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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Memory Backtrack is a sub-mission of Mundane Troubles during the Trailblaze Continuance chapter Crown of the Mundane and Divine.


  1. Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles" through the Memory Bubble
  2. Seek assistance from Asta
  3. Recall the content of the conversation with Hinkel
  4. Explore the related memory "Arlan's investigation" through the Memory Bubble
  5. Visit little Adler
  6. Recall the content of the conversation with Adler
  7. Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles" through the Memory Bubble
  8. Recall once more the content of your conversation with Asta
  9. Find the Insight Researcher who is talking to themselves
  10. Recall the content of the conversation with Emily
  11. Recall once more the content of your conversation with Arlan
  12. Recall once more the content of your conversation with Adler
  13. Recall once more the content of your conversation with Herta

Gameplay Notes[]

  • This sub-mission is considered a challenge, and pressing Esc offers the option to "Pause and Save" or "Quit Completely" to exit.


Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles" through the Memory Bubble[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Herta had commissioned you to find a lost Curio, and you might need Asta's help.
(Trailblazer): (My memory is kind of hazy. What did I do after that?)
(Trailblazer): (I think Herta mentioned Asta... That's right, I think I visited Asta...)
(Talk to Herta again, optional)
Herta: Let me describe it again, in case you forgot: It's an ■■■■. It's alive, but it doesn't have a body.
Herta: Send me a signal when you see traces of it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow An ■■■■?
(Trailblazer): (I think she mentioned something important, but I can't remember.)
(Trailblazer): (If only there were some hints, then maybe...)
Herta: Anyway, keep up the good work. I need to go out for a bit. Go ask Asta if you want someone to help you.
(Listen to Wen Shiqi and Emily, optional)
Wen Shiqi: Hey, what brings you here, Rich? It's been so long!
Emily: Heh, I'm not that wonderful. I'm just okay.
Wen Shiqi: It's all taken care of. As long as the money's there, it's all good.
Wen Shiqi: Here's the account you asked for. It's legit and secure, allowing you to connect straight to the intranet.
Emily: Mm-hmm, sure. Can I help you with something?
Wen Shiqi: You flatter me — I'm just a peddler doing a little business on the side.
Wen Shiqi: Small-scale — best left under the table... but if you ever make it big in the Guild, don't forget your humble friend, okay?
Emily: Again? How many times has it been!? You're really pushing my buttons...
(Trailblazer): (These two aren't making any sense... this is so weird.)

(Enter the related memory)
(Trailblazer): (This is what I recall before I met Herta, but I can't remember some of the details.)
(Trailblazer): (Let me try to remember the conversation with Asta.)
Icon Dialogue Quest Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles"
Icon Dialogue Exit Stay in the current memory

Seek assistance from Asta[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Asta, who manages the space station, should be able to provide some clues
Asta: ...Hmm, a Curio that's alive but doesn't have a body? Sorry, but nothing comes to mind...
Asta: Maybe the researchers at the Departments of Ecology or Insight may have an idea?
Asta: Hinkel and ■■■ are around here somewhere. I'd suggest you ask them about it.
(Talk to Asta again, optional)
Asta: ...Hmm, a Curio that's alive but doesn't have a body? Sorry, but nothing comes to mind...
Asta: Maybe the researchers at the Departments of Ecology or Insight may have an idea?
Asta: Hinkel and ■■■ are around here somewhere. I'd suggest you ask them about it.

Recall the content of the conversation with Hinkel[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Asta doesn't seem to have any clues either. Thankfully, Hinkel from the Department of Ecology is nearby.
(Trailblazer): (Asta seems to have mentioned two names... two researchers from the Departments of Ecology and Insight...)
(Listen to researchers, optional)
Chatty Researcher: I'm gonna tell you something. Make sure you don't tell anyone else.
Gossiping Researcher: Of course! My lips are sealed — not a word to anyone.
Chatty Researcher: The multiple disappearances — they're all for real.
Gossiping Researcher: Seriously!?
Chatty Researcher: Shhh! Why are you being so loud! Do you wanna disappear too!?
(Listen to researchers, optional)
Furious Researcher: It's been so long and there's still no response!
Gloomy Researcher: There's something fishy going on — how come they haven't recovered anything? I don't believe it.
Gloomy Researcher: They're hiding something...
Furious Researcher: Tsk, those managers are useless.
(Listen to researchers, optional)
Terrified Researcher: I—I saw it! I saw that person disappear! They vanished right before my eyes! Just like that — snap! It was so quick, n—no traces left — not even bones!
Researcher at a Loss: Wh—What do we do? It sounds like he's telling the truth...
Underperforming Researcher: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just let the professionals deal with it. Did you finish your work?
(Listen to Esther, optional)
Esther: I say, what a wonderfully intelligent-looking young lady.
"Guild Researcher": Alright, alright, alright. Cut the pleasantries and tell me how it's going.
Esther: No need to be modest — at my age you get a feel for intelligence...
Esther: ...though I confess I did hear someone say you were the shining star of the Department of Insight.
"Guild Researcher": I have faith in your abilities. So, how about my offer? Why not come with me after this is done?
Esther: See this material here? People are so inconsiderate — how's someone like me supposed to make out the small print?
Esther: I'm not getting any younger and my eyesight is failing. Do you think you can...?
"Guild Researcher": Sure thing. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled — I'll be bringing you something big soon!
(Trailblazer): (It's happening again... The words in my memory are all jumbled up.)
(Enter the related memory, optional)
(Trailblazer): (I can't recall the other person, but one of them was Hinkel. I remember her...)

(Talk to Hinkel)
Hinkel: Those despicable villains are distorting the truth online!
Hinkel: If I discover who's behind this... they're going to wish they'd never crossed me!
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Ask for clues about the lost Curio)
Hinkel: A Curio that's alive but doesn't have a body? Isn't that just a Jinx?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Jinx...?
Hinkel: Oh, nowadays, people call them Wubbaboos.
Icon Dialogue Arrow A Wubbaboo... That doesn't sound right.
Hinkel: Well, I might be the Department of Ecology head, but I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Curios.
Hinkel: Adler would be of more help, but he's been investigating some paranormal phenomenon. I haven't seen him all day.
Icon Dialogue Arrow So not only do I have to find a Curio, I have to find a person too?
Hinkel: I must say, it's a little embarrassing for the space station to be in such disarray while guests are visiting.
Hinkel: We've been through a huge crisis and are still recovering... but there are some who are trying to exploit the chaos to agitate the workforce.
Hinkel: People are growing more and more distrustful of the management here. It's probably turned into a big headache for Asta too.
Hinkel: *sigh* Never mind, I shouldn't be telling you this. It's something that we researchers need to resolve ourselves. Pretend I didn't say anything.
(Obtain Cognition Chasm: Confidence Crisis Cognition Chasm: Confidence Crisis)
(Talk to Hinkel, optional)
Hinkel: Well, I might be the Department of Ecology head, but I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to Curios.
Hinkel: People are growing more and more distrustful of the management here. It's probably turned into a big headache for Asta too.
Hinkel: *sigh* Never mind, I shouldn't be telling you this. It's something that we researchers need to resolve ourselves. Pretend I didn't say anything.

Explore the related memory "Arlan's investigation" through the Memory Bubble[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Hinkel recommended little Adler to you — He apparently knows the most about Curios out of the entire Department of Ecology.
(Trailblazer): (Adler, Adler... Right, then I ran into Arlan. Adler was with him.)
(Trailblazer): (It was at...)
(Open Memory Exploration Tutorial)

(Enter the related memory)
(Trailblazer): (Adler was with Arlan. They were involved in some sort of incident...)
Icon Dialogue Quest Explore the related memory "Arlan's investigation"
Icon Dialogue Exit Stay in the current memory

Arlan: What? He went to the scene alone with Peppy!? How could you let him...
Security Department Member: Calm down, brother Arlan — I know you're upset.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What are you people up to?
Arlan: W—We're walking the dog...
Security Department Member: W—We're having a walk...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can you get your story straight first...?
Arlan: ...L—Like I said, we're walking the dog.
Security Department Member: ...So I'm the dog?
(Trailblazer): (...They seem to be hiding something.)
Arlan: *sigh* Is there something you need?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm looking for Adler.
Security Department Member: Oh, really? What coincidence — we're looking for him too.
Security Department Member: That kid sure is brave — running straight to the scene on his own.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The scene of what? Is he in danger?
Security Department Member: Ah, um... no! No danger. Of course, he's not in danger!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Aren't you supposed to be walking the dog?
Security Department Member: Ah, yes, well... Peppy isn't here, you see.
Security Department Member: *sigh* Brother Arlan, I—I can't keep this up anymore.
Arlan: Ugh, can you leave the talking to me next time?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is there a problem?
Arlan: ...Let's walk and talk.

Visit little Adler[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Due to Hinkel's recommendations, you decide to visit Adler. However, others seem to be looking for him too.
Arlan: Why are you looking for Adler?
Arlan: ...A lost Curio? I see. He'll be able to help.
(Approach Voidranger: Eliminator Voidranger: Eliminator)
Arlan: Careful, the Fragmentum in this area is very unstable.

(Attempt to walk away from the marked location, optional)
(Trailblazer): (No, not this road. I didn't go there.)
(Approach marked location)
Arlan: Over there!
Arlan: As I thought, he's in trouble... Let's go!
(Begin battle against Stormbringer Stormbringer ×1, Windspawn Windspawn ×2)

Arlan: Peppy, are you okay?
Peppy: Woof!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you really the one who knows the most about Curios?
Adler: That's me. What's up?
Arlan: (he/she) wants to ask you something about Curios.
Arlan: I'll leave you to it. Adler, Peppy's in your hands now. Oh, about that investigation I asked for...
Adler: Don't worry, I think I figured something out. Catch you later.

Recall the content of the conversation with Adler[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

See what Adler has to say about Herta's commission.
(Enter the related memory, optional)
(Trailblazer): (I think I missed something. I need to think harder.)
(Attempt to walk past the Sustenance Anchor, optional)
(Trailblazer): (No, not this road. I didn't go there.)
(Talk to Arlan, optional)

Arlan: I figured you'd come to me to uncover the truth...

Arlan: I'm sorry. The situation is very delicate. I can't say anything except that it's a secret mission.
Icon Dialogue Arrow About ■■■■■■?
Arlan: H—How did you know!?
(Trailblazer): (Just as I thought, I vaguely remember that Arlan said more... It's related to the thing I forgot...)
Using Cognition Chasm might help you restore hazy memories
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use Cognition Chasm
(Submit wrong chasm)
(The Cognition Chasms currently collected are insufficient to restore hazy memories. Please collect more Cognition Chasms)
Icon Dialogue Exit Leave

(Talk to Adler)
Adler: So, which Curio do you wanna know about?
Icon Dialogue Arrow One that has no body, but is alive.
Adler: That's all you got? Too abstract.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's all Herta said.
Adler: Well, there's beauty in the abstract I guess.
Adler: Have you asked the Department of Ecology head?
Icon Dialogue Arrow She said it might be a Wubbaboo.
Adler: She's not wrong... but that doesn't feel entirely right either.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I heard something like that also exists in the ■■■■.
(Trailblazer): (Huh? What did I say?)
Adler: Huh, now that you mention it... I have a wild hypothesis, but it needs verifying.
Adler: Let's call it a day. Wait for me, I'll be in touch.
(Trailblazer): (Adler seems to have gotten a lead, but... what was the information I forgot? And from whom?)
(Talk to Adler, optional)
Adler: Have you asked the Department of Ecology head?
Icon Dialogue Arrow She said it might be a Wubbaboo.
Adler: She's not wrong... but that doesn't feel entirely right either.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I heard something like that also exists in the ■■■■.
(Trailblazer): (Huh? What did I say?)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use Cognition Chasm
(Submit wrong chasm)
(The Cognition Chasms currently collected are insufficient to restore hazy memories. Please collect more Cognition Chasms)
Icon Dialogue Exit Leave

Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles" through the Memory Bubble[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

The memories concerning Adler seem to be rather hazy. You vaguely remember it has got to do with someone previously mentioned by Asta.
(Trailblazer): (Let's go over it from the start, I may have overlooked something... Right — Asta mentioned another name.)
(Open Hazy Memories Tutorial)

(Enter the related memory)
(Trailblazer): (My memories of Arlan and Adler are hazy. I need to remember the other person Asta mentioned.)
Icon Dialogue Quest Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Explore the related memory "Herta's assignment"
Icon Dialogue Exit Stay in the current memory

Recall once more the content of your conversation with Asta[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

You seemed to have talked with Asta about something else after receiving Hinkel's recommendations. Try to remember it.
(Talk to Asta)
Asta: ...Hmm, a Curio that's alive but doesn't have a body? Sorry, but nothing comes to mind...
(Using Cognition Chasm might help you restore hazy memories)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use Cognition Chasm
(Submit Cognition Chasm: Confidence Crisis Cognition Chasm: Confidence Crisis)
(You recall more missing memories)
Asta: How's it going? Did you find the information you're after?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I haven't made any progress yet.
Asta: I see. Is that what Hinkel and ■■■ think? At least that counts as a lead.
Asta: See? My researchers are pretty outstanding.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I heard you're in a bit of trouble.
Asta: Just business as usual, nothing to worry about.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You seem a little anxious?
Asta: Anxious? Me? Is it that obvious...?
Asta: ...After the Legion's invasion, the space station has been under constant scrutiny. Physical damage can be easily repaired, but it takes a long time to heal the wounds in people's hearts.
Asta: Some researchers have been questioning the management and security of the space station ever since the invasion.
Asta: Things had settled down a bit with the reconstruction efforts, but the researchers' disappearances have rattled them again.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Researchers' disappearances?
Asta: Yes. Four researchers have inexplicably disappeared in a matter of days. No exit logs, no traces — vanished.
Asta: People were just starting to regain their footing after the catastrophe. I didn't want panic to spread, so I suppressed the reports and told the Security Department to investigate in secret.
Asta: However, as you can see, it's hard to keep secrets in a sardine can like this.
Asta: Rebuilding trust is harder than establishing it in the first place... I'm concerned someone's pulling strings to sway public opinion.
Asta: Anyway, the most important thing is to get to the bottom of the disappearances.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you need my help?
Asta: That's okay, but thank you for the offer. Aren't you helping Madam Herta with something already?
Asta: By the way, I heard about the thing ■■■ mentioned, and I'll look into it, too. I'll find a way to solve the problem for the space station.
(Trailblazer): (So I did consult someone other than Hinkel. The only thing I remember is that they're from the Department of Insight.)
(Obtain Cognition Chasm: Researchers' Disappearance Cognition Chasm: Researchers' Disappearance)
(Talk to Asta, optional)
Asta: By the way, I heard about the thing ■■■ mentioned, and I'll look into it, too. I'll find a way to solve the problem for the space station.
(Trailblazer): (So I did consult someone other than Hinkel. The only thing I remember is that they're from the Department of Insight.)

Find the Insight Researcher who is talking to themselves[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Apart from Hinkel in the Department of Insight, you also asked for clues regarding the lost Curio from someone else in that department. Who might it be?
(Trailblazer): (The other person should be from the Department of Insight. I need to remember who it is...)

(Enter the related memory)
(Trailblazer): (My memories of Arlan and Adler are hazy. I need to remember the other person Asta mentioned.)
Icon Dialogue Quest Explore the related memory "Herta's assignment"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Explore the related memory "Arlan's investigation"
(Trailblazer): (Not here... That person is probably with the Department of Insight.)
Icon Dialogue Exit Stay in the current memory

(Trailblazer): (Identifying that person is crucial — it could be the key to making sense of everything)
(Listen to Wen Shiqi and Emily)
Wen Shiqi: Hey, what brings you here, Rich? It's been so long!
Emily: Heh, I'm not that wonderful. I'm just okay.
Wen Shiqi: It's all taken care of. As long as the money's there, it's all good.
Wen Shiqi: Here's the account you asked for. It's legit and secure, allowing you to connect straight to the intranet.
Emily: Mm-hmm, sure. Can I help you with something?
Wen Shiqi: You flatter me — I'm just a peddler doing a little business on the side.
Wen Shiqi: Small-scale — best left under the table... but if you ever make it big in the Guild, don't forget your humble friend, okay?
Emily: Again? How many times has it been!? You're really pushing my buttons...
(Trailblazer): (Here too... My memories are just a jumbled mess of words.)
(Trailblazer): (Did my memory piece together irrelevant information?)
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Restore the muddled memory)
(Trailblazer): (Now I remember — the other person is Emily! She was at the base zone.)
Icon Dialogue Exit (Trust my own memory)

Recall the content of the conversation with Emily[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

The clues provided by Emily inspired Adler afterward. Try to remember what it might be.
(Enter the related memory)
(Trailblazer): (What did Emily say...?)
Icon Dialogue Quest Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Explore the related memory "Arlan's investigation"
Icon Dialogue Exit Stay in the current memory

(Listen to Wen Shiqi and Richard, optional)
Wen Shiqi: Hey, what brings you here, Rich? It's been so long!
"Guild Researcher": Alright, alright, alright. Cut the pleasantries and tell me how it's going.
Wen Shiqi: It's all taken care of. As long as the money's there, it's all good.
Wen Shiqi: Here's the account you asked for. It's legit and secure, allowing you to connect straight to the intranet.
"Guild Researcher": I have faith in your abilities. So, how about my offer? Why not come with me after this is done?
Wen Shiqi: You flatter me — I'm just a peddler doing a little business on the side.
Wen Shiqi: Small-scale — best left under the table... but if you ever make it big in the Guild, don't forget your humble friend, okay?
"Guild Researcher": Sure thing. Anyway, keep your eyes peeled — I'll be bringing you something big soon!
(Listen to Emily and Esther)
Esther: I say, what a wonderfully intelligent-looking young lady.
Emily: Heh, I'm not that wonderful. I'm just okay.
Esther: No need to be modest — at my age you get a feel for intelligence...
Esther: ...though I confess I did hear someone say you were the shining star of the Department of Insight.
Emily: Mm-hmm, sure. Can I help you with something?
Esther: See this material here? People are so inconsiderate — how's someone like me supposed to make out the small print?
Esther: I'm not getting any younger and my eyesight is failing. Do you think you can...?
Emily: Again? How many times has it been!? You're really pushing my buttons...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sorry, if I can interrupt...
Esther: Oh, another smart-looking youngster. Wonderful — it's about time we had some new recruits.
Emily: Huh, Asta told you to find me? A curio that doesn't have a body but is alive... Isn't the Department of Ecology full of Curio experts? That's got nothing to do with the Department of Insight.
Emily: However, I've heard of such a species. A colleague who came back from a business trip said that the Xianzhou Alliance has lifeforms like that.
Emily: Uh, don't get me wrong, I was merely relaying information. I didn't mean I'd help you. *sigh* The atmosphere on the space station has been getting stranger lately. It's risky taking sides.
(Obtain Cognition Chasm: The Xianzhou Alliance Cognition Chasm: The Xianzhou Alliance)

Recall once more the content of your conversation with Arlan[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

The incident Asta mentioned got Arlan to let down his guard. He has important findings on him.
(Trailblazer): (The Xianzhou species Emily mentioned seems to be what inspired Adler.)
(Trailblazer): (The disappearances Asta mentioned are likely related to Arlan's investigations too.)
(Trailblazer): (Now I should be able to tie everything together.)

(Enter the related memory)
(Trailblazer): (The Xianzhou species Emily mentioned seems to be what inspired Adler.)
Icon Dialogue Quest Explore the related memory "Arlan's investigation"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Explore the related memory "Herta's assignment"
Icon Dialogue Exit Stay in the current memory

(Talk to Arlan)
Arlan: I figured you'd come to me to uncover the truth...
Arlan: I'm sorry. The situation is very delicate. I can't say anything except that it's a secret mission.
Icon Dialogue Arrow About ■■■■■■?
(Trailblazer): (Just as I thought, I vaguely remember that Arlan said more... It's related to the thing I forgot...)
(Using Cognition Chasm might help you restore hazy memories)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use Cognition Chasm
(Submit wrong chasm)
(The Cognition Chasm used cannot restore hazy memories. Please try another Cognition Chasm)
(Submit Cognition Chasm: Researchers' Disappearance Cognition Chasm: Researchers' Disappearance)
(You recall more missing memories)
Arlan: I'm sorry. The situation is very delicate. I can't say anything except that it's a secret mission.
Icon Dialogue Arrow About the researchers' disappearances?
Arlan: H—How did you know!?
Arlan: ...I see. Could you also tell that Lady Asta was feeling the pressure?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you found anything?
Arlan: ...I'll be honest with you — it's been tough. The surveillance didn't capture anything regarding the researchers' disappearance.
Arlan: There's only one clue. Adler observed that the automatic fire-suppression system was momentarily activated around the time the disappearances occurred.
Arlan: That means that every victim's disappearance was accompanied by some inexplicable fire. When we made visits to the scenes, some of the witness testimonies seemed to agree with this...
Arlan: The words they used were... spontaneous combustion of the human body.
(Obtain Cognition Chasm: Spontaneous Human Combustion Cognition Chasm: Spontaneous Human Combustion)
(Talk to Arlan, optional)
Arlan: I'm sorry. This situation is unique. I hope you can keep this a secret for me...

Recall once more the content of your conversation with Adler[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Adler had a bold hypothesis thanks to Emily's information.
(Talk to Adler)
Adler: Have you asked the Department of Ecology head?
Icon Dialogue Arrow She said it might be a Wubbaboo.
Adler: She's not wrong... but that doesn't feel entirely right either.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I heard something like that also exists in the ■■■■.
(Trailblazer): (Huh? What did I say?)
(Using Cognition Chasm might help you restore hazy memories)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use Cognition Chasm
(Submit wrong chasm)
(The Cognition Chasm used cannot restore hazy memories. Please try another Cognition Chasm)
(Submit Cognition Chasm: The Xianzhou Alliance Cognition Chasm: The Xianzhou Alliance)
(You recall more missing memories)
Adler: She's not wrong... but that doesn't feel entirely right either.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I heard something like that also exists in the Xianzhou Alliance.
Adler: Ahh, that's right. They're called heliobi. I guess you could say that wubbaboos and heliobi are sort of like cousins — both are types of energy lifeform.
Adler: Huh, now that you mention it... I have a wild hypothesis, but it needs verifying.
Adler: Let's call it a day. Wait for me, I'll be in touch.
(Obtain Cognition Chasm: Energy Lifeform Cognition Chasm: Energy Lifeform)
(Talk to Adler, optional)
Adler: Let's call it a day. Wait for me, I'll be in touch.

Recall once more the content of your conversation with Herta[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Adler's insights finally made you recall the entirety of Herta's commission. Let's double-check the content of that commission again.
(Trailblazer): (Spontaneous combustion of the human body... that is most likely the truth.)
(Trailblazer): (Let me remember my initial conversation with Herta, just in case...)

(Enter the related memory)
(Trailblazer): (I need to go over it from the start... starting with the conversation I had with Herta...)
Icon Dialogue Quest Explore the related memory "Herta's assignment"
Icon Dialogue Arrow Explore the related memory "Asta's troubles"
Icon Dialogue Exit Stay in the current memory

(Talk to Herta)

Herta: Let me describe it again, in case you forgot: It's an ■■■■. It's alive, but it doesn't have a body.

Herta: Send me a signal when you see traces of it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow An ■■■■?
(Trailblazer): (I think she mentioned something important, but I can't remember.)
(Trailblazer): (If only there were some hints, then maybe...)
(Using Cognition Chasm might help you restore hazy memories)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Use Cognition Chasm
(Submit wrong chasm)
(The Cognition Chasm used cannot restore hazy memories. Please try another Cognition Chasm)
(Submit Cognition Chasm: Energy Lifeform Cognition Chasm: Energy Lifeform)
(You recall more missing memories)
Herta: Let me describe it again, in case you forgot: It's an energy lifeform. It's alive, but it doesn't have a body.
Herta: Send me a signal when you see traces of it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Energy lifeform?
Herta: That's not the point. I wouldn't be bothering with it if it didn't have something to do with the Genius Society.
Herta: Anyway, keep up the good work. I need to go out for a bit. Go ask Asta if you want someone to help you.
(Obtain Cognition Chasm: Genius Society Member Cognition Chasm: Genius Society Member)

Memory Sorting
Herta assigned me to find a certain lost Curio, which is a kind of energy lifeform related to the Genius Society. It seems that I may need Asta's help.

I found Asta, but she didn't seem to know much about it either. Fortunately, Hinkel of the Department of Ecology and Emily of the Department of Insight are nearby, which is more or less a clue.

Hinkel is troubled by the confidence crisis within the space station, and Asta must be under considerable pressure. We had a brief chat, and she speculated that what Herta is looking for might be Wubbaboos, but this conclusion may be inaccurate. In the end, Hinkel suggested that I look for Adler. Apparently, he is the person who knows the most about Curios in the Department of Ecology.

In addition to Hinkel from the Department of Ecology, I also asked Emily from the Department of Insight for clues about the missing Curio. She told me that apparently there are similar lifeforms in the Xianzhou Alliance.

The issue of the confidence crisis Hinkel mentioned concerned me a little. Asta and I chatted about this topic, and I unexpectedly learned that there had been a series of researcher disappearances on the space station recently.

I ran into Arlan on my way to find Adler. He seemed to be looking for Adler too, so I decided to go with him.

Adler was saved by us when he was attacked. I explained what my intentions were, and he said that the Wubbaboos suspected by Hinkel of the Department of Ecology and the heliobus that Emily of the Department of Insight heard about were both energy lifeforms, which gave him some kind of revelation.

Arlan was secretly investigating something. After saving Adler, I tried to get to the bottom of things, but he seemed to be hiding something. I did some poking around, and sure enough, he was investigating the disappeared researchers that Asta mentioned before. With Adler's help, he discovered that every disappearance was accompanied by an instance of spontaneous human combustion.

Herta assigned me to investigate energy lifeforms similar to Wubbaboos and heliobi. The spontaneous human combustion occurring among the researchers is also a thorny problem. But Adler already seemed to have a bold conjecture. His intuition was very accurate, and it seemed that he was looking forward to something.

(Proceed to Mundane Troubles)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMemory Backtrack
Korean기억 회상
SpanishRecuperación de recuerdos
FrenchRetour des souvenirs
RussianВосстановление воспоминаний
VietnameseHồi Tưởng Ký Ức
IndonesianMengingat Kenangan
PortugueseRetomada de Memórias

Change History[]

