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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Memosprite Skills are a type of memosprite abilities. Most Memosprite Skills are automatically used when the memosprite takes action. Most Memosprite Skills, when used, will restore 10 Base Energy for their memomaster.

Memosprite Skills have a variety of effects. Some Memosprite Skills are used to attack enemies (either Single Target, Blast, Bounce or AoE), other Memosprite Skills are used to enhance or protect their allies.

List of Memosprite Skills[]

Toggle Descriptions
3 abilities match the category selection:

Character Name Description Tag
Trailblazer (Remembrance) Trailblazer (Remembrance) Deals 4 instance(s) of DMG, with each instance dealing Ice DMG equal to 18%—39.6% of Mem's ATK to one random enemy. At the end, deals Ice DMG equal to 45%—99% of Mem's ATK to all enemies. AoE
Trailblazer (Remembrance) Trailblazer (Remembrance) Advances the action of one designated ally by 100% and grants them "Mem's Support," lasting for 3 turn(s).
For every 1 instance of DMG dealt by a target that has "Mem's Support," additionally deals 1 instance of True DMG equal to 18%—30% of the original DMG.
When using this ability on this unit, cannot trigger the action advance effect.
Aglaea Aglaea Deals Lightning DMG equal to 55%—121% of ATK to one enemy and Lightning DMG equal to 33%—72.6% of ATK to adjacent targets. Blast


There is 1 Achievement related to Memosprite Skill:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
The Past Strikes Back Eager for Battle Defeat a total of 30 enemies using Memosprite Skill DMG No 3.0 5

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMemosprite Skill
Korean기억 정령 스킬
SpanishHabilidad del mnemoduende
FrenchCompétence du mnémesprit
RussianНавык духа памяти
VietnameseKỹ Năng Linh Hồn Ký Ức
GermanTechnik von Memogeist
IndonesianSkill Memosprite
PortuguesePerícia do Memoespírito

Change History[]

