March of Sweet Dreams is an Event Adventure Mission on Penacony from the Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription event.
- Collect inspiration for composing a song by wandering around the campus
- Join the Origami Birds' ensemble
- Return to the stage and tell Montana what you saw
Collect inspiration for composing a song by wandering around the campus[]
Mission Description
You've become the manager of the music party's performing band, and now your band needs to complete 3 performances on the stage in the middle of the campus.
Wander around the campus to help Rappa collect inspiration for composing.
- (Approach Professor Owl)
- Professor Owl: Hoot hoot. New student, you should be careful and not run in the hallway, hoot.
A new kind of origami bird?
- (Optional only available if this is the first time meeting Professor Owl)
- Professor Owl: Hoot hoothoot, I am Professor Owl, a good friend of Clockie's. See the birds in Paperfold Woods? They're all my students.
I'm in a hurry.
- Professor Owl: Hoot hoot. You're still young, with plenty of time. Everything should be resolved slowly.
- Professor Owl: Even if Boss Stone were here, there's no need to rush, hoot.
- Professor Owl: Hoot hoot, it's all right. What a polite student, hoot.
- Professor Owl: Hoot hoot. I know why you're in a hurry: It's for our Paperfold Woods' Chirpy Banquet, isn't it? This old bird has heard that you have an important duty to perform this night. How admirable.
- Professor Owl: Oh yes, some origami birds that I teach are practicing in the hut up ahead. Please help them out if you have time.
- Professor Owl: Hoot hoot. The banquet is a major event in the Dreamville. I look forward to your performance. Do your best, hoot.
- (Trailblazer): (Origami Birds... practicing? The room ahead must be the classroom... Better go take a look.)
- (Approach the Lead Bird)
- Lead Bird: We are Paperfold University's band, The Chirples! We offer our music to the great Professor Owl. Those who're deaf to music have no right to be talking to us, tweet!
- Lead Bird: Tweet? Aren't you the one loitering about the stage just now? Didn't know you were one of us. What role are you in your band, tweet?
I'm the guitarist.
- Lead Bird: Tweet! The protags in popular band manga are all guitarists. That's unfair to the rest of the band, tweet!
I'm the bassist.
- Lead Bird: Tweet! I hate it when fans can't even tell the difference between bass and guitar! Bassists exist too, tweet!
I'm the keyboardist.
- Lead Bird: Tweet! Many keyboardists also compose songs. It's super tiring! Everyone should treat keyboardists better, tweet!
I'm the drummer.
- Lead Bird: Tweet! Drummers can only hold on to their sticks in group photos, poor things, tweet!
I'm the band manager.
- Lead Bird: Tweet! So you're the producer then, scurrying about preparing tracks and venues for the band. Your job's tough too, tweet!
- Lead Bird: Since we're all mutual music enthusiasts, come play with us! Let's see what you got, tweet!
- Lead Bird: The band's playing the Dreamville's marching song — Good Dreams Come, tweet! Do your best to keep up with us, tweet!
(Join the Origami Birds' ensemble)
- (Open March of Sweet Dreams Challenge Details)
Join the Origami Birds' ensemble[]
Step Description
You've become the manager of the music party's performing band, and now your band needs to complete 3 performances on the stage in the middle of the campus.
Obtain a record of the origami birds' beats to help Rappa collect inspiration for composing.
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Lead Bird: The band's playing the Dreamville's marching song — Good Dreams Come, tweet! Do your best to keep up with us, tweet!
(Join the Origami Birds' ensemble)
- (Open March of Sweet Dreams Challenge Details)
I've got something else to do.
- (Upon opening Challenge Details screen, interactive tutorial)
- Every musical challenge has two difficulty levels to choose from.
- Try the calibration function if your device has high lag.
- After completing the Easy Difficulty challenge, you can obtain the corresponding musical inspirations.
- Let's get started.
- (Begin Easy Difficulty)
- (Tutorial)
- Play the blue Origami Bird and join the chorus for Sweet Dream March, tweet!
- (Exit Challenge Details screen after completing Easy Difficulty)
- Lead Bird: Tweet! Tweet tweet! You scored really high in the origami birds' ensemble training! Congrats, tweet!
That was awesome!
I was acknowledged by the origami birds!
- Lead Bird: The Dreamville's marching song has even harder performance methods. You're welcome to play with us again, tweet!
- Lead Bird: Music is the world's treasure. We must use music to turn the world into one huge concert, tweet!
- (Trailblazer): (I collected the origami birds' rhythm record. Better send it to Rappa for a listen.)
- Messages
Sound Ninja AssemblyI got somethingDocument sent
An absolutely elegant beat!I truly appreciate your hunt for my inspiration, Sound MasterI say, where did you find this secret art?
Return to the stage and tell Montana what you saw[]
Step Description
You've become the manager of the music party's performing band, and now your band needs to complete 3 performances on the stage in the middle of the campus.
Return to the central stage and tell Montana the wonders you just saw.
- (Talk to Montana)
- Montana: ...Festive superstar! The info I got you was right on the money, wasn't it? Did you encounter anything fun?
I ran into a strange incident.
- (Trailblazer): Actually...
- You vividly describe the wondrous scene you saw to this curious student, not forgetting to add your own spin on things, declaring that you discovered the eighth wonder on campus.
I encountered something amazing.
- (Trailblazer): Heh-heh.
- You vividly describe the wondrous scene you saw to this curious student, not forgetting to add your own spin on things, declaring that the origami birds only came in second in the bird-calling contest.
- Montana: Woah! That sounded really fun! Since that helped, I'll continue asking my group to keep collecting info!
I'm counting on you.
I hereby dub you Secretary Ninja!
- Montana: Heehee, now I'm a ninja too. Ahem... I will surely complete the mission without fail!
- Montana: If you have any questions on how to use the stage and inspiration collection, don't hesitate to ask.
- Montana: ...Let me fully enjoy this music party with the festive superstar's band!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | March of Sweet Dreams |
Chinese (Simplified) | 美梦进行曲 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 美夢進行曲 |
Japanese | 美しい夢のマーチ |
Korean | 좋은꿈 행진곡 |
Spanish | Marcha del dulce sueño |
French | Marche des doux rêves |
Russian | Марш сладких грёз |
Thai | ลำนำสู่ฝันที่สวยงาม |
Vietnamese | Hành Khúc Mộng Đẹp |
German | Marsch der süßen Träume |
Indonesian | Mars Mimpi Indah |
Portuguese | Marcha dos Doces Sonhos |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.6