That's not me!
What do you do for a living?
Shadow Guard.
So, besides picking up trash and delivering courier packages, your job also involves supervising cycrane operations?
Where did you see that?
No. I am on holiday.
The general has ordered me to rest.
Rest on the Express?
I hear that the Astral Express travels all over the universe.
I am certain that it will need a cleaner.
I was going to go over there anyway.
Jiaoqiu told me to go in from the front entrance.
However, that is not my normal style.
Therefore, I decided to ask you first in the interest of courtesy.
Thank you.
Have you ever tried...[]
Who is my superior?
It seems that you have a very simple relationship between you.
That is unlike my work. Here, we have grudges, debts of gratitude, superiors and juniors, and lunch friends.
That's too complicated
Regarding vengeance, General Feixiao allows me to challenge her at any time I please.
I have attempted sneak attacks, traps, and public duels, but they have all failed.
If you have no experience, I can report that back.
Report it back?
Report back to General Feixiao that you have no experience with assassinating your superiors.
I failed to assassinate the general again today. The general suggested that I speak to others and try to come up with new ideas.
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.5