Messenger's Par-kool Sneakers is a Relic piece in the set Messenger Traversing Hackerspace.
The former Capital of Passion messengers all throw their sneakers into one spot, and leaves after a brief moment of silence. Most messengers wouldn't leave their name or even a trace in this city, making their behavior nothing but a self-indulgent coda.
Even messengers can't pinpoint when the "nature of being a messenger" had changed to make them the people they hated the most.
Insidiously, the "information independence" that messengers protected became a monopoly. Insidiously, the risks that messengers faced became a bargaining chip. Insidiously, messengers became the accomplices of conspirators... The financial magnates did not destroy the messengers — It was their immature ideas that betrayed them. The messengers assemble before everything totally spirals out of control, and bid a last farewell to their hurried lives.
"Perhaps this should be the end for the messengers. Perhaps we should let everyone see the truth of this city, and let the true reformists take action."
These are a pair of Yellow Ducky sneakers abandoned on the side of the road. The messengers of the Capital of Passion have long become a legend of the past.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Messenger's Par-kool Sneakers |
Chinese (Simplified) | 信使的酷跑板鞋 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 信使的酷跑板鞋 |
Japanese | メッセンジャーのパルクールシューズ |
Korean | 메신저의 프리러닝화 |
Spanish | Zapatillas para parkour del mensajero |
French | Baskets de par-cool de messager |
Russian | Пар- |
Thai | Messenger's Par-kool Sneakers |
Vietnamese | Giày Thể Thao Cực Ngầu Của Tín Sứ |
German | Coole Turnschuhe des Boten |
Indonesian | Messenger's Par-kool Sneakers |
Portuguese | Tênis de Par-kool do Mensageiro |
Change History[]