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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Memosprite Talents are a type of memosprite abilities. They are passive skills that take effect automatically under the correct conditions.

List of Memosprite Talents[]

Toggle Descriptions
6 abilities match the category selection:

Character Name Description Tag
Aglaea Aglaea After attacking an enemy afflicted with "Seam Stitch," increases this unit's SPD by 44—57.2, stacking up to 6 time(s). When Garmentmaker takes action, automatically uses "Thorned Snare," prioritizing enemies under the "Seam Stitch" state. Enhance
Aglaea Aglaea When Garmentmaker disappears, regenerates 20 Energy for Aglaea. Enhance
Trailblazer (Remembrance) Trailblazer (Remembrance) Increases all allies' CRIT DMG by an amount equal to 6%—13.2% of Mem's CRIT DMG plus 12%—26.4%.
If the Charge has yet to reach 100%, Mem automatically uses "Baddies! Trouble!" when taking action. When the Charge reaches 100%, Mem immediately takes action. In the next action, can select one ally and use "Lemme! Help You!".
Trailblazer (Remembrance) Trailblazer (Remembrance) When Mem is summoned, immediately gains 50% Charge. Enhance
Trailblazer (Remembrance) Trailblazer (Remembrance) When Mem disappears, Trailblazer's action advances by 25%. Enhance
Aglaea Aglaea When Garmentmaker is summoned, this unit's action advances by 100%. Enhance

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMemosprite Talent
Korean기억 정령 특성
SpanishTalento del mnemoduende
FrenchTalent du mnémesprit
RussianТалант духа памяти
VietnameseThiên Phú Linh Hồn Ký Ức
GermanTalent von Memogeist
IndonesianTalent Memosprite
PortugueseTalento do Memoespírito

Change History[]

