Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki


How's it going with you?[]

Character Lynx Icon
How's it going with you?
Not done yet.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm still wrapping up some stuff
Gimme a minute
I'm heading out for the meetup.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Be there in a sec
Character Lynx Icon
I'm at the museum right now
Pela's here too...
Come here once you're done

(Trailblazer), please help me out[]

Character Lynx Icon
(Trailblazer), please help me out
Can you take Luka to the Divination Commission?
I don't think he knows the way
Why message me?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Why are you messaging me instead of Luka?
Character Lynx Icon
I'm worried he's competing at the moment
I don't want to interrupt him
It's safer to message you
It's about Igor
Alright, but why?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Okay, no problem. But why does he need to go to the Divination Commission?
Character Lynx Icon
It's about Igor
Can you let him know?
Character Lynx Icon
The Divination Commission said that the jade pendant we brought them...
Is actually a jade abacus. You should know what that is
It contains Igor's records
I think Luka would definitely be interested
I'll wait for you at the Divination Commission

Qingque has restored...[]

Character Lynx Icon
Qingque has restored another batch of documents
Bring Luka over
He should be the first to see them
We're on our way
Character Trailblazer Icon
We're coming now
Character Lynx Icon
We'll wait


After completing Companion Mission Farther Than The Snow Plains in the Chapter Slices of Life Before the Furnace, Lynx will start sending daily messages.

I dug up...[]

Character Lynx Icon
I dug up so many snow radishes and permafrost lily root bulbs today
I can have a hotpot!
Snow radish?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What's a snow radish?
Character Lynx Icon
It's a type of radish that only grows in the Snow Plains
It's red and sweet. It's really tasty
Permafrost lily root bulb?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What's a permafrost lily root bulb?
Character Lynx Icon
It's a type of lily root bulb that only grows in the Snow Plains
It's white and crunchy. It's really tasty
Character Trailblazer Icon
You can do a hotpot with these?
There's only veggies!
Character Lynx Icon
Of course I can do a hotpot! I also have cream, biscuit crumbs, and canned herrings
(All choices lead to the following options)
Remember to take a pic!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Sounds tasty already
Remember to take photos! And lemme taste it too
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 06
Character Lynx Icon
Sure. I'll take photos
But you're too far away. You can stay hungry and watch me eat it
Don't tease me like that...
Character Trailblazer Icon
You're so mean...
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 02
Character Lynx Icon
I was kidding...
Next time we can get Serval, Gepard, and Pela, and have hotpot together
Yeah... let's do that
You'll be the one starving!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Wrong! You're the one who's gonna go hungry!
I left 100 snow mice in your camp and they're gonna eat up all your food!
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 04
Character Lynx Icon
What the heck are you doingtwdrftgylp
Thank goodness you didn't do that, otherwise...
Rumble rumble rumble rumble
You heard that? My tummy's gonna complain
I wanna eat too!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Sounds tasty already
Get me one too!
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 06
Character Lynx Icon
Nope. You're too far away
You can stay hungry and watch me eat it
How could you...
Character Trailblazer Icon
You're so mean...
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 02
Character Lynx Icon
I was kidding...
Next time we can get Serval, Gepard, and Pela, and have hotpot together
Yeah... let's do that
You'll be the one starving!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Wrong! You're the one who's gonna go hungry!
I left 100 snow mice in your camp and they're gonna eat up all your food!
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 04
Character Lynx Icon
What the heck are you doingtwdrftgylp
Thank goodness you didn't do that, otherwise...
Rumble rumble rumble rumble
You heard that? My tummy's gonna complain


Character Lynx Icon
What happened
Character Trailblazer Icon
What happened?
Character Lynx Icon
I think I
Ran into the legendary Belobog Caveman again
Character Trailblazer Icon
You've seen it before?
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 07
Character Lynx Icon
Belobog Caveman?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Belobog Caveman?
What's that?
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 07
Character Lynx Icon
A legendary creature
Character Lynx Icon
I sometimes run into it, but it always disappears so fast
Stay safe Lynx!
Character Trailblazer Icon
!? It sounds scary
Stay safe Lynx!
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 08
Character Lynx Icon
It's okay
I've run into it before, but it always disappears so fast
Character Lynx Icon
Ahhh hold on
It's coming!
I took a pic of it
Icon Dialogue Warning Attachment Dark-Blue Caveman has been sent
Definitely the Caveman
Character Trailblazer Icon
Looks like a wild caveman!
Character Lynx Icon
I finally managed to take a pic of this legendary creature
I need to send this to Serval
It might give her some inspiration for her music
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 06
Character Lynx Icon
Hang on
That's basically admitting I went to the Snow Plains again
Oh noooo
Serval is calling me
Isn't this Sampo?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Isn't this Sampo!?
Character Lynx Icon
I need to send this to Gepard
He'd definitely be able to tell if this is the Belobog Caveman or Sampo
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 06
Character Lynx Icon
Hang on
That's basically admitting I went to the Snow Plains again
Oh noooo
Gepard is calling me
Character Lynx Icon
Talk to you later

Are you coming to the next meetup?[]

Character Lynx Icon
Are you coming to the next meetup?
What kind of meetup?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What's that?
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 07
Character Lynx Icon
It's the Tale of the Winterlands fan meetup
You don't know about this?
Then you can come and have some fun. Come find us at Pela's booth
Could it be Tales?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Could it be the legendary...
Tale of the Winterlands fan meetup!?
Sticker PPG 07 Pom-Pom 08
Character Lynx Icon
Yep. That's the one
Seems like you'll be coming, right?
Come find us at Pela's booth
(Both choices lead to the following options)
Character Trailblazer Icon
Is Pela going too?
Character Lynx Icon
Of course. She's the best fanfic writer in the community
Just that nobody is aware of her real identity
Character Trailblazer Icon
What's a booth?
Character Lynx Icon
See, we go there to buy works from artists we like
It's not like we can get the official sequel...
But I'm not a fan...
Character Trailblazer Icon
Um. I'm not a fan of it
Character Lynx Icon
Huh... So you never read it?
You'll definitely fall in love with the Tales series as long as you've read it
It's really good. Serious
Character Lynx Icon
Anyways, I need to help you get prepared...
I'm gonna put together the good stuff I bought in previous meetups and lend them to you
Be prepared to experience the power of the Tales series! Hahaha!

Group Chats[]

Lynx has participated in 1 group chat:

Change History[]

