
Luka: ...Huh, why are you two so straight-faced? Can't you look a little happy?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Say nothing)
Seele: ...What was that supposed to be? "The Moltammerville warrior"...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow "The Moltammerville warrior..."
Seele: Yeah, I was gonna ask... what was that supposed to be?
Luka: Oh, that? Nothing, just a slogan — don't take it too seriously. Let's get Big Ben back to Cassidy.
Seele: ...
Seele: Fine, let's finish up here. But I'm gonna put it out there — we're not gonna forget those lines of yours anytime soon...

Interact with Big Ben[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The first goal of the trial is to... help with chores.
You defeat the thief and recover Cassidy the mechanic's two robot friends. It's time to tell Cassidy the good news.
(Optional, talk to the Nervous Thief)
Nervous Thief: I—I’m sorry! Please, I've learned my lesson!
Nervous Thief: I've reset its systems — it won't attack you anymore! Just get it out of here — take it back to its owner!
Nervous Thief: Ugh... I can't stay here anymore... What am I gonna do...
(Talk to Big Ben)
Big Ben: Beep... boop...
Big Ben: Big Ben misses home. Big Ben wants to talk with Little Fay. Big Ben wants to play with Cassidy.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Come on, let's go home.
Big Ben: Go home. Go home.

Follow Big Ben and report to Cassidy[]

(Upon arrival)
Cassidy: Big Ben! You're back!
Big Ben: Beep... boop. Cassidy. Little Fay. Cassidy.
Cassidy: I don't know how I can ever thank you... Luka, Seele, and... (mister/miss) outsider! My life can finally get back on track now...
Luka: See? I kept my word, right? Wildfire's senior members always deliver what we promise.
Big Ben: I've never doubted you, Luka! I'll remember this forever... Right, time to take Little Fay and Big Ben for a systems check — until next time!
Luka: Yeah, go ahead! We'll catch up later.

Luka: That felt great! It's such a wholesome feeling to help other people, don't you think?
Seele: To be honest, I think you could've handled it yourself.
Seele: You said this was the first step, right...? So just how many steps does your training have, exactly?
Luka: Three. Just three steps. Trust me, it won't take too much of your time!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Where to next?
Luka: Easy, I’m about to tell you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I THIRST FOR BATTLE!!!
Luka: Hahaha, I like your spirit! Shame I didn’t run into you sooner.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I care more about what I can get as rewards...
Seele: Um, maybe we can talk about that later...
Luka: Let's go! Next, we're gonna clear up all the Fragmentum cronies still left in the settlement!
Seele: ...Huh? Fragmentum? But the settlement...
Luka: ...Wasn't affected by the Fragmentum, right? You're not wrong. The fissure here only recently opened up. Master Oleg got the intel from our network just yesterday.
Luka: I asked him to leave this case to me. Perfect for the second step of the training, right?
Seele: Like master, like student… I admire your attitude. In any case, if this concerns the Fragmentum, then there's no time to lose. Where are the monsters? Lead the way.
Luka: Way ahead of you. Follow me!

Remove the enemies from the Fragmentum[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The second goal of the trial is simple and brutal... clear out all the Fragmentum monsters that have entered the Robot Settlement.
Obviously no one is more of an expert at this than you. Let's go!
(While moving halfway to the designated area)
Seele: Luka, come clean with me. Are you here for some other reason?
Luka: It’s just training, for real! It’s not like you to be so suspicious, Seele.
(While nearing the designated area)
Luka: Say, how did you settle your beef with Svarog? Tell me the juicy details.
Seele: It’s a long story... I’ll tell you later.
(Upon arrival at the designated area)
Seele: There are so many of them... Are you sure the fissure only recently opened up?
Luka: Our intel should have been accurate... Seems like Boss Svarog must have let his guard down — these guys are messing up his turf!
Seele: Enough talk. Let's clean up this area.

Defeat the formidable foe from the Fragmentum[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The second goal of the trial is simple and brutal... clear out all the Fragmentum monsters that have entered the Robot Settlement.
A powerful Fragmentum monster appears before you. Get rid of it!
(Upon reaching the designated area)
Luka: Ah, no wonder these minions are so active — there's a big fella hiding behind them!
Seele: So, this guy is the source of it all, right? If we take him out, the Fragmentum activity in this area should subside for a while...
Seele: ...And trial two will be complete.
Luka: Hahaha, that's right! What's up? Starting to get into it, Seele?
Seele: ...It's been too long since I had a good workout. This will be a nice warm-up!
Luka: Alright! (Trailblazer) — we'll charge in once you're ready!
(Enter battle)

(During the battle, after significantly hitting the monster)
Seele: Nearly there! It's not gonna last much longer.
Luka: Ha! I'll deal the final blow!

(After the battle)
Seele: Phew! That was a tough one... Good teamwork, guys.
Seele: Luka, is that everyth—
Luka: "The Moltammerville warrior..."
Luka: "...the peerless Boulder champion..."
Luka: "Defeater of evil throughout the world!"
Seele: You...
Seele: Are you okay!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Is this some kind of performance art?
Seele: ...Why are you so hyped? What's going on?
Icon Dialogue Arrow "Defeater of evil throughout the world!"
Seele: ...Don't copy him!
Seele: Seriously, why are you so hyped up today?
Luka: Hahaha, it's just a normal victory celebration. No need to be so alarmed.
Seele: ...You call that normal? I might have let it slide if it was in the cage... On second thought, no, that was cringe even by Fight Club standards.
Luka: Don't get so worked up, Seele! I'm thinking clearly! Plus, didn't we just get rid of another major threat to the Underworld?
Seele: True, but quit changing the subject! This new "routine" of yours is just...
Luka: Hahaha, don't worry! I promise you, it'll only last till the end of my training. Actually, have I been making too many promises today? That's not a good habit...
Luka: Anyway, there's only one more step in my training plan. Come on guys, help me wrap it up!
Seele: *sigh* ...I guess we're in too deep, better let it run its course. So tell us, what else is on the schedule?
Luka: The final step in this training — is to challenge boss Svarog!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oh boy...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Noice! Count me in!
Seele: Are you sure you're thinking clearly!?
Luka: Whoa, whoa, stay cool, Seele. Like I said, I'm thinking clearly. Every word I said is serious!
Luka: I set this as the final goal of my training a few days ago. Think about it — is there any Underworld opponent worth challenging more than Boss Svarog?
Seele: ...No, I can't agree to this, you're asking for trouble! Forget about winning or losing — the relationship between Wildfire and Svarog only just got patched up...
Luka: I'm not going to rile him up! Don't make this more complicated than it is. I'm just inviting him to have a fair fight with me, like how you'd have in the cage!
Seele: Are you mad? Svarog is a robot! He doesn't understand the rules of the cage! He's different from us. His fists are made of steel—
Luka: ...That means we're evenly matched, right?
Seele: ...
Seele: You know what I mean — don't act smart with me! Ugh, you don't make any sense...
Luka: Hahaha, I understand what you're saying, Seele! But you know, I'm a fighter... It's my duty to keep training and get stronger.
Luka: It's a terrible feeling to have a powerful opponent in your head but never be able to get close to him. It's all thanks to your patching things up with Svarog that I'm able to have this opportunity now — I'm not gonna miss it for the world!
Seele: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let him do it, Seele.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Svarog might go easy because we're here...
Seele: ...Alright. Fine. We'll go find Svarog and have a nice chat with him.
Seele: Lemme say this first — if he doesn't wanna deal with you as a challenger, then we're getting out of there ASAP.
Luka: Haha, don't worry, I'll convince him! But you're right. If he's not in the mood for it, then I won't force him.
Luka: I haven't really worked with boss Svarog before, so please, lead the way. Let's go!

Find Svarog as per Luka's wishes[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka tells you and Seele about his "trial plans" and wants you to accompany him the whole way to witness his improvement.
The final goal of the trial is to challenge Svarog. You and Seele both think it is absolute nonsense, but Luka insists on completing the goals he set for himself.
You and Seele decide to keep following him in case something bad happens.
(While moving halfway to Svarog)
Seele: Luka, you—
Luka: hmm? What's up?
Seele: ...Never mind. I get the feeling I'm wasting my breath.
(While nearing Svarog)
Seele: Have you talked to Oleg about going to see Svarog?
Luka: Hahaha, that's all you wanna ask? I don't necessarily tell master Oleg everything, you know.
Seele: *sigh*
(Approach Svarog)
Svarog: The Trailblazer, Seele of Wildfire, and...
Luka: Hey! An honor to meet you, Boss Svarog! I'm Luka, a senior member of Wildfire, just like Seele.
Svarog: Accessing back-end database. Querying...
Svarog: Query complete. Luka, born in Moltammerville, winner of the 28th Boulder Town Fight King Challenge. Beloved student of Oleg, acting chief of Wildfire.
Luka: ...Wow, impressive! Thank you for saving me the self-introduction.
Svarog: Luka of Wildfire, what is the purpose of your visit?
Luka: Straight to the point, just the way I like it — I'm here to challenge you, Boss Svarog!
Svarog: ...Challenge?
Svarog: Intent unclear. (Trailblazer), Seele of Wildfire — can you provide an explanation?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Not really...
Seele: ...Don't look at me. He's the one who came up with this idea. It's up to you to accept it or not, Svarog.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I think he might have hit his head.
Seele: ...He's the one who came up with this idea. It's up to you to accept it or not, Svarog.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Just accept!
Seele: Hey, why are you fanning the flames!?
Seele: *sigh* He's the one who came up with this idea. It's up to you to accept it or not, Svarog.
Luka: Yep! It's not that complicated. I just wanna go a few rounds with the one everyone agrees is the most powerful in the Underworld, and see where I stand. What do you say? Are you interested?
Svarog: Hmmm... evaluating...
Svarog: Intention: unclear. Enmity level: zero. Lie-detection: passed.
Svarog: Evaluation completed. The opposing party only came to spar.
Svarog: ...I agree to fight you, Luka of Wildfire.
Seele: ...Huh!? Hold on — you agree?
Svarog: If weapons and gun barrels are unused for prolonged periods of time, the risk of rust damages increases. Periodic use will reduce such risk and extend the life of these components.
Seele: ...What? That's the worst excuse I've ever heard!
Luka: Hahaha, see? I told you I could convince him!
Luka: You can be our referee, Seele! You know the rules of the club inside out.
Seele: I...
Seele: ...Fine, I get it. If you insist...
Seele: Competitors, take up positions!

Challenge Svarog and complete the "trial"[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

You are Luka, a core member of Wildfire, the best fighter of Boulder Town.
You are well aware this is probably the only time in your life that you can fight Svarog head-on... This is a dream you had always wanted to achieve.
Don't give yourself regrets. Go and fight him fair and square!
(Optional, approach the Trailblazer and Seele)
(Trailblazer): Go, Luka!
(Trailblazer): Go, Svarog!
Seele: Luka, make sure you—
Seele: *sigh* Never mind. Just don't go overboard.
Luka: Hahaha, I really can't tell whose side you're on!
(Talk to Svarog)
Luka: I'm ready, Svarog! We can start any time!
Svarog: I too have a question, Luka of Wildfire — how did you acquire your mechanical arm?
Luka: Ha! I'm honored to be one of the things in the Underworld that even you don't know about!
Luka: This arm — well, it's not that exciting. It's all because I got distracted in a defense campaign. I can't even remember the date of that fight.
Luka: More importantly... It was only after losing my arm that I found the meaning of life — what it really feels like to be alive!
Luka: That's why I'm standing here right now — to feel alive, and also for everyone who put their hope and faith in me!
Svarog: Excellent answer. I will treat this challenge seriously, Luka of Wildfire.
Seele: In the blue corner, Svarog from the Robot Settlement — are you ready?
Svarog: Ready.
Seele: In the red corner, Luka from Moltammerville — are you ready?
Luka: ...Whenever you are!
Seele: ...Okay. This is a no holds barred contest. One round only. Victory will be declared when one contestant submits, or the fight is stopped by the referee...
Seele: Alright... fight!
Luka: Let's see some sparks fly!
(Enter battle)

(During the battle, after Luka first strikes Svarog)
Luka: Ha! Finally, an opponent that can take the punches head-on!
Svarog: A powerful strike — but not enough to break my defenses.
Luka: That's why they call you Boss Svarog! How about this!?

(After Luka's HP goes zero)
Luka: Tsk... not bad...
Seele: ...Red contestant down! Ten, nine, eight, seven...
(Enter battle again)
Luka: ...No way. I'm a long way from tapping out! Let's go!

(After Luka's HP goes zero again)
Svarog: The winner has been decided.
Seele: ...Enough, Luka! Let's end it here!
Luka: ...N-No! It's not over!
Luka: I must... show you...
(Enter battle again)

Svarog: You make a strong impression, Luka of Wildfire.
Svarog: I will remember this fight.
Luka: Ha... ha... thanks...
Luka: But... it's not... over...

(After the battle)
Luka: I... can't...
Svarog: Luka of Wildfire, it does not matter why you came here...
Svarog: ...I acknowledge your strength. Your performance was enough to make me re-evaluate the limits of humanity.
Luka: Ha... ha...
Luka: That's... really...
Seele: Hey, wake up! On your feet!
Seele: Luka! Hey, Luka...!

Natasha: Luka... can you hear me?
Luka: ...
Seele: Hey... Hey! Luka, you're up!
Luka: Ugh... I...
Seele: Ha, you're finally awake! You've been out for the whole day. We were really worried!
Natasha: Don't worry, Seele. Like I said, it was just the exhaustion. Svarog was deliberately holding back.
Luka: Seele... (Trailblazer)... and... Nat? I'm in... the clinic?
Seele: ...Where else? You think we'd leave you on Svarog's turf?
Luka: Ha... thank you all. I feel much better now. Sorry, Nat... I must have wasted your time.
Natasha: Don't be ridiculous, Luka. Still, whatever your motivation was, I hope you can find a different outlet for it.
Seele: ...I'm not gonna let you off the hook that easy — there's more to this story. You need to explain what the heck got into you today.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Svarog hit pretty hard.
Seele: Like I said, he's a robot... No matter how good his calculations are, he's not designated to pull punches.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That victory slogan of yours...
Seele: The one good thing about you losing is that we didn't have to hear it again...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why did you insist on fighting Svarog?
Seele: That's on me too... I should've refused him straightaway. I had a bad feeling from the start.
Luka: Hahaha... you're always so serious. I've said it before — this is my train— *coughing*
Natasha: ...Slow down — you haven't completely recovered. Seele, don't pressure him... let him rest.
Luka: Thanks, Nat — but I'm almost recovered.
Luka: I have... some things to do... Ah...
Seele: Hey, where do you think you're—
Natasha: ...Let him go, Seele.

Seele: I really don't get him...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Bro is just being a bit of a weeb
Seele: What's that supposed to mean?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don't get the whole thing, either.
Seele: ...I don't think anybody gets it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Maybe he has his reasons.
Seele: ...Well whatever they are, they're not good enough.
Seele: If he never intended to explain anything to us, why did he drag us along? No, this is too weird — I'm gonna follow him and see what he's up to.
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Is that really necessary?
Seele: ...I can't just let it go. Luka didn't use to be like this.
Seele: ...You're not too busy these days, right? I'll give you a shout if I need help.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Keep me updated.
Seele: Of course. You're not too busy these days, right? I'll give you a shout if I need help.
Seele: Luka didn't use to be like this... I can't just let it go.
Natasha: If you must, Seele. Try not to worry... I don't want to see you two fighting.
Seele: Don't worry, Nat.

Natasha: ...(Trailblazer), now that they've left, I have a favor to ask you.
Natasha: It's easy for Luka to get ahead of himself sometimes... but I've never seen him this headstrong. It does make me wonder...
Natasha: Could you ask Oleg how Luka's been recently? I haven't seen much of him lately — it's hard for me to get the full picture.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Since you asked...
Icon Dialogue Arrow I was planning on doing just that.
Natasha: Thank you. Regardless of what's really going on, I hope none of you let small things get in the way of your friendship. See you, (Trailblazer).

Talk to Oleg and ask about Luka[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka fought until he passed out in his battle with Svarog. He still refuses to tell you and Seele the true purpose behind his "trial" even after he woke up.
You decide to ask Oleg, his trainer, whether Luka's been acting weird recently.
(Talk to Natasha, optional)
Natasha: Please go ask Oleg about this, (Trailblazer)
Natasha: Don't let small things get in the way of your friendship.

(Talk to Oleg)
Icon Dialogue Quest I wanna ask you some things about Luka.
Oleg: ...Oh? My student? Did something happen recently?
Oleg: I was wondering why he didn't come and see me after the championship match ended. Come, tell me about it.

You tell Oleg about everything that happened with Luka and Seele...

Oleg: Mm... that does sound a little strange. Luka usually doesn't push himself so far...
Oleg: ...Huh, he may be a tough guy on the surface, but he's got his secrets. Did he tell you about the origins of his mechanical arm?
Icon Dialogue Arrow He mentioned something before he fought Svarog.
Oleg: Ah, then he probably didn’t describe the scene in detail.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don’t remember.
Oleg: Well, let me tell you about it.
Oleg: That was... six? Seven years ago? I was patrolling with some comrades in the neighboring town of Moltammerville — we passed an ordinary mechanics shop.
Oleg: There was a serious-looking fella looking after the shop. He was probably a few years younger than me, but his hair and beard were white as snow. There was a young lad doing odd jobs — he looked pretty exhausted.
Oleg: Anyway, I convinced the shopkeeper to let him come with me.
Oleg: Luka was a fast learner. At first, I couldn't figure out if he liked what I was teaching him — fighting, weapons, strategy, etc. He didn't talk a lot — just kept his head down.
Oleg: Then... about a year after I took him in, Luka lost one of his arms while rescuing townsfolk from the Fragmentum in Moltammerville.
Oleg: ...He almost didn't make it — he was unconscious for two or three days. I sat next to his bed, anxious and guilty. Guess what he said to me after he woke up?
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Go on.
Oleg: Master, I feel great!
Oleg: He had bandages all over his body — most of his wounds hadn't healed yet... But, it was the first time he'd ever smiled at me. I still remember that expression.
Icon Dialogue Arrow And the moral of the story is...?
Oleg: Oh, sorry, I get a little carried away when I tell this story, hahaha.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Guess that kind of sums him up, huh...
Oleg: Can’t tell from looking at him, right?
Oleg: What I'm trying to say is: Luka views other people's lives as more important than his own. That's how he's always been.
Oleg: So when he says stuff like "this is for training" — that's probably a lie. He's hiding something from you alright.
Oleg: Anyway, I'm too old to be getting involved in this stuff. I'm sure you and Seele can sort this by yourselves.
Oleg: One thing I will ask — please try not to embarrass him too much, okay? He's the fighting champion of Boulder Town, after all — an idol for all the children. He needs to keep up that image, haha.
Character Seele Icon
Character Seele Icon
You there?
I found Luka. He's on his way to Rivet Town alone
Wanna go there together?
I'm coming.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm coming.
Will we make it?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Will we make it?
Character Seele Icon
We'll make it if we run
I'm waiting for you at the intersection, come quick

Find Seele and follow Luka with her[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka fought until he passed out in his battle with Svarog. He still refuses to tell you and Seele the true purpose behind his "trial" even after he woke up.
However, Seele is not planning to let Luka off the hook. She wants to understand the truth behind it all.
Seele had already found where Luka is. Go and meet up with her in town.
(Talk to Seele)
Seele: Oh, you're here! Come on — he wasn't in a hurry so we should be able to catch up easy enough.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let’s go.
Seele: Mm.
Icon Dialogue Exit Hold on...
Seele: ...That is, unless you're planning a big delay!

Seele: Look, there he is!
Seele: (Trailblazer), let’s follow him. Stay quiet...
When Trailing Mode is active, the Gameplay Prompt will appear on top of the screen.
Please keep the target you're trailing within your line of sight. After your target has left your screen for a set amount of time, you will have lost the target, and the mission will be considered failed when the Prompt's countdown reaches zero. Please find your trailing target before the Prompt's countdown reaches zero.
Performing actions that make it easy for the target to discover you, such as running or sprinting, will increase the value of the Alert Gauge in the Prompt. The louder your actions are, the faster the Alert Gauge value will increase. When the Alert Gauge is full, the mission will be considered as failed.
When Trailing Mode is active, covers that you can shelter behind will be indicated on the open world. Interact with these covers to enter Hidden State. While in Hidden State, it will be more difficult for the target you are trailing to discover you. However, please ensure you are not hiding in the target’s line of sight.
Please use the covers to enter the Hidden State when you are about to be discovered by the target. Alternatively, put distance between you and your target without creating noise. The Alert Gauge value will decrease once you maneuver out of the target's line of sight.

Follow Luka — Don't get discovered![]

(Trailing Mode active)
(While moving)
Seele: Phew... thank goodness we didn’t lose him. Quick, let’s keep up the chase!
(Target on alert, when on the target's line of sight and not hidden)
Seele: This doesn't feel right... Hey, let's hide for a bit!
(Target on alert, when near the target and not hidden)
Seele: Hey, that's too close! Step back a bit!
(When detected)
Luka: Seele? (Trailblazer)? What are you guys doing here?
Seele: Oh no, he caught us...

You were discovered by the target... maybe give it another try.

(Continue trailing)
(The sound of tools clanking on the ground)
(Target on alert)
(While moving)
Seele: Ugh... where is he going...?
(Continue trailing)
(The sound of howling in the Fragmentum)
(Target on alert)
(Approach the marked area)
Seele: Wait, that’s... Hook!? What’s she doing here?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The Moles are everywhere...
Seele: Up to no good...
Icon Dialogue Arrow So Hook was the mastermind behind all this!
Seele: ...I can’t tell if you’re joking.
Seele: Luka should tell her to go back to town — he’s always worrying after the kids’ safety.
Seele: ...We’ve come this far, we can’t let this kid ruin everything!
Seele: Shh, she’s coming this way!
Hook: ...Wow! Honorary member, Miss See—
Seele: Shh! Be quiet! You almost exposed us!
Hook: Umm, why are you sneaking around like this?
Icon Dialogue Arrow We’re treasure hunting.
Hook: Wow! That’s so exciting!
Icon Dialogue Arrow We’re looking for you.
Hook: ...Huh? Hook’s confused...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We’re stalking—
Seele: —Hey!
Seele: We’re gonna lose him if we don’t hurry... Hook, run back to town — stop hanging around here.
Hook: *sigh* Okayyyy... That’s what Luka said too.
Hook: I hope you two find the treasure!

Keep following Luka — Don't get discovered![]

(Trailing Mode active)
(While moving)
Seele: Phew... thank goodness we didn’t lose him. Quick, let’s keep up the chase!
(Optional, while moving near the barbed wire fence)
(The sound of howling in the Fragmentum)
(Target on alert)

Investigate the item Luka left behind[]

UI Companion Mission Step Description

Luka's string of weird behaviors have made you and Seele quite suspicious.
You follow him to Rivet Town in order to find out the truth of the matter.
Luka left a mysterious box before the orphanage. Go and open it, and see what kind of secret lies within.
Seele: Did he... put something down?
Seele: Let’s go have a look.
Icon Dialogue Loupe Investigate
Seele: A case?
Seele: I... For some reason, I feel like...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...We shouldn’t open it?
Seele: ...Yeah. I don’t have a reason. It’s just a feeling.
Seele: Then again, we followed him for ages... It’ll be a waste if we don’t see what’s inside.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We’ve come this far — let’s open it up.
Seele: ...Yeah, you’re right.
Seele: I wonder what’s in there. Here, let me open it...
Seele: Is this a... notebook?
Seele: It looks like a kid’s handwriting, and some scribbled art... (Trailblazer), have a look.

???: Mister Luka, hello!
???: My name is Margie, and I’m from Moltammerville too. I’m a big fan of yours! I’ve been sick since I was a baby, but I still dream of becoming a big star in the cage one day — just like you!
Margie: It's a bit embarrassing, but I wanted my Dad to give you this notebook...
Margie: ...I wanted to tell you that you've inspired me to keep working hard and achieve my goal, even if it's hard to reach!
Margie: When I become a fighter as awesome as you, I'm gonna do my best to help people in the Underworld.
Margie: I wanna team up with my friends and help everyone together so they can smile again.
Margie: I'll listen to their thanks and then yell out my winning slogan:
Margie: "The Moltammerville warrior, the peerless Boulder Champion..."
Margie: "...upholding justice and peace once again!"
Margie: Then, I wanna chase away all the bad things hurting everyone...
Margie: ...I'll go with my friends and clear out all the scary monsters!
Margie: I'll make the Underworld safe, then yell out my other winning slogan:
Margie: "The Moltammerville warrior, the peerless Boulder Champion..."
Margie: "...defeater of evil throughout the world!"
Margie: Lastly... I wanna make life better for the Underworld!
Margie: Mom said there's someone called Svarog who keeps stopping us from going back to the Overworld...
Margie: So I'm gonna challenge that big robot and show him what I can do as a champion fighter!
Margie: "But Svarog is too strong! We'll never win!" My friends are gonna all wanna back out when they hear about this.
Margie: But I know I have to be an example for everyone. I need to stick my neck out and go challenge Svarog on my own.
Margie: "Bam! Crack! Boom!" It's gonna be such an epic fight! And then we'll reach a draw. Neither of us will be able to win.
Margie: But Svarog will acknowledge my strength and be willing to listen to the Underworlders.
Margie: So, it'll be a happy ending! My friends will clap, and all the people suffering will be free.
Margie: But... all that is just my dream. I dunno how long it's gonna be till it becomes reality...
Margie: I'm lying in bed sick right now, but as long as Mister Luka is around I won't be scared! I remember everything you said to encourage me.
Margie: Before becoming a champion, I wanna defeat this illness first.
Margie: Then, I need to learn how to stand, walk, and exercise again... Until I achieve all my dreams!
Margie: I hope... No, I believe Mister Luka will support me till the end, right?

Seele: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow So that’s why...
Seele: Luka... I think I get it now.
Seele: (Trailblazer), maybe we should... forget about all this. What do you say?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I agree.
Seele: Mm... Maybe one day we can talk about it with him... but let’s give him some time.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I kinda wanna talk to him about it.
Seele: Mm... Me too... but maybe we should give him some time.
Seele: Let’s head back to town for today, (Trailblazer)
Seele: Good night... Margie.

(Visitor Verification)
(Luka has become a visitor to the Express. You might come across Luka when you return to the Express)
(Achievement Unlocked Only Ashes Remain)


(Talk to Luka)
Icon Dialogue Talk Your "trial" was special.
Luka: Ah, you mean the match between me and Svarog?
Luka: It was special indeed! That match had a lot of meaning to me.
Luka: It's such a shame that I didn't win the fight... or at least tied. I promised Margie that...
Luka: ...Ah, never mind! Svarog was indeed an awesome fighter! I guess I'll have to work harder if I want to best him, the strongest fighter!


  • The mission's title and contents reference Million Dollar Baby, a movie about a woman named Maggie with a dream of starting a boxing career.
    • Later in the movie, Maggie earns the nickname "Mo Cuishle", a misspelling by the movie of the Irish phrase "Mo Chuisle", which may be another reference to a popular Irish song Macushla that discusses the grief of losing a loved one.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMo Cuishle
Korean나의 사랑, 나의 혈육
SpanishMo Cuishle
FrenchMon amour, ma chair, mon sang
RussianМоя кровиночка
Thaiรักแท้ของฉัน เลือดเนื้อของฉัน
VietnameseTình Yêu Của Tôi, Nhịp Đập Của Tôi
GermanMo Cuishle
IndonesianKesayanganku, Darah Dagingku
PortugueseMo Cuishle

Change History[]
