Hi. This is Dan Heng.[]
Hi. This is Dan Heng.
Remember to go find Himeko.
Hey, you guys...[]
Something happened...[]
(Upon completing Trailblaze Mission Stars Spun, Prescience Sprung)
What happened?
What happened? Is the Express okay? What are you doing on the Xianzhou?
I'll pretend that you replied "I'm okay."
It's a long story. I'm at Cloudford with a Cloud Knight. I'll join you when I come out.
By the way, the Express is fine. I came here by myself. I'll tell you about it later.
I'm very interested
Our starskiff went...[]
(Upon completing Trailblaze Mission Humming Antlers, Entwined Horns)
We caught Kafka
We went to the Divination Commission
What about Kafka's companion? Did you see Blade?
What's going on at your end?
(Trailblazer), are you busy...[]
Something wrong?
I want to meet the current high elder of the Luofu Vidyadhara.
I want to ask about some bygone matters, so that I will better understand what I can still do to make amends for my past life.
I'll see this through
Thank you. Let us meet at Synwood Pavilion in Exalting Sanctum.
Do I have to be there?
I fear complications will arise if I go alone.
But with you present, things are different. I heard you helped save that Dragon Lady. It will make things much easier to handle.
I will wait for you at Synwood Pavilion in Exalting Sanctum. See you there.
I need your help[]
(During Trailblaze Continuance Mundane Troubles)
I need your help
About Duke Inferno...
From the Annihilation Gang?
It's best not to get involved with him.
The space station is in trouble.
The space station's met with some trouble, and it has something to do with him
Arlan will fill you in on the details
I want to know more about him
I think we only...[]
(During Trailblaze Continuance Mundane Troubles)
What happened?
The fire demons of Fetora are ferocious and cruel by nature, but Ifrit easily rose to the position of clan leader.
And even among the fire demons, his flame belongs to a special category.
In many vicious incidents instigated by the Ever-Flame Mansion, I found similar eyewitness reports claiming that "miscreants materialized from the inferno."
I speculate that Ifrit's flame may have inherited some ability other than burning, and that is related to his origin.
I have heard of a flame with similar properties that was difficult to capture because it kept shifting between phases.
There is not much information about it, only one line that catches the eye: "Burns through worlds, leaving numerous scions of flame behind."
Ifrit... is perhaps one of its descendants.
Shifting between phases...
That's all I have.
The number of related records is limited. I'm not sure if that was helpful to you.
It looks just like you[]
(After successfully nurturing Rice Dumpling in Event Adventure Mission Critter Pick: Nurture)
(Send the picture to Dan Heng)
I have never seen a lifeform like this before. If you have data about them, remember to enter them into the data bank once you get back to the Express.
I got the gift.[]
(If Dan Heng was chosen at the end of Event Adventure Mission Food Fest Day Seven)
Special something for Team Express
No problem.
I found some entries that you might be interested in the data bank. You can take a look once you get back.
Open it up and have a taste!
How do you like it?
Are you in Penacony...[]
(During Trailblaze Continuance Reservoir Monkeys)

Found an old Express...[]
Found an old Express communication log in the data bank, and one of the categories is Dad Jokes.
I don't fully understand it, but my instincts tell me you should be able to.
This is what it says.
"On watchkeeping duty with Himeko. She's talking in her sleep." Pom-Pom
There's another entry an hour later.
"On watchkeeping duty with Pom-Pom. They have been talking in their sleep for almost an hour." Himeko
What do you think, (Trailblazer)?
The log stops there. I asked Himeko and Pom-Pom. Neither of them remembered the incident.
"Who is the one talking in their sleep?" Looks like we can only rely on other entries in the data bank to verify this information.
I tend to believe the data bank is omnipotent.
(Trailblazer), did you knock...[]
I was marking entries in the data bank when the electricity tripped and I accidentally kicked over a shelf.
By the time I came out, you'd already gone back to your room.
I might not go back...[]
I'm observing a never-before-seen creature.
It would be tomorrow morning when I finish collecting everything I need for the data bank.
Why? Are you interested in it?
Furthermore, they're quite vigilant and difficult to observe. They'll scatter the moment they perceive any potential danger.
I'm thinking about choosing another location to observe them...
Go up the trees
Daily — Imbibitor Lunae[]
These messages are only accessible if the player has Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae and has completed Companion Mission The Dragon Returns Home in the Chapter Vita Infinita.
Having studied with Bailu...[]
Having studied with Bailu, I now deeply feel the profound and fascinating pharmacology behind the use of medicinal herbs.
Is this emergency medicine as well?
She mentioned her philosophy regarding there being "a special cure for each person." If I can master her teachings, I think I might be able to create medication suited to everyone on the Express.
Speaking of which, the fact that I don't know any cloudhymn magic that can heal is... saddening.
Ask the Omni-Synthesizer?
Dan Heng's not all-capable...?
Though the power of the high elder is rooted in legacy, to me, it is more like a certain type of "knowledge" rather than "memories."
The stories that I can see... They have existed long before I was even self-aware.
It's all up to you
I want to know everything too
The sensation is a miserable one. Your mind is filled with uncountable scenes and noises, but you are never present.
Like the Voice of the Stellaron?
I can't completely understand what you're feeling, but is it kinda like the Voice of the Stellaron?
It takes some time to get used to
Do you have nightmares?[]
I've had such dreams as well.
I wish those scenes would only remain in my dreams, but some things... I'm not sure whether they had really happened...
Do you have these same worries when you have nightmares?
No, and I don't really care
Yeah, but I can't prove it
Are you having nightmares?
Sometimes, I dream of destroying the world. Other times, I dream of losing my companions. Sometimes, I even dream that I'm not myself.
I wish those scenes would only remain in my dreams, but some things... I'm not sure whether they had really happened...
If it were you, would you have such worries?
I don't really care about these things
Caring doesn't change anything
That's what trailblazing taught me
That's what you taught me
It doesn't matter what happened...
(Trailblazer). I'm going...[]
So, the reason you're going is...
Though the data bank also has a section on the Luofu, I don't understand the details very well.
Likewise, I was unable to answer any questions Pom-Pom has regarding the various dishes on the Xianzhou.
If time allows, I wish to see things for myself in person.
(Trailblazer), how do you find food on the Xianzhou?
Very interesting
Steamed puffergoat milk
I'm that predictable?
It's very... average
If I had to choose a favorite...
I'm that predictable?
Master Dan Heng...[]
(During the Cold Dragon Young hidden event in the Fight Club, following a conversation with the Fanatical Combat Enthusiast)
Why are you beating around the bush? This isn't like you, (Trailblazer).
No need to beat around the bush. I will keep this a secret for you, if you wish.
I need a photo of you.
I don't usually take photos, but March often sends me the pictures she snaps.
But... what exactly do you want my photo for?
Message forwarded...[]
(After scanning a QR Code in Fyxestroll Garden, then choosing to forward the fraudulent message to Dan Heng)
Message forwarded: "My dearest outworlder friend, I am the esteemed Vidyadhara High Elder. I was wounded by abominations and have been in dormancy for a thousand years. I only awakened very recently and plan to restore the glory of the Vidyadhara lineage. Unfortunately, I have lost all worldly possessions, and currently find myself in financial shortfall. So, I was hoping you could lend me 50,000 credits. Once I return to the Xianzhou, I'll pay you back tenfold and even let you choose anything you desire from our precious Vidyadhara treasures."
Dan Heng, you...
I didn't send that message.
Don't fall for it, and don't transfer any credits, (Trailblazer).
Be careful if you receive these kinds of messages in the future.
...By the way, you didn't actually get scammed and transfer any credits, did you?
Don't worry. I didn't fall for it.
Would you help me if I got scammed?
No, but I almost fell for it.
If I had been scammed and transferred credits to that scammer, you'd help me out, right?
Group Chats[]
Dan Heng has participated in 6 group chats:
- File:NPC Amphoreus Welcome Team Icon.png Amphoreus Welcome Team
Bronya, Trailblazer, March 7th, Dan Heng's Group Chat
Dazzling fan gathering spot
Paperfold University Fresh Banana Group
The Astral Express Family
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0