Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki



Icon Dialogue Warning Guinaifen has invited you, Sushang, and Huohuo to the group chat.
Character Sushang Icon
Character Huohuo Icon
...Hello, everyone.
Glad to e-meet you all.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Hello! This is (Trailblazer). Glad to e-meet you all!
Character Huohuo Icon
Hey, guys! This is Huohuo. Glad to e-meet you all!
Character Sushang Icon
Stop fooling around, @(Trailblazer)
So, what group chat is this?
Character Trailblazer Icon
So, what group chat is this?
Character Guinaifen Icon
The ghost-hunting squad's group chat, of course!
I wanna quit this chat
Character Trailblazer Icon
I wanna quit this chat
Character Guinaifen Icon
You've only just joined us and wanna leave already? Fine, let me help you with that.
Icon Dialogue Warning You have been removed from the group chat.
Let me back in!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Let me back in!
Icon Dialogue Warning Guinaifen has invited you to the group chat.
Character Guinaifen Icon
Alright, enough with messing around. Let's get down to business.
Character Guinaifen Icon
I won't keep you any longer since we're all tired! I just have one thing to say!
Our post today is blowing up! It's got tons of comments and reposts and has become one of the hottest posts today!
Character Sushang Icon
Woooh! Well done, Little Gui!
Character Huohuo Icon
I'll double-check it soon.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm going to check it out on the Ghostly Grove now!
Character Guinaifen Icon
Yeah, everyone go take a look

Why don't we start with Huohuo and talk about what we did today?[]

Character Sushang Icon
Why don't we start with Huohuo and talk about what we did today?
Character Huohuo Icon
Today we sealed the heliobus Keralum. Thanks for all the help, everybody.
By the way, Miss Qingque looked so cool~
Character Guinaifen Icon
True dat
Character Guinaifen Icon
Well, let me tell you something funny.
A while back, I got this message from someone accusing me of plagiarizing their shop-review videos. They even threatened to take legal action if I didn't respond right away
I simply replied, "Nah, it's my own stuff from last year."
Then they argued that there's no statute of limitations for plagiarism, and whether I uploaded the video 10 years ago or 100 years ago, it should still count as plagiarism.
What a stroke of bad luck...
Character Trailblazer Icon
You're being blackmailed. What a stroke of bad luck...
Character Guinaifen Icon
Bad luck? Hah, I couldn't care less.
Let's not forget that we're internet famous now! We've dealt with all sorts of things.
You're famous now, Little Gui!
Character Trailblazer Icon
That means you're famous now, Little Gui.
Character Guinaifen Icon
That's what I think, too.
Character Guinaifen Icon
Why don't you go check our follower count? I'm feeling like I'm floating on cloud nine now.
Character Sushang Icon
You've been floating there for a while
Character Huohuo Icon
You've been floating there for a while
You've been floating there for a while
Character Trailblazer Icon
You've been floating there for a while
I'm floating on cloud nine, too!
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm floating on cloud nine, too!
Character Guinaifen Icon
Don't forget to go check it!

I got it[]

I got it
Character Trailblazer Icon
I asked the person who made the post, and they said we could find the couple in the Aurum Alley.
Character Sushang Icon
Sounds cool. Nothing like the fruitless investigation I'm caught up in.
I came across a post about an ancient guqin that all of a sudden started playing a mournful melody all on its own. And guess what?
Character Guinaifen Icon
Come on, don't keep me in suspense.
Character Sushang Icon
Turns out it's just an ancient battery-powered guqin. And a nosy someone recently gave it a new battery
Character Guinaifen Icon
Well, that's... typical.
Character Sushang Icon
Looks like (Trailblazer) has found something really strange.
Character Huohuo Icon
@(Trailblazer) I'm coming

I'm exhausted.[]

Character Sushang Icon
I'm exhausted.
Character Huohuo Icon
You were incredible, Miss Sushang!
Character Sushang Icon
I feel like that boy Yanqing didn't use his full strength at all
It's like a kind of willpower that can only be cultivated after experiencing countless battles
Character Guinaifen Icon
I don't understand you martial arts guys.
Character Sushang Icon
I'm so tired, Little Gui. Maybe you should talk about account-related stuff
Character Guinaifen Icon
We got lots of different gifts sent by fans
I won't say "Yay"
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm a trendsetter, not a sheep. So I won't follow suit and say "Yay"
And now I'm back.
Character Guinaifen Icon
Where's your "Yay," Sushang?
Character Huohuo Icon
Sushang is exhausted and probably asleep by now.
Character Guinaifen Icon
I see.
Then it's just the three of us celebrating our success.
Yeah, let's celebrate!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Yeah, let's celebrate!
Character Guinaifen Icon

Everyone! Something terrible has happened![]

Character Guinaifen Icon
Everyone! Something terrible has happened! Huohuo is missing!
Character Sushang Icon
What? Did she say where she was going before she left yesterday?
Character Guinaifen Icon
No, she didn't. Now think about it, something's been off with her since yesterday.
Character Sushang Icon
Character Guinaifen Icon
Calling out to her in the group chat won't help. We should contact Hanya right away.
Maybe ask Hanya?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Maybe Hanya can find her.
Character Guinaifen Icon
Let's meet at the usual place
Our ghost-hunting squad can't afford to lose any members!
I've already published a post! Since you're here, let's give it a quick once-over.
Character Sushang Icon
I'll be there soon.
Character Guinaifen Icon
Just stop "@"-ing people and come to Fyxestroll Garden.
I'm on my way.
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm on my way.

The general's Lightning-Lord is so cool[]

Character Sushang Icon
The general's Lightning-Lord is so cool
Character Huohuo Icon
So cool
Character Guinaifen Icon
So cool. This is my first time seeing it
So cool every time
Character Trailblazer Icon
Every time I see the Lightning-Lord appear, I feel it's super cool
Character Guinaifen Icon
Right? Right?
Does nothing to me
Character Trailblazer Icon
I've seen it so many times, it does nothing to me now
Character Guinaifen Icon
Character Guinaifen Icon
Let's get back to the topic. Well, congrats to Huohuo for getting Tail back!
Character Sushang Icon
Yeah, who would've thought that Tail was with Hanya?
Character Guinaifen Icon
I heard it took Tail a long time to recover. Must have been tough.
Hold on, something just crossed my mind.
Character Sushang Icon
Are you planning to take a photo of Tail?
Character Guinaifen Icon
Wait, how did you know?
Character Huohuo Icon
Don't push yourself, Huohuo.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Don't push yourself, Huohuo. Feel free to speak up if you disagree.
Character Huohuo Icon
Thank you, (Trailblazer).
What does Tail say about this?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Why don't you ask Tail first? What does he say?
Character Huohuo Icon
Oh, Mr. Tail says he's not interested.
Character Guinaifen Icon
Well, if Mr. Tail isn't interested, that's fine. We have plenty of other topics to discuss.
First things first, let's check our account now.


Ahem, nothing to report today[]

Character Guinaifen Icon
Ahem, nothing to report today
It's so quiet, and no one's real chatty in here. So different from some other general chat groups
Character Sushang Icon
Hm, maybe everyone's busy with their own thing
Character Guinaifen Icon
Oh, yeah, busy is good, busy is great
Character Sushang Icon
Little Gui...
@(Trailblazer) @Huohuo Come in, our Little Gui requires your presence and care
Character Huohuo Icon
Whhhhhat happened?
They want to chat
Character Trailblazer Icon
They were just trying to get someone to chat with them
Character Huohuo Icon
I see
Ghost-Hunting Squad Comms here
Character Trailblazer Icon
This is the Ghost-Hunting Squad Comms
Character Sushang Icon
I understand, we're the ones who need to scram
Character Guinaifen Icon
Nonono, don't listen to (him/her), Sushang!
It's common sense that in ghost-hunting squad, you DO NOT talk about ghosts
Character Huohuo Icon
This is a common sense!?
Huohuo, don't bite
Character Trailblazer Icon
I think these two were just so bored, they're fishing for chats. Huohuo, don't bite
Character Huohuo Icon
Wokay, I won't bite
Character Guinaifen Icon
No way
No way no way no way
Sushang, whatever shall we do
Character Sushang Icon
If I knew earlier, I'd have stopped her (TдT)
Little Gui made me do it (TдT)
Sorry I couldn't foil her plans (TдT)
Are you upset Huohuo? (TдT) You prolly are (TдT)
Character Huohuo Icon
I—I—I'm not upset, no need to feel so bad about it
Let's have a looong chat
Character Trailblazer Icon
I want to chat too, let's have a nice, long chat
Character Guinaifen Icon
What about Huohuo?
Character Huohuo Icon
I didn't think Miss Guinaifen would specifically ask
Character Huohuo Icon
This ghost-hunting squad group is never meant to be a serious work chat only
Chat away if you want

Who wants some milk tea?[]

(Upon raising the number of subscribers to at least 100,000 in Event Adventure Mission Ghost-Hunting Squad)
Character Guinaifen Icon
Who wants some milk tea? I ordered 2 extra. First come, first served
Character Sushang Icon
Me me me
Character Huohuo Icon
Me me me
Character Guinaifen Icon
Okay, it's yours
Me me me
Character Trailblazer Icon
Me me me
Any more for me?
Character Guinaifen Icon
Nope, that's all
Am I late?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Am I that late?
Were you two staring at your jade abaci the whole time?
Character Sushang Icon
Not me
Character Huohuo Icon
Neither did I
You're making us fight
Character Trailblazer Icon
Little Gui...
You let three people fight for two teas, causing a rift in our friendship
How are you going to make up for it
Character Guinaifen Icon
Don't be melodramatic
Character Guinaifen Icon
Sorry, you don't get one this time, but I'll treat you next time
Already wrote it down
Character Trailblazer Icon
Remember that. I already wrote it down
If you don't keep your promise, karma's a witch
I don't mind
Character Trailblazer Icon
Just kidding, I don't mind
Really, it's fine, don't worry about it
Character Huohuo Icon
...I can give you mine
Character Sushang Icon
Mine too
Give them both to me
Character Trailblazer Icon
What about just give them both to me, then there's no need to choose
I can't have them
Character Trailblazer Icon
I can't have them, it's yours
Character Guinaifen Icon
I... I'm sorry
The two teas fell on the ground and spilled
Don't worry about giving each other the tea, I'll treat you all

Little Gui, you've really gone viral[]

(Upon raising the number of subscribers to at least 300,000 in Event Adventure Mission Ghost-Hunting Squad)
Character Sushang Icon
Little Gui, you've really gone viral
Character Huohuo Icon
How did you find out?
Character Guinaifen Icon
How did you JUST find out?
Character Sushang Icon
I went to Aurum Alley today, and everyone there is talking about you
Lil Gui's going viral!
Character Trailblazer Icon
I heard she's viral, but to be honest, I didn't really feel it
Looks like it's real
Character Guinaifen Icon
You need to go online more
Must've misheard
Character Trailblazer Icon
Could you have misheard them, Sushang? Maybe they were saying something else instead, like "goodnight fam," not "Guinaifen"?
Character Guinaifen Icon
No way, I'm sure it's me!
Is this what fame feels like?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Is this what it's like to be a celebrity?
Character Guinaifen Icon
Celebrity whaaat, it's just my name
Keep going, and I'll start to swell up with pride, hahaha
Character Huohuo Icon
What are they saying, though?
Character Sushang Icon
They're saying Little Gui announced during her live stream that she's going to stop her activities, and they're guessing the reason behind it
Character Huohuo Icon
Character Guinaifen Icon
Character Sushang Icon
Character Sushang Icon
So you haven't heard either?
What do you mean "WHAT!?" Sushang?
Character Trailblazer Icon
What do you mean "What!?" Sushang? Aren't you the one who told us this
Character Sushang Icon
I was shocked that you didn't know
I love it when they say "WHAT!?"
Character Trailblazer Icon
I love it when people say, "WHAT!?"
Character Sushang Icon
So you haven't heard either?
Character Guinaifen Icon
Sushang you almost made me blank out
You're saying that the word on the street is that I was going to quit, right?
Character Sushang Icon
Uh huh, totally
Character Huohuo Icon
So, is that true?
Character Guinaifen Icon
"Totally"? "True"? This is fake news! Misinformation!
My goodness, neither of you even watched my stream. Did you watch my stream, (Trailblazer)?
I don't watch streams
Character Trailblazer Icon
Sorry, I don't usually watch the stream either
Character Guinaifen Icon
This can't be
That's what you said
Character Trailblazer Icon
I watched the stream. Little Gui totally said that
Character Guinaifen Icon
What kind of a fake stream did you watch?
Little Gui didn't say that
Character Trailblazer Icon
I watched it. Little Gui didn't say anything like that
Character Guinaifen Icon
You're my true fam
Character Guinaifen Icon
Come to think of it, this might make good content
Hmph, I will passionately debunk the fake news in my live stream tonight
[Going Live]

I want to recommend my way of relaxing to everyone[]

Character Huohuo Icon
I want to recommend my way of relaxing to everyone
In Starskiff Haven, find a place you can see the skiff lane and just space out!
...You can do that at the Sleepless Earl too
Looking at the starskiffs passing by
You won't even know how much time has passed
That's very soothing to me
Character Guinaifen Icon
Can't relate
Character Sushang Icon
Can't relate
Can't relate
Character Trailblazer Icon
Can't relate
Character Guinaifen Icon
I'm a little concerned about your mental wellbeing, Huohuo
Character Sushang Icon
We'll go try it out, but you know you are safe to talk to us, right, Huohuo?
Can totally relate
Character Trailblazer Icon
It's like listening to the sound of rainfall to destress
I can relate
Character Huohuo Icon
That's right!
Character Guinaifen Icon
A little concerned for both of your mental wellbeing
Character Sushang Icon
Hey, if you have anything to share, you know you are safe to talk to us, right?
Character Huohuo Icon
I've already been here for almost half a day, it's very relaxing
Oh, oh, wait!
Character Sushang Icon
Did something happen?
Character Huohuo Icon
I'm back
Mr. Xiyan came over, gave me a pocket full of candies without saying anything, and left
Whhhhhat's going on?
Huohuo's adorable
Character Trailblazer Icon
This proves that you're adorable. If I were nearby, I would've given you some candies too
You'd look pitiable
Character Trailblazer Icon
Huohuo, you kept staring at starskiffs and must've looked very pitiable
Every compassionate person would want to do something for you
Character Guinaifen Icon
Like how people can't help themselves but feed the koi fish in the pond?
Character Sushang Icon
Don't those ponds discourage feeding?
Character Guinaifen Icon
No one is discouraged from feeding Huohuo
Character Sushang Icon
That's... true
Character Huohuo Icon
...Did we get sidetracked
Character Guinaifen Icon
I have some candies too. Where are you Huohuo?
Character Sushang Icon
I have candies too! Full speed ahead!
Character Huohuo Icon
No need to come here, I've already left

I was window shopping with Huohuo earlier...[]

(Upon raising the number of subscribers to at least 850,000 in Event Adventure Mission Ghost-Hunting Squad)
Character Sushang Icon
I was window shopping with Huohuo earlier and ran into some people she knew
Huohuo was struggling to talk
And the other person didn't know what to say either
It looked a little awkward, so I tried to bridge the conversation
And I found that they're all really personable
Character Huohuo Icon
Sushang even got them to agree to have dinner together later
Character Guinaifen Icon
I knew Sushang's social skills were only second to mine
I can picture it already
Character Trailblazer Icon
I can picture it
It's so natural for Sushang
Character Trailblazer Icon
What Huohuo struggled to do came so naturally for Sushang
Character Huohuo Icon
Miss Sushang was incredible! Not like me...
Character Sushang Icon
Don't be discouraged, Huohuo
Character Guinaifen Icon
Come and hang out with us more. With both of us as your wingwomen, you will definitely overcome your social anxiety and become the biggest extrovert in the Ten-Lords Commission
Character Huohuo Icon
This doesn't sound good
Character Trailblazer Icon
Huohuo becoming a big extrovert. What kind of dream am I living thru?
This doesn't sound like a good thing
That's tough for Huohuo
Character Trailblazer Icon
Y'know, forcing an introvert into an extrovert ain't gonna fly
Simply put, you're just putting Huohuo in a difficult situation
Time to improve!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Huohuo, there comes a time for everyone to improve themselves. Maybe yours is now!
Character Huohuo Icon
No no no, can't do it
Character Huohuo Icon
Thank you for your concern, everyone, but I don't want to be an extrovert yet...
I just want to be able to start and carry a conversation with people I'm familiar with
Character Guinaifen Icon
You can do it
Character Sushang Icon
So come to the dinner! It's just us and the people we met earlier. I'll be your support
Character Huohuo Icon
I'm sorry, the user you're trying to reach is currently out of the service area. Please try again later.
Character Sushang Icon
. . .
. . .
Character Trailblazer Icon
. . .
You gotta ease into it
I'll go if Huohuo won't
Character Trailblazer Icon
Looks like Huohuo can't go. I'll go to the dinner
Character Guinaifen Icon
Of four people, three must be extroverts. And guess what? I won't say who's not one of them
Character Guinaifen Icon
Looks like we have to take it slow

Change History[]

