(Trailblazer), is everything going well?[]
That's good. I've always believed in your abilities
Someone just reported in... did you save a Cloud Knight?
It was nothing
Thank you very much for your help. That Cloud Knight had handed over all his intel to the Seat of Divine Foresight
If it weren't for your help, he'd have had a hard time getting away
As you've already infiltrated the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, please keep monitoring their activities
Anything I should focus on?
I've mentioned before that a Cloud Knight named Zhixin went missing a few months ago
I want to know what happened to him, dead or alive... so I can give an answer to his family.
Let's avoid contacting each other from here on. If you are seen going in and out of the Seat of Divine Foresight, those disciples are sure to become suspicious of you
Please come back in one piece. Otherwise, the general will be quite upset with me
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0