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Hi, (Trailblazer). I got...[]
Hi, (Trailblazer). I got your contact details from Miss Qingque
I'm trying to decipher my master's plans. By the Reignbow, I feel like I'm overflowing with inspiration!
I want to talk to someone about my ideas. Do you have the time?
I won't understand it
Have you tried Qingque?
Qingque "being busy"
I'm very busy too
But Miss Qingque said you're in Xianzhou as a tourist, and must have plenty of free time. She also said the secret faction you belong to loves to help people. Why else would you help the general and save us at the Artisanship Commission?
Ahhh, (Trailblazer), I want...[]
(After completing Adventure Mission A Teacher and a Friend)
You're finished with the skiff?
Say, (Trailblazer), can you come and scold me face-to-face?
The "cheer up" emotes Miss Qingque sends just aren't enough. They're not hitting the right spot...
If you can scold me really hard — make me feel shame and motivation from the depths of my soul — then I can finish my master's work!
Never heard of a request like that...
Would just a few angry words be enough?
If a few angry words are enough to motivate people into fulfilling their dreams, then the universe would be full of accomplished daydreams by now
I'm sorry. I was...[]
(After completing Adventure Mission A Teacher and a Friend: Interlude)
I'm sorry. I was the one who begged you to start all this, but now I'm also the one thinking of quitting...
What a waste of my time...
Please keep up...
Take a step back. Don't push yourself
You really don't need to push yourself like this
What would completing one skiff accomplish? I understand it might mean something special to you, but if we step back...
Everything humans do is meaningless. Give it a few more centuries, and who is going to remember the shame and hard work of a single apprentice in the Artisanship Commission?
(Trailblazer), do you still...[]
(Trailblazer), do you still remember when we watched the starskiffs go to and fro at Starskiff Haven?
Back then, I thought I could rely on my momentary impulsiveness to complete the starskiff design. "An average apprentice fulfilled his dead master's wishes" ...Wouldn't that be a good story?
But it didn't work out
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0