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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Luofu Myths: Specterlight Records is an Adventure Mission from the A Foxian Tale of the Haunted event. It begins after accepting the "The sky keeps crying" Investigation Assignment in A Foxian Tale of the Haunted: Ghostly Grove.


  1. Discuss with the ghost-hunting squad about the post looking for help.
  2. Ask Shouling in Fyxestroll Garden.
  3. Try to capture a heliobi using the cycrane.
  4. Head to the Divination Commission.
  5. Capture 3 heliobi.
  6. Capture the arrogant heliobus.
  7. Capture the final heliobus.
  8. Cast the heliobus into the suppression tower.


Discuss with the ghost-hunting squad about the post looking for help[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You and your fellow ghost-hunters browse Ghostly Grove, discussing which rumors and anomalies might be caused by heliobi. Accurately distinguishing them requires 99 percent common sense and one percent intuition — some call it intuition, some call it psychic powers.
Guinaifen: Fam, have you seen this news? This is huge!
Guinaifen: I've already thought of the plot for the next ghost story! The title will be...
Icon Dialogue Arrow OMG! Mightnight Ghostly Crying Exposed: You Won't Believe What's Behind It!
Icon Dialogue Arrow BOMBSHELL! Unmasking the mystery behind the Unidentified Flying Object!
Icon Dialogue Arrow EPIC! Ghost-Hunting Squad majestically OWNS Invisible Abomination!
Guinaifen: Not bad, not bad at all. You're pretty good at this.
Guinaifen: In my opinion, a heliobus should be behind this incident too — do you remember the Cirrus finally exploded into a rain of fire down from the sky?
Huohuo: "Mournful Cries in the Sky"... It's possible these originate from all the fleeing fragments from back then. Then... Tail might be among them!
Sushang: If it's really a heliobus causing trouble in the sky... Who among us can fly?
Guinaifen: I'm sure the Ten-Lords Commission has a way, right? Huohuo.
Huohuo: Being a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission... doesn't really let you fly.
Sushang: This is bothersome. If the heliobus fragments are hiding in the sky, are we supposed to wait for them to fall?
Huohuo: Let me think... what should we do...
Huohuo: I've an idea. (Trailblazer), can you come with me? I-I thought of something.
Icon Dialogue Arrow As expected from our Ten-Lords Commission Judge.
Sushang: I heard from Hanya that Huohuo has been very good at organizing the props of the Ten-Lords Commission, so she's no less of an expert.
Huohuo: No, no. Hmmm, don't — praise me like that.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sushang, aren't you coming?
Guinaifen: I've asked Sushang to investigate the forest cottage with me, so we'll leave this matter to you and Huohuo.
Guinaifen: We'll get to work then. Contact us if you've any questions.

Ask Shouling in Fyxestroll Garden[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Apparently the Ten-Lords Commission has tools to subdue heliobi from the air. What might that be?
Head to Fyxestroll Garden and ask the Ten-Lords Commission Spiritfarers.
Shouling: Judge Huohuo, the courier cycrane you need is ready.
Huohuo: ...I'm still not used to be addressed as a Judge, but thanks.
Shouling: Judge, here...
Shouling: This is the Flying Lunaumbra Gourd Mobile Platform, AKA, exorcist cycrane you've requested for, Judge Huohuo.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It... comes with a courier package?
Shouling: That's very observant of you. The Lunaumbra Gourd is in the courier package!
Icon Dialogue Arrow How come I don't see a difference?
Shouling: Its appearance may not look different from an ordinary courier cycrane, but there's a Lunaumbra Gourd in the courier package!
Shouling: Whatever that fulfills the purpose of "flying with the Lunaumbra Gourd." I guess. It's actually pretty easy to operate.
Icon Dialogue Arrow High-tech sacred instruments are usually easy to handle.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I thought this was going to be a big invention or something...
Shouling: Please tell me how I can come out with a big invention for you on short notice.
Shouling: Anyway, this cycrane is at the disposal of Judge Huohuo.
Huohuo: Among us... do we have anyone who knows how to operate a cycrane?
You notice the two of them looking at you inquisitively.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's me.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don't look at me like that, I don't know how.
Huohuo: There's no need to be humble. I'll leave it to you then, (Trailblazer).
(If For I Have Touched the Sky has been completed)
Icon Dialogue Arrow I once used a cycrane to rescue Madam Yukong's daughter.
Huohuo: I'll leave it to you then, (Trailblazer).

Try to capture a heliobi using the cyrcrane[]

(Talk to Shouling)
Shouling: Are you ready to pilot the cycrane?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm ready.
Icon Dialogue Exit One second.
Shouling: Cycrane, Start!
Connecting to roost signal...

Huohuo: We just need to move the cycrane closer to those heliobus fragments, and the Lunaumbra Gourd will capture them.
(Upon collecting the first fragment)
Shouling: Move the cycrane closer... and the Lunaumbra Gourd in the box will subdue the heliobus.
(Upon reaching the second fragment)
Shouling: Perfect.
(Upon collecting the second fragment)
Shouling: The exorcist cycrane is running smoothly.
Huohuo: Good job. Now, we're left with one place.
(Upon collecting the third fragment)
Shouling: Not bad. You're getting better at this.

Shouling: I suppose this verifies the feasibility of the exorcist cycrane. Judge Huohuo, please return it in a timely fashion after using it.
Huohuo: I will. Let's get moving, (Trailblazer). We should take a look at the place mentioned in the post.

Head to the Divination Commission[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

The capabilities of the exorcist cycrane has been verified. It's time to head to locations flooded with heliobi.
(Approach marked location)
Huohuo: It should be the heliobus. Trailblazer, are you ready?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Cycrane, Start!
Icon Dialogue Exit Hold on. I'm not ready.
Huohuo: It's fine. I'll wait for you to get ready.
Connecting to roost signal...

Capture 3 heliobi.[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

One heliobus, two heliobus... Capturing heliobi is a tedious job too.
(Upon capturing all 3 heliobi)
With the help of the exorcist cycrane, you subdued most of the unruly heliobi in less than ten minutes.

Capture the arrogant heliobus[]

Huohuo: I don't sense Tail here, and there aren't any Tail fragment...
(Upon getting close to the arrogant heliobus)
Huohuo: Is that heliobus acting weird? It seems... fierce.
(Upon reaching the heliobus and start to chase it)
Arrogant Heliobus: Catch me if you can, kiddo.
Huohuo: What's going on? How did it get there all of a sudden?
Arrogant Heliobus: And you think you can catch me with those pathetic skills? Eat dirt!
Huohuo: What a conceited heliobus.
Arrogant Heliobus: You're not fast enough, (m'boy/girl).

(Upon catching up with the heliobi)
Arrogant Heliobus: Finally? But it's not over yet!
(Begin battle against Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish ×2, Entranced Ingenium: Obedient Dracolion Entranced Ingenium: Obedient Dracolion ×1, Entranced Ingenium: Golden Cloud Toad Entranced Ingenium: Golden Cloud Toad ×1)

(After the battle)
The arrogant heliobus stops fleeing and return [sic] to the ground...
Stafyre: Not bad, (m'boy/girl). This is the most exciting adventure I've ever had.
Huohuo: What-What's your intention?
Stafyre: I'm just out to have fun. If you're the one being locked in the furnace, you'll find ways to escape from that boring place too.
Stafyre: To be able to enjoy myself like this, I guess there's nothing I'm unhappy about. If you got nerve, then don't let me escape again. Or else, I'll...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Shut up and go in!

Capture the final heliobus[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

The heliobi in the sky have been reduced to a paltry few. It's time to send them where they belong.
(Talk to Huohuo)
Huohuo: Phew... We've finally settled this troublemaker.
Huohuo: There should only be one location left.
Connecting to roost signal...
Huohuo: Is someone there?
(Approach March 7th)
Huohuo: Eh? Am I seeing things... There should have been heliobi there, right?
Huohuo: ...Let's go quickly and take a look!
You rush to March 7th's side.

March 7th: Huh? (Trailblazer) and who's this?
Huohuo: Greetings. I am Huohuo from the Ten-Lords Commissions. Did you meet any... uh, strange occurrence?
March 7th: Strange occurrence? No, but I did manage to capture some beautiful shots of the scenery.
Huohuo: H-How about this? Take this talisman with you. If... something happens to you, it will react.
Huohuo pastes the talismen on March 7th. Nothing happens.
March 7th: Does this mean I'm fine?
Huohuo: ...I-I suppose so.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Believe in us, March.
March 7th: Hmmm, since (Trailblazer) said so, I'll take it as if nothing happened.
Huohuo: Miss March, don't worry. I-In any case, we will return to the Fyxestroll Garden. The thing... in the Lunaumbra Gourd needs to be restrained.
(Talk to March 7th again, optional)
March 7th: I took a few nice scenic pictures. No matter how many times I see the Matrix of Prescience Ultima, I always think it's really something fantastical.

Cast the heliobus into the suppression tower.[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

The only good heliobus is a captured heliobus. The only place they should go is the Suppression Towers in Fyxestroll Garden.
Expel evil and capture stray spirits...With the support of the Ten Lords Commissions Spiritfarers, you seal the heliobi within the Lunaumbra Gourd.
Huohuo: That heliobus named Stafyre said it left the Creation Furnace for freedom. Do you think the other heliobi are the same?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you worried that you've restrained Tail's freedom?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Maybe Tail has left the Xianzhou Luofu.
Huohuo: Perhaps. I don't know, too. Anyway, let's publish a post to put the people there at ease.
(Opens A Foxian Tale of the Haunted: Ghostly Grove)
Icon Dialogue Arrow BREAKING NEWS
Shocking! What creature is responsible for the ghostly cries at the dead of night?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Mythopedia
BOMBSHELL! Unmasking the mystery behind the Unidentified Flying Object
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hottest Scoops
EPIC! Ghost-Hunting Squad majestically OWNS Invisible Abomination!
Huohuo: Even though we did not find any clues about Tail, I'm still grateful to you, (Trailblazer).
Huohuo: I will continue to search for Tail. It is much stronger than Stafyre, and I'm sure it will be fine... Yes, nothing will happen to it.
(Mission completed)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLuofu Myths: Specterlight Records
Korean나부 기문•인화록
SpanishLeyendas urbanas del Luofu: Luces espectrales
FrenchMythes du Luofu : Récits des feux follets
RussianГородские легенды Лофу: Записи о блуждающих огнях
Thaiตำนานพิศวงเมือง Luofu: เปลวแสงสีเขียว
VietnameseKỳ Bí Luofu - Ký Sự Ma Trơi
GermanLegenden der Luofu: Akte Irrlicht
IndonesianLegenda Urban Luofu: Kisah Api Hantu
PortugueseLendas do Luofu: Registros de Luz Espectral

Change History[]
