Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki



Character Serval Icon
Character Gepard Icon
You there?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What is it?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Hello. The number you're trying to reach is currently not within the Belobog serface zone
*service zone
Character Gepard Icon
You don't need to do this...
What's this group?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Um, why is there a group chat?
What do you want!?
Character Serval Icon
Um, you've probably guessed...
Character Gepard Icon
We want to ask you for help
Character Trailblazer Icon
Fine. Tell me what you need
Character Trailblazer Icon
Hello. The number you're trying to reach is currently not afaikable
Character Serval Icon
Please stop! This is actually really serious
Help with what?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What is it?
Character Gepard Icon
Can you please come to the Belobog Museum's Finishing Room? We can have a chat there
Okay, be right there.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Sure thing. I'll be there soon
Character Serval Icon
As expected from you! We're gonna wait for you there
You can't tell me now?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Why so secretive about it...
Just say what you have to say over text!
Character Serval Icon
Hehehe, it's more fun this way.
Character Gepard Icon
... We'll be waiting for you there
Message Mission Banner Companion
Accepted Mission
Farther Than The Snow Plains
Icon Arrow

Hey (Trailblazer)![]

Character Serval Icon
Hey (Trailblazer)!
Character Gepard Icon
How's it going with that thing we talked about before?
It's done for now.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I've pretty much wrapped it up
Are you two at the workshop? I'll come to talk to you in person
Texting might not be enough
Character Serval Icon
Lucky for you, we're both here~
Character Gepard Icon
We'll be waiting for you at the workshop then

Change History[]

