Found the composition inspiration you wanted[]
I got something
Document sent
An absolutely elegant beat!
I truly appreciate your hunt for my inspiration, Sound Master
I say, where did you find this secret art?
You can find inspiration...[]
How about this?
Document sent
A rapping trashcan. Bet...[]
Listen to it when you've time?
Document sent
When Rappa and I...[]
Where are you?
Everyone! I have just...[]
Everyone! I have just thought of a magnificent mantra
"Magical colors, streak across the wicked night. Evil is vanquished, dissipated in fright. Fret not in the journey through darkness and watch — the Ninja Heroes ascend the stage, fast and furious!"
Guitar Pro has left the chat
Czi has left the chat
E-Trash has left the chat
@Guitar Pro[]
You got any progress there?[]
I tried asking for help from the teacher at Dreamweaver Academy
But the attitude from the other two schools is firm, so there's no room for negotiation
(Mr./Miss) Manager[]
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.6