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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Maryam is an NPC aboard The Xianzhou Luofu, located in Cloudford upon completing Trailblaze Mission Obsequies Performed, A Long Road Ahead in the Chapter Karmic Clouds Faded, War Banners Folded.


Maryam is a traveling merchant from outside the Xianzhou Luofu. As one of the few merchants selling Cybercity superconducting alloys, she is in a tense commercial rivalry with another outworld merchant, Sinclair.


Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"Did the Sky-Faring Commission's regulations get another revision?"
(Version 2)
"The first one to hand in my application this time, heh."


(First interaction)
Maryam: Seems like the Sky-Faring Commission has updated their regulations yet again, mostly about detentions and compensation due to the Ambrosial Arbor's new growth. But there doesn't seem to be anything about document approvals...
Maryam: Hello there boss, are you also a traveling merchant from beyond the sky? My name is Maryam, and I'm mostly involved with the distribution and sales of Cybercity superconducting alloys. Let's talk if you're interested.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm no Outworld traveling merchant, and I'm not into business.
Maryam: Doesn't matter whether you're an Outworld traveling merchant or not. I'm more concerned about another vendor trying to sell Cybercity superconducting alloys out here.
Maryam: On the Xianzhou, there's a saying: "Your peers are your rivals" — and another one: "Rivals will always run into each other," meaning rivals tread a narrow path alongside each other. We are no rivals, so the road we take should surely widen out.
Maryam: But not necessarily for that traveling merchant over there called Sinclair. I suggest you keep away from him whether you're our rival or not for longevity's sake. We're all short-life species here, so life is to be cherished.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why would a traveling merchant come to Cloudford?
Maryam: You really do sound like an outsider when you ask questions like that, boss.
Maryam: I loaded up a bunch of my stock into the Trove of Verdure here in Cloudford. Despite the Sky-Faring Commission guaranteeing security for me, there's always an abomination or two nearby, so I often stop in to check on my stock.
Maryam: Also, I just feel... It's just a feeling I've got that Xianzhou people have an unusual conception of time.
Maryam: For them, ten years is like a snap of the fingers, so when they tell you things like "soon," you have to keep on pressing them because in their minds, it's not an urgent matter.
Maryam: This matter can't wait though, so you will see me chasing up that guy named Maozhen every single day.
Maryam: So I'm stuck here. All I can do is check up on the Sky-Faring Commission's regulations and pace around anxiously. If you're down for a casual chat with me, it'd be a great way to pass the time — how about it?
(Continue on to dialogue options below)

(Subsequent interactions)
Maryam: This time my application was submitted first. And Master Sinclair should really reconsider his position.
Maryam: Oh, you're still here, boss? Wanna have another chat? I'm not up to anything anyway.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's have a small chat.
Maryam: That's all I could ask for. What would you like to chat about?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm guessing you and that Sinclair guy don't get along?
Maryam: Honestly, if you ask me, I've never taken him seriously.
Maryam: Master Sinclair always thinks I'm out to get him, and that I'm this evil mastermind stealing his business. When I offer a price, he lowers it, and so I put out another price. And he lowers it again...
Maryam: I suspect he's here for charity instead of business. I didn't mind at first, but after thinking it through, as an experienced traveling merchant, how could I show any weakness in front of this oaf.
Maryam: So if he wants to lower the price, I shall accompany him down. I'll get my documents from the Sky-Faring Commission approved before he does, too. That'll show him how a serious merchant gets business done.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you know of a traveling merchant with a coffin?
Maryam: A traveling merchant with a coffin? Not that I've seen... But then again, I don't know all the traveling merchants here. If I knew that Sinclair was already selling superconducting alloys, I wouldn't even have gotten into this trade. What rotten luck.
Maryam: But this "merchant with a coffin" you're asking about sounds very mysterious. I once saw a show on IPM with this solo gunslinger dragging along a coffin as he stalks the muddy wilderness, saving a girl from bandits' clutches.
Maryam: The gunslinger had this troubled past that's etched onto a face clouded by memories. At one point I thought the coffin would be empty — every time someone asked him what was in the coffin, he replied that it was himself.
Maryam: Then I guessed that it was a close friend or family member. A "symbol of misfortune" that forced him to drag the coffin out of guilt. But nobody mentioned any rotting stench emanating from within.
Maryam: Later, I thought there must be a treasure or fortune inside, and the coffin was just a red herring. You may have heard that some cosmic treasures don't fare well under natural light...
Maryam: So in the end, right, what does the gunslinger pull out of the coffin? A fully-automatic heavy energy machine gun! Ahahaha, what a surprise. Think about it! He's a gunslinger, so what else could be in the coffin?
Maryam: So if the "traveling merchant with a coffin" you mentioned is a traveling merchant, there should be goods for sale stuffed inside the coffin.
Icon Dialogue Talk You sound really experienced when it comes to waiting for official documents.
Maryam: It's... complicated.
Maryam: When I was back on my home planet, getting a business license was always a real pain. It usually took a year. At first, I was pretty angry and anxious. But later on, I became more calm about it.
Maryam: In the end, when the official document was finally issued, I didn't feel the kind of joy you'd expect. I was just so numb from waiting so long that I couldn't even get hyped up to celebrate.
Maryam: There'll always be things that are a pain, and "Not having official documents" won't be the worst. I mean, as long as nobody deliberately messes things up, it'll get done sooner or later... Fortunately our luck held out until we got there in the end.
Maryam: Hey, but I wouldn't call this any kind of "experience." Please forgive me.
Icon Dialogue Exit I'm busy, so I'll be heading off.
Maryam: Off you go. Take care.
Icon Dialogue Exit I'm busy, so I'll be heading off.
I'm busy, so I'll be heading off.

Other Languages[]

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