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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A trendy courier satchel. It's adorned with many cute accessories.

Messenger's Secret Satchel is a Relic piece in the set Messenger Traversing Hackerspace.


Financial magnates in the Capital of Passion monitor all information flow in the city. They are used to maintaining their dominance using information monopoly, and all who try to subvert this control will be punished by the Public Security Regulation.

People once protested, which only made the financial magnates dish out some convenient compromises. Soon enough, people gave up on the idea of "privacy."

The financial magnates greedily collect every piece of information whether it is important or trivial, or whether it arose from reality or virtual realms. As a result, the messengers' courier satchels have become the final bastion of privacy. The satchel is small, lightweight, and can only carry chips or documents. Despite these shortcomings, the final remains of "information independence" in the Capital of Passion was solely ensured by these tiny blind spots.

"Why do people still transmit information outside of the internet in the prosperous Capital of Passion? The messengers also want to know the answer."

This limited edition Yellow Ducky courier satchel may be a bit old, but its various accessories make it still in fashion.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMessenger's Secret Satchel
Korean메신저의 비밀 편지 크로스백
SpanishBolso secreto del mensajero
FrenchSacoche secrète de messager
RussianСумка вестника
ThaiMessenger's Secret Satchel
VietnameseTúi Mật Thư Của Tín Sứ
GermanGeheime Umhängetasche des Boten
IndonesianMessenger's Secret Satchel
PortugueseBolsa Secreta do Mensageiro

Change History[]

