Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki


Do you have some...[]

NPC Jingyan Icon
Do you have some time? Please come back to the Realm-Keeping Commission when you can. I've fixed some of the recordings and there is a section you might find interesting
That's good...
Character Trailblazer Icon
Miss Jingyan's help is right on time. Thank you so much. We'll head there immediately
NPC Jingyan Icon
Okay. Please be careful on the way here

I tried fixing...[]

NPC Jingyan Icon
I tried fixing some other relevant recordings in the cycrane, and I found this part about Luocha
I've left it with the Foursquare Mirror. Please have a look when you can. However, I still lean towards Mr. Luocha having nothing to do with this
I see. Thank you
Character Trailblazer Icon
I see. Thank you
NPC Jingyan Icon
You're welcome. I'm just doing my job
We'll be there soon
Character Trailblazer Icon
Got it. We'll be there soon
NPC Jingyan Icon
Keep up the great work

(Trailblazer), did you find the sheep?[]

NPC Jingyan Icon
(Trailblazer), did you find the sheep?
(Dude/Miss), are you okay?
Please reply if you see this message
Are you still alive?
I'm alive!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Sorry. I just got around to answering this
About time to report back...
Character Trailblazer Icon
Almost forgot to report back to you. My apologies
Character Trailblazer Icon
I found the sheep, but they were all eaten by the wolves. The wolves haven't had enough and wanted to eat me as well. I dealt with them already
Then I was taken to see a group calling themselves The Unshackled, and they insisted I join them. What a bother
NPC Jingyan Icon
Then join them!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Why? You're making me scared to join them...
NPC Jingyan Icon
You know that the Alliance does not ban merchants who worship the Plagues Author from coming to the Xianzhou and trading here
This open-minded policy is bringing quite a bit of trouble for the Realm-Keeping Commission as we try to maintain the peace here
This group, The Unshackled, is one such trouble
Sure, its members are law-abiding individuals and have not committed any crime
However, these people believe in the Path of Abundance, and that they will accumulate "good karma" if they release living beings into the wild, thus earning good fortune for themselves
They have started to release more and more creatures, even including some invasive species. It's quite a headache for the Commission
That's why we'd like you to infiltrate The Unshackled and crumble them from within! The Realm-Keeping Commission will reward you lavishly
Me again?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Me again? Does the Realm-Keeping Commission not have any employees? I don't even know how to help you, even if I want to
How do I crumble them?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Crumble them from within? How? I don't even know how to help you, even if I want to
NPC Jingyan Icon
Don't sell yourself short! All six Commissions are recounting your legendary exploits infiltrating the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus and taking them down by wit
You're a professional when it comes to destabilizing such organizations
Of course, we won't force you
If you really can't dissolve them, you can always just give us intel on their future actions, so we can prevent them from doing anything outrageous
Anyways, thank you in advance for this business. The Realm-Keeping Commission will reward you lavishly for sure!

Well done, my friend![]

NPC Jingyan Icon
Well done, my friend!
I got an official notification from the Commission while I was out on a job. Those three saints from The Unshackled are in big trouble
What happened?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What happened?
NPC Jingyan Icon
Go to Exalting Sanctum and you'll figure it out.

Change History[]

