Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The shape is exactly like a ski goggle. Not only does it have anti-glare properties, it can also be used to watch virtual live streams.

Messenger's Holovisor is a Relic piece in the set Messenger Traversing Hackerspace.


To avoid the private forces hired by the financial magnates, messengers in the Capital of Passion usually travel in the skies above the city, where security forces are scarce.

They like to turn on pulse-scanning and look over the entire cyber city while chewing cheap gum and donning heavily modified holovisors.

The holovisors project real-time information of the city directly onto the messenger's retina, turning impossible routes into an aerial path for the messengers: Building rooftops, air conditioning units, billboards, the arms of cranes... even unmanned logistics drones can become part of the path. Therefore, messengers must be skilled enough, as even one misstep would result in an unexpected and lethal fall.

"Some fool jammed all the holovisors indiscriminately while I was in the air! That crash was the worst I've ever had."

This Yellow Ducky holovisor is a discontinued old model that is said to be of considerable value among enthusiasts.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMessenger's Holovisor
Korean메신저의 홀로그램 고글
SpanishVisor holográfico del mensajero
FrenchHoloviseur de messager
RussianГоловизоры вестника
ThaiMessenger's Holovisor
VietnameseKính Thông Tin Của Tín Sứ
GermanHolobrille des Boten
IndonesianMessenger's Holovisor
PortugueseHololente do Mensageiro

Change History[]

