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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki


Well butter my fudge...[]

Character Boothill Icon
Well butter my fudge and call me a biscuit, I'm askin' ya somethin'. You got some fudgin' cotton in them ears, boy? I need that freighter's ID number, and unless ya want a lead headache, best hurry it up. Dagnabbit, you lil' forker, ya really think ya can fudgin' swing at me? You're cruisin' for a bruisin', ya dimwit, I swear I'll dog your cats so good today. [Noise detected, unable to identify]
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What is this
Character Trailblazer Icon
? What's this
Why cussing outta nowhere
Character Trailblazer Icon
? Why are you cussing outta nowhere
Character Boothill Icon
Ah, ain't nothin'. Reckon my phone got triggered by mistake, them tight jeans, you know how it is. All's well, no harm done. Muddle-fudger, you're as stubborn as a mule, ain't ya? Go choke on some shirtballs, ya hear me? [Noise detected, unable to recognize]
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Character Boothill Icon
What in tarnation are ya? A dadgum fudgehead! Yer yappin' like you're callin' folks out, huh? Aight, aight, aight, been itchin' for a tussle, ya shirt-for-brains. Fine, I'll show ya somethin' big, lil' forkers. Hahahahahahahaha [Noise detected, unable to recognize]
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Is this a livestream?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Got it. You're doing a livestream, aren't you?
I'll tip you 50 cents if you can drop some more dope lines
Butt dialing again, huh?
Character Trailblazer Icon
...That's a lot of butt dialing
Just get a new pair of jeans, bro. Or a new phone
Character Trailblazer Icon
Fudge fudge fudge fudge fudge
Character Boothill Icon
Aw shucks, ma bad. Apologies. Was just chattin' with a pal. Nothing to see here. Mighty sorry 'bout that. Later I'll rob a new phone real quick... Um, I mean "buy" a new phone. Hopefully, that'll fix things up, hahaha.
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Please abide by the law for once
Character Trailblazer Icon
Ahem, I know your whole deal is basically being an outlaw
But it's probably better to pay for a new phone
Character Boothill Icon
Well, shoot, who's talkin' 'bout robbin'? You heard wrong, haha. Gonna buy it fair and square, can't do it any other way.
Why the constant voice messages?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Why do you always send voice messages?
I'm a very shy introvert. Can't handle people yapping at me
Character Boothill Icon
Well, it's just, uh, you know. Didn't hit the books much when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, so, well, yappin' in voice messages comes easier, haha. Don't you be followin' my trail now, ya hear? Gotta hold them reins tight on yer own life.
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Character Boothill Icon
Gotta cut this short, pardner. I'm off to hunt some varmints, busy as a bee. I mean, catchin' up with "an old friend," it's been ages, haha. Till we meet again, adios.
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[No voice detected][]

Character Boothill Icon
[No voice detected]
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Character Boothill Icon
[No voice detected]
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Why radio silent now?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Say something, or I'm giving up on you
Wrong recipient?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Huh? Wrong recipient?
Character Boothill Icon
Haha, no sirree. I'm campin' near the lonesome stretches of the Kata Desert. When night falls quiet, you can hear the wind, the critters chirpin', and the rustle of wild beasts clear as a bell. Got a nice feel to it, so I reckoned I'd capture a bit of that and shoot it your way to have a listen.
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Character Boothill Icon
Too bad my stupid phone has such a fudgin' poor recording function. Boy, what a waste. Tell you what, the vibe here is really something. Forkin' awesome. Seriously.
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Send me the coordinates
Character Trailblazer Icon
I've had enough. Send me the coordinates. I'll teleport there right away
Character Boothill Icon
Ha, well ain't that a hoot. Too bad I've scoped it out, 'round these parts ain't no sign of y'all's Nameless shenanigans— What's it called? Space Encore? Nope, Space Anchor! It's no man's land here, ya catch my drift?
I do envy you
Character Trailblazer Icon
Sounds so enjoyable. I'm green with envy
Character Boothill Icon
Ha, true enough. If you're cut out for this kind of life, then it sure is snug as a bug. Ain't kiddin', these sorts of camps ain't easy to stumble upon. Luck's on my side today, mighty comfortable.
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Character Boothill Icon
Holy forkeroni, this weather, it's downright beautiful. These stars, like flour sprinkled on a coat. Tsk, mighty pretty, truly fine. Far from home, seldom see stars like these. Real pretty sight, tsk tsk.
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Character Boothill Icon
Well, I'll be forked. Suddenly got a hankerin' for home, forkin' hell.
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Your home?
Character Trailblazer Icon
You've never mentioned home before
What's your home like?
Character Boothill Icon
My home, ha. Long gone, yep. Long gone. Ain't much to say 'bout that.
Cry if you feel like it.
Character Trailblazer Icon
Boys can cry too, you know, crying isn't a crime
Just don't send me a voice message of it
Character Boothill Icon
Ain't near 'bout bawlin' my eyes out. I reckon I don't even have that function no more. Means, I can't cry no more. Missing home, well, that's as common as dirt, ha.
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Character Boothill Icon
Shame though, real fudgin' shame. My old homestead's grasslands, not to boast, but lying there was heaven on earth. Not even the top-notch steer in camp could match that grass for comfort. A real pity, that. And that creek, clean as a whistle, I tell ya. Them little fish in it looked like they were just floating in the air, no foolin'.
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Character Boothill Icon
Come nightfall, you'd plop down in the grasslands, find yerself a rock, face the breeze and strum a guitar or wail on a harmonica — that's the slice of paradise, crisp and sweet. Darn shame, no chance for that no more. Tut-tut, can't go back no more. Cannot go back anymore.
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Character Boothill Icon
When the time comes, I'll show ya what I got, haha. Ain't no boastin', but in the whole camp, I strum the guitar finest. Harmonica too, true story, no fibbin'. Ah, the moon's dip'n low. Time I hit the trail, catch ya later. Thanks for chewin' the fat with me, much obliged.
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Hey, (Trailblazer).[]

Character Boothill Icon
Hey, (Trailblazer). I rustled up some goods, you interested?
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Character Boothill Icon
Lemme tell ya, it's mighty fine, lit as fudge. Just crackin' open the pack, the scent hits yer noggin straight away. Then ya start droolin' like a hound, ya catch my drift. Just a whiff's enough to make ya giddy on cloud nine, taste it, and you're shootin' straight to the moon, hahahaha.
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What sorta stuff is that?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Sounds fishy. What sorta stuff is that?
Where did you get it from?
Character Boothill Icon
Don't go prying. Just know that it took me a heap of elbow grease. Fork it, ya've no idea how many sons of benches have been eyein' this, but today, I finally snagged it. Later, I'll have those lil' forkers hammer away at it, then seal it in a barrel and bury it deep for fermentin', else the purity would never fudgin' cut it. This here's some fine goods, can't let it be squandered on them shirt-for-brains, heh heh heh
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Hand the goodies over now!
Character Trailblazer Icon
Where did you get these goodies!? Hand them over now!
Sounds suspicious...
Character Trailblazer Icon
This is too suspicious. Get rid of them, now!
Character Boothill Icon
Fudge, I'll be hornswoggled. What in tarnation do I gain from givin' it to ya, huh? Have I got bats in my belfry or what? You takin' me for a born fool? Heh, I forkin' reckon not!
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I'm calling the cops then
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm calling the cops then
Sticker PPG 03 Caelus 01 Sticker PPG 03 Stelle 01
Character Boothill Icon
You fudgin' threatenin' me, pardner? Pullin' this stunt, huh? Well, shirt, I be forked. Aight, aight, you've got spunk, I like that. A ranger oughta shoot straight, not dilly-dally with all that fudgin' horsefeathers, hahahaha.
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Character Boothill Icon
Alrighty, it's yers. Shucks. Be here sharp at three system hours tonight, just you, nobody else. I'll shoot ya the coordinates later.
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Character Boothill Icon
Don't you dare waste it, y'hear, or we're gonna have words. This here's malt juice squeezed from premium Lufur watermelon, and in an entire Amber Era, ya be lucky to harvest two yields at best. Don't go wastin' it now. Saved myself just one bottle. Not a drop to spare, you got me? Ugh, shucks.
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Group Chats[]

Boothill has participated in 2 group chats:

Change History[]

