Greetings, Master Diviner...[]
A Teacher and a Friend[]
Main articles: A Teacher and a Friend, A Teacher and a Friend: Interlude, and A Teacher and a Friend: Continued
Hey there.[]
(Upon reaching Trailblaze Level 36 and completing Trailblaze Mission Humming Antlers, Entwined Horns)
Hey there. I heard folks from the Artisanship Commission say that you helped clear the Ambrosial Arbor coils. You're indeed as saintly as the general says you are
It doesn't sound like a compliment to me.
Of course it's a compliment. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Only when busy people get busy do slackers get a chance to slack off
But, based on your past experience, won't you get a sort of a hunch when I message flatteries to you?
...A hunch? Like, this person wants something from me?
Sounds like you need a favor
It seems that you are already used to pleasantries people use on Xianzhou, and know when the work will come. You will go far, young (man/ lady)! I believe you will soon understand my three basic principles for happiness at work
But the trouble comes from me this time. Please don't shrug it off and do help me
Do you remember the craftsmen apprentice named Chengjie from the Artisanship Commission?
I don't remember
I was sent here by the master diviner to assist the Artisanship Commission in assess the damages.
Everything was going well, but now the situation with Chengjie is getting beyond my scope of work...
Can you come over to find me? I am at the Artisanship Commission's port
(Upon completing Adventure Mission A Teacher and a Friend: Interlude)
Who's Chengjie?
Wow, you sure forget things fast
Lemme show you some keywords to jog your memory
The master's dream
Artisanship Commission apprentice
The person who only worked on his dream for three days
I'm not a close friend of his, but since he's my game mate, I'm still quite worried whether his mental state is...
Is fit to play with me in the future
So, let's go check up on him. I'll see you at the Artisanship Commission
Is everything all right on your end?[]
Don't go to the Divination Commission
Don't worry. I just saw what happened and posted about it as soon as I took a left turn out the door.
So, what exactly has happened? Why is everyone looking so sluggish?
Guard the gate.
Guard the gate, Qingque. Don't let anyone in or out of the Divination Commission.
Stay safe. We'll be right there!
It looks just like you[]
(After successfully nurturing Lucky Snack in Event Adventure Mission Critter Pick: Reunion)
(Send the picture to Qingque)
Can it play Celestial Jade?
Probably not. Look at its hands...
I'm not sure about this.
Has Celestial Jade ever been popular on the space station? I think they probably don't know how to play. I'm not really sure about the specifics
Remember to ask if it has any interest in Celestial Jade
If the answer is yes, then come to the Luofu and we can be game-buddies
Checking Out[]
Main article: Checking Out
Help... Help![]
(During Adventure Mission Checking Out)
Argh! I blame my greed
I should have been more careful
Anyway, (Trailblazer), come save me! I don't have any other friends here apart from you, my bestie.
Where are you?
I'm at... Where's this place again?
Oh, I heard them saying that this is the hotel in the Dreamscape.
Hurry! Otherwise I might really be a goner.
Oh, shoot![]
(During Adventure Mission Checking Out)
Oh, shoot!
It looks like they're going to force me to be part of some strange ritual
Hey have you registered...[]
Hey have you registered for the new immersia that just came out
Come be my buddy
Oh. I call those who play games of Celestial Jade with us buddies
But I was talking about the new foxian immersia called Viridian Soul, we call those buddies too
Basically a mobile game
? What's a mobile game? I don't understand
Anyway, I've already registered, it's free
Now I can play it at work
You coming? I'll open up a friend room for us
I don't know how to play
I'm not lying
With the number of people on the Express, it should be easy to find enough players
You can teach everyone after learning it, then you'll be able to play together
I'll send you the invite in a bit

Are you busy?[]

If you were seen...


Pay attention at work
Oh right, I wanna ask...[]
Oh right, I wanna ask for a favor
I went to listen to Mr. Xiyan's storytelling after work, but he stopped at a cliffhanger, I can't take it
He's resuming tomorrow, but at an earlier time
I don't know if I'll be able to get there soon enough after work
If I can't make it, can you go and listen in my stead?
Oh the story today is about the Cloudstrider, and apparently they have a train
This train is like the Xianzhou ships and can travel between worlds
Mr. Xiyan said the Cloudstrider once arrived at a planet called Harilo
But was sucked into a huge conspiracy and even battled a massive aurumaton
Don't spoil whatever happens next to me. just tell me what Mr. Xiyan's version is tomorrow
So you don't know?
Alright, looks like I still have to be there in person tomorrow to get the story
I'll tell you my story next time
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0