Thank you, (Trailblazer)...[]
(Upon finding the second cycrane during Achievement Seven Birds in the Hand Is Worth A Thousand in the Bush)
Thank you so much, (Trailblazer)...[]
(Upon finding the third cycrane during Achievement Seven Birds in the Hand Is Worth A Thousand in the Bush)
Thank you so much, (Trailblazer). Just now, a colleague informed me that we have reconnected with another missing cycrane
Now we only have 4 cycranes left to find. Please be on the lookout for them
You know what...[]
(Upon finding the fourth cycrane during Achievement Seven Birds in the Hand Is Worth A Thousand in the Bush)
Good news! We have...[]
(Upon finding the fifth cycrane during Achievement Seven Birds in the Hand Is Worth A Thousand in the Bush)
Good news! We have reconnected with another missing cycrane. Now there are only 2 left.
Cycrane hunter! You are one step closer to finding all the missing cycranes
Another missing cycrane is...[]
(Upon finding the sixth cycrane during Achievement Seven Birds in the Hand Is Worth A Thousand in the Bush)
They are all back![]
(Upon finding the final cycrane during Achievement Seven Birds in the Hand Is Worth A Thousand in the Bush)
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0