Luofu Myths: Moon Impaler Skiff is an Adventure Mission from the A Foxian Tale of the Haunted event. It begins after accepting the "Phantom Starskiff!" Investigation Assignment in A Foxian Tale of the Haunted: Ghostly Grove.
- Discuss with the ghost-hunting squad about the post looking for help.
- Head toward Stargazer Navalia.
- Search for clues about the phantom starskiff.
- Catch up with the phantom starskiff
- Talk to Qingni, who has witnessed the phantom starskiff.
- Head to the Palace of Astrum and talk to Yukong.
- Inform Qingni about your conversation with Yukong.
- Head to Fyxestroll Garden and meet up with Yukong.
- Track down the mysterious specter.
- Cast the heliobus into the suppression tower
Discuss with the ghost-hunting squad about the post looking for help.[]
Mission Description
You and your fellow ghost-hunters browse Ghostly Grove, discussing which rumors and anomalies might be caused by heliobi. Accurately distinguishing them requires 99 percent common sense and one percent intuition — some call it intuition, some call it psychic powers.
- Guinaifen: A phantom starskiff? I heard of a similar "urban legend" long ago...
- Guinaifen: Legend says that at the Stargazer Navalia, a phantom starskiff had gradually and silently approached two workers when they were patrolling among the incubators. The skiff was as quiet as a messenger visiting from the void beyond.
- Guinaifen: The more courageous worked [sic] boarded the starskiff to take a look, only to discover that there was no one on the skiff. There was only a wailing Parrot Goblin. As he walked deeper, he found the skiff full of cargo, and even contained food that was still warm.
- Sushang: Huohuo, d—don't be afraid...
- Huohuo: But Miss Sushang, you seem to be the one trembling...
- Guinaifen: The only mystery was that the deck was covered in blood, as if there was a rough battle before... The worker examined the route map and found out that this starskiff originated from the Xianzhou Daiyu and was heading toward the Xianzhou Cangcheng.
- Sushang: But... Aren't these two Xianzhous...
- Huohuo: Looks like the starskiff had lost her direction and gone off course...
- Guinaifen: The timid worker thought he heard his partner calling and boarded the phantom starskiff... Soon after, the starskiff slowly faded from Stargazer Navalia. From then on, no one had ever seen the two workers again.
- Huohuo: Woaaahhh...
- Sushang: Huohuo...
Interesting. Is there any more?
- Guinaifen: If you like it, there's a follow-up story.
Since no one manages to escape, did you make up the story?
- Guinaifen: C'mon fam, don't point it out like this.
- Guinaifen: Since someone has witnessed the ghost ship, it may be a heliobus' doing. We are going to investigate it, no?
Can a heliobus create a phantom starskiff too?
- Huohuo: ...I'm not sure, but it's highly possible!
Was a missing ship reported from Xianzhou many years ago?
- Guinaifen: From what I know, there were many!
- Huohuo: ...A—As long as we don't board the starskiff, we should be fine, Miss Sushang.
- Sushang: L—Let's go. Ghost-hunting squad, move out!
Move out!
Step Description
The Ghostly Grove offers a myriad of uncanny stories, including an enigmatic Phantom Starskiff that eradicates the existence of living beings from the mortal world. It would be wise to follow the clues in the post and investigate in Stargazer Navalia, as it is highly possible that a heliobus is involved.
- (Approach designated location)
- Guinaifen: The post said they saw the phantom starskiff around here. But since it's a phantom starskiff, I doubt we can spot it easily. How about we split our ways here and regroup once we find clues?
Splitting up is taboo in horror movies.
- Sushang: Yeah, yeah.
- Huohuo: It's better for us to go together!
I agree.
- Sushang: I disagree.
- Huohuo: ...I disagree too. Two against two.
- Guinaifen: ...You all are overcautious. Fine, let's search together.
Search for clues about the phantom starskiff.[]
Step Description
According to the post, the phantom starskiff has appeared in this area. Continue searching, and you might discover something. However, even if your search ends up fruitless, it shouldn't come as a surprise. After all, it's an exclusive phantom starskiff.
- (Trailblazer): (Search the clues of the phantom starskiff nearby...)
- (Upon walking away from the marked area)
- Guinaifen: We're not gonna be efficient running around like headless chickens. Why don't we get to the high ground?
Catch up with the phantom starskiff.[]
Step Description
The phantom starskiff has appeared. Follow it to see what is going on.
- (Approach designated location)
- (Trailblazer): (Could that be the legendary phantom starskiff?)
- (Trailblazer): (Let's get closer and take a look.)
- Faint Voice: Yukong... We need to talk...
Talk to Qingni, who has witnessed the phantom starskiff.[]
Step Description
Another girl from the Sky-Faring Commission has been attracted by the rumor and finds the Phantom Starskiff at the same time as you do.
Talk to the Foxian girl to figure out why the starskiff has emerged.
- (Trailblazer): (The phantom starskiff disappeared...)
- (Trailblazer): (It seems like there's someone there. I'll try asking them...)
- (Approach designated location)
- Qingni: ...It disappeared! Did you see it? The phantom starskiff disappeared!
- Guinaifen: ...Could I ask who you are?
- (If player has already met Qingni in For I Have Touched the Sky)
- Qingni: I'm Qingni. I've met (Trailblazer) before.
- (Otherwise)
- Qingni: I'm Qingni, a staff member from the Sky-Faring Commission.
- Huohuo: ...Is the Sky-Faring Commission looking for the phantom starskiff too?
- Qingni: Shh — I acted on my own. Madam Helm Master won't allow me to track down anything like a phantom starskiff.
- Qingni: She doesn't allow the others to investigate it either... To her, it's "just some supernatural stuff, and it's a waste of time to discuss it."
But you saw the post online.
- Qingni: That's right, and I thought of coming here to try to find it.
- Qingni: In the end, you saw it, and I saw it too. But it disappeared.
- Guinaifen: What a pity! I thought I could board it and film a video... And now I've missed the opportunity to make a hit post.
- Qingni: Board it? Why would you do that? What if something strange happened to you?
- Huohuo: Miss Qingni, are you here to find out more about the skiff?
- Qingni: ...Yes. I heard someone said my mother... Uhm, Madam Yukong had boarded the starskiff a few days ago.
- Qingni: Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but I do find my mother different from her usual self. She often moans and sighs, seemingly moody all day... It's as if she's become another person.
- Qingni: Why would someone as unwavering and firm like my Mom turn out like this? So, I've researched several rumors about this starskiff, and here I am to investigate it further.
Perhaps she is being possessed.
- Qingni: W—What do you mean?
She actually boarded the phantom starskiff?
- Qingni: I heard that from others. I asked her, but she denied it.
- Huohuo: ...Sounds like she is being possessed by a heliobus.
- You and the others tell Qingni about the heliobi and the ghost-hunting squad.
- Qingni: Mom is being possessed by a heliobus? T—Then what should I do?
- Huohuo: ...Stay calm, Miss Qingni. I—I am a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission. I will handle this for you. But before that, what other rumors have you heard?
- Qingni: I heard people saying that when Mom left the starskiff, there was a Foxian pilot on the skiff as well. They were wearing the Sky-Faring Commission uniform.
Madam Yukong isn't the only one who is possessed.
- Qingni: Y—You're right.
Who is that rumormonger? They have pretty good eyesight.
- Qingni: It's Uncle Yanming. He said he was receiving some guests at the port that day and incidentally saw it.
- Guinaifen: Madam Yukong is often handling official business at the Palace of Astrum. If we ring the Harmonic Chime... that place might be a bit inconvenient, no?
- Qingni: Most certainly. The Palace of Astrum is the official location where we receive guests from other Xianzhou ships. I understand you need to exorcise the demons, but please do not make a ruckus there.
- Huohuo: How about we ask Madam Yukong to come out alone?
- Guinaifen: That's a good idea. Come on. Let's go to the Palace of Astrum now.
Head to the Palace of Astrum and talk to Yukong.[]
Step Description
All clues point to Madam Yukong, Helm Master of the Sky-Faring Commission and Qingni's mother.
The ghost-hunting squad's experience suggests that Madam Yukong is very likely to be possessed by a heliobus.
The clues regarding the secret behind the phantom starskiff might lie within the Palace of Astrum.
- (Approach designated location)
- Qingni: Right, I cannot follow you to meet my mother. Otherwise, she will know that I went to investigate the phantom starskiff.
Don't be scared. She's the one who broke her own rules...
- Qingni: It doesn't matter what she did. Please don't mention me to her!
Don't worry. We will not betray you...
- Qingni: I trust you. I'm counting on you.
- Huohuo: Miss Qingni, don't worry. As a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission, I promise to handle this case properly.
- Qingni: I'll be waiting here for your good news.
- (Talk to Qingni, optional)
- Qingni: Then I'll be waiting here for your good news.
- (Approach designated location)
- Yukong: Seeing you at the Palace of Astrum, I suppose you are here for me.
Madam Yukong, there's something we wish to speak with you...
- Yukong: What's the matter? You've brought quite a big group here.
(Rings the Harmonic Chime straightaway)
- The Harmonic Chime rings, and Yukong turns her head to you, a hint of doubt flashing across her eyes.
- Huohuo: (Trailblazer), what are you doing?
- Yukong: That's an innovative way of saying hi.
- Guinaifen: Madam Yukong, we saw a phantom starskiff at Stargazer Navalia. Do... Do you have any idea about it?
- Sushang: (Could you be any less indiscreet!?)
- Guinaifen: (I got nervous!)
- Yukong: I'm sorry. I have no idea about it. I believe it's just an absurd legend.
- Guinaifen: The skiff is r—r—real! But it disappeared the moment we got close to it.
- Yukong: Perhaps it was just an illusion of light or a speedy starskiff... Please, why don't you be honest with me? What's the intention behind your visit? The Sky-Faring Commission does not register any imaginary starskiff.
Someone saw you board the phantom starskiff.
- Yukong: There are many Foxians who have a similar figure as mine. I suppose that person is mistaken.
You had even talked to the people on the starskiff.
- Yukong: Your story is pretty convincing.
Mistaken Madam Yukong for someone else? Are you serious?
- Yukong: That's how rumors and street talks come about. Some things didn't happen, yet they can make it sound conclusive.
I heard that you don't allow your staff to discuss the skiff...
- Yukong: A phantom starskiff appearing in Stargazer Navalia? It is not my first time hearing such a ghost story. Ever since I entered the Sky-Faring Commission, I've heard such legends every few decades. There're all different stories, yet every single one is detailed and convincing.
- Yukong: It's fine to talk about these rumors during leisure time, but this is a workplace. All discussions should only be related to work.
- Yukong: Do you think it's useful for the Sky-Faring Commission members to discuss these nonsensical rumors about a starskiff all day long?
- Sushang: (What should we do? Madam Yukong's answers are impeccable...)
- Guinaifen: (Why don't we get honest with her?)
- Huohuo: Ma—Madam Yukong, I'm a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission... Well, I'm afraid that you have been affected by a heliobus...
- Huohuo: As it's inconvenient for us to handle this matter in the Palace of Astrum, we would like to invite you to the Fyxestroll Garden for a thorough check.
- Yukong: You suspect that I'm being possessed by a heliobus?
That's right!
Well, I'm not so sure myself...
- Huohuo: A h—heliobus will be attracted by one's strong emotions and produce hallucinations based on your experiences and memories...
- Yukong: Young lady, as the Helm Master, I've already been well-informed of the circumstances of the current heliobus disaster. I know its characteristics, and I will never trust the hallucinations the heliobi produce...
- Yukong: Never mind. Only when we are open and honest can we resolve all our doubts. As the Helm Master, I should comply with the requirements of a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission.
- Yukong: However, you'll have to wait until I'm done with work. I will meet you at Fyxestroll Garden tonight. Is that okay with you?
- Huohuo: C—Certainly.
- Yukong: Well, it's been a long time since I visited Foxsomn Tomb. Let's meet there. By then, all your doubts will be answered.
- (Talk to Yukong, optional)
- Yukong: Well, it's been a long time since I visited Foxsomn Tomb. Let's meet there.
Inform Qingni about your conversation with Yukong.[]
Step Description
Madam Yukong has agreed to head to Fyxestroll Garden and assist the Ten-Lords Commission in their investigation. Before returning to Fyxestroll Garden, you should let Qingni know.
However, Qingni is concerned that Madam Yukong has been possessed by a heliobus, and her worries are well-founded.
- (Talk to Qingni)
- Qingni: How was it? Did she agree?
- Sushang: Yes. Your Mom is very stern. J—Just like my Mom... Her presence makes it difficult to speak up.
- Qingni: I didn't expect you to have a Mom like this.
- Huohuo: ...
- Huohuo: Everyone, my intuition is telling me that Madam Yukong isn't being possessed.
There isn't any reaction from the Harmonic Chime.
We shouldn't leave out any possibilities...
- Qingni: Are you serious? But in the past, she would never reveal such a melancholic expression. Sometimes, she becomes so distracted that she stares blankly at me without uttering a word...
- Qingni: It's like she suddenly turned into a child who needs me to put her to sleep. I don't know what to do either, so I can only embrace her silently in my arms.
- Qingni: We had such a huge crisis on the Xianzhou a short while ago, but she didn't show a single sign of weakness back then. Yet she came home one day and started to act in this way... I—I can't think of other possibilities.
But everyone has a soft side.
- Sushang: Exactly. The stronger the person appears to be, the better they are in concealing their soft side. That's how my Ma is.
A phantom starskiff that puts a spell on people's hearts...
- Guinaifen: Yeah, for someone as approachable as Miss Qingni to detect a change in her personality, it's likely due to an unnatural phenomenon.
- Huohuo: Regardless, Madam Yukong agreed to meet us at Fyxestroll Garden tonight. We should clear our doubts with her.
- Guinaifen: Leave it to us... But it will be good if I can take a close-up picture of the phantom starskiff. That way —
- Sushang: (My fans will definitely increase!)
- Sushang: I knew what you are up to. Come on. Let's go to Fyxestroll Garden.
Head to Fyxestroll Garden and meet up with Yukong.[]
Step Description
You meet up with Madam Yukong at Foxsomn Tomb in Fyxestroll Garden as promised, and she says, "All your doubts shall be answered." What's that supposed to mean?
- (Approach designated location)
- Guinaifen: Madam Yukong said to meet us at Foxsomn Tomb. Is it about time?
- Huohuo: Look! Is that... Miss Qingni's... shadow!?
- Sushang: Ah —
- Guinaifen: Is it possible that Miss Qingni is the one actually being possessed?
We can't ignore this!
Does possession produce that kind of visual special effects?
- Sushang: Now's not the time for jokes! Let's follow her.
- Guinaifen: Come on. Let's catch up to her!
Track down the mysterious specter.[]
Step Description
Is that Qingni? Or a specter? Or was Qingni possessed by a heliobus? Oh no. You need to immediately go after her.
- Spectral Pilot: Yukong... Will you come...
- Spectral Pilot: Yukong... We need to talk...
- Spectral Pilot: Yukong... Will you come...
- Spectral Pilot: But... Yukong isn't here yet. Who are you?
- Huohuo: Is that... the phantom starskiff!?
- Spectral Pilot: Don't you dare disturb us...
- (Begin battle against
Aurumaton Spectral Envoy ×1)
- (After the battle)
- Yukong: The voyage of the phantom starskiff should now come to an end.
- Sushang: Madam Yukong?
- Yukong: Yes, I invited all of you to the Foxsomn Tomb so as to clear up any doubts you have about the phantom starskiff.
- Spectral Pilot: Yukong... Yukong, you're finally here.
- Huohuo: This illusion looks so much like Miss Qingni... Why is she constantly calling your name?
- Yukong: Because, as far as it is concerned, it recognizes me. It... misses me.
- Yukong: The phantom starskiff... is a manifestation of people's thoughts by the heliobus. It travels unpredictably on the Xianzhou, following the sorrowful thoughts of those who mourn.
- Yukong: When someone with a broken heart comes to Foxsomn Tomb, it would come and meet them in the guise of the ones who had passed away, as if hearkening to the inner cries of their friend... It will respond to those unfulfilled promises of reunion.
What's special about Foxsomn Tomb?
- Huohuo: There are few places on Xianzhou Luofu where one can honor the dead, but the Foxsomn Tomb is different. It's a place for Foxians to commemorate the deceased.
- Huohuo: After the great war with the Denizens of Abundance thirty years ago, many people had come here to commemorate the fallen pilots.
Ones who had passed away?
- Yukong: It has taken form of my fallen comrade-in-arms, Caiyi.
- Yukong: I have come to Foxsomn Tomb countless times over the years to reminisce my days with Caiyi. Back then, we told each other everything, we understood each other without needing words as we flew, and we fought passionately side by side... I even entombed the airship fragments from that great war here.
- Yukong: I didn't expect that, as time went on, my thoughts for her would take the form of a starskiff and actually fly back to me.
- "Caiyi": You haven't been to Foxsomn Tomb for a long time, but your sadness only grows ever greater. I... had to come and find you.
- Yukong: I thought I'd gotten used to not thinking of you. But when I boarded the starskiff and saw you again, I remembered those bygone days and was reduced to a weak Foxian girl once more, a little kit who could do nothing but cry.
- "Caiyi": I can taste your salty tears... you have never stopped crying in your heart..
- "Caiyi": If you need to talk, I will always be here to talk with you...
Perhaps we should give you two some personal space...
Madam Yukong, you should know that it's only an illusion...
- Yukong: I know.
- Yukong: I'm sorry. Caiyi. I've asked a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission to come here... so I came to bid goodbye to you.
- Yukong: The Reignbow took pity on me, allowing me to once again meet the person you are in my memories. For that, I'm grateful. But I must not stay stagnant in this moment. I want to move on with my life while holding on to my memories of you.
- Yukong: Your daughter, no... Our daughter, Qingni, is doing very well now.
- Yukong: I'm sorry that I couldn't fulfill my promise to you... Qingni will become a pilot, as she chose for herself. She will become a pilot as marvelous as you were!
- "Caiyi": I understand. Thank you. Before going to my next destination, I wish to ask you...
- "Caiyi": Will you... ever touch the sky again?
- Yukong doesn't reply. She gazes soulfully at the illusion of her deceased friend and keeps the answer to herself.
- "Caiyi": I see. Goodbye, Little Kong.
- Yukong: ...Goodbye.
- The phantom and the starskiff suddenly disperse into fluttering glitters like fireflies, no longer taking shape. Your group capture these masterless heliobi into the Lunaumbra Gourd.
- Yukong: ...
- Yukong: Everyone, I will explain to Qingni about everything that happened in the past few days. She has the right to know.
Hold on. We didn't mention anything about Qingni.
- Yukong: Do you think a daughter can hide anything from her mother?
- Yukong: Miss Judge, the heliobi have been captured. I believe your mission here is complete.
- Huohuo: Madam Yukong...
- Yukong: I would like to have some time alone now.
- (Talk to Yukong, optional)
- Yukong: Miss judge, go to what you need to do. I will stay here for a while, then take my leave.
Cast the heliobus into the suppression tower[]
Step Description
The only good heliobus is a captured heliobus. The only place they should go is the Suppression Towers in Fyxestroll Garden.
- (Interact with the Suppression Tower, Pavilion of Cessation)
- Guinaifen: A person's thoughts for someone could take the form of a starskiff and return. I see, so heliobi are even capable of such a thing...
- Sushang: ...Times like this make me recall how Madam Hanya said heliobi are simply starfire essence attracted by emotions.
- Huohuo: Perhaps the heliobi never acted based on concepts such as good or evil.
- Sushang: You have a point...
- Guinaifen: Well, I know this spoils the mood...
- Sushang: Just say it.
- Guinaifen: I got a picture of the phantom starskiff. How about making a post right now?
Yes, that spoils the mood, but let me post it.
We gotta count on you to increase our fan numbers.
- Guinaifen: Heehee.
- (Opens A Foxian Tale of the Haunted: Ghostly Grove)
- The Flying Daiyuman
- The Unobservable Ghost Ship
Hottest Scoops
- TESTING: Large-Scale Drone Projection System
- Huohuo: ...I believe Madam Yukong will still return to this place in the future.
- Guinaifen: That's all for today. See you all later!
- (Mission completed)
- (Approach location from Step 9, on the southwestern side of Fyxestroll Garden)
- Qingni: Look, this is the real phantom starskiff's... projection.
- Yukong: Ack, all for nothing.
- Qingni: The Foxian ceremony will place items of the dead onto the starskiff, sending them out of Xianzhou and into the stars to shine brilliantly among them.
- Qingni: ...But in fact, we are hoping the dead will board the starskiff and return home, no?
- Qingni: I had a discussion with our colleagues in the Sky-Faring Commission, and we decided to place a projection of the starskiff at Foxsomn Tomb, so everyone who comes to mourn will have something to pin their hopes on. Mother, take a look at this. What do you think?
- Yukong: Well done. We'll keep it docked at Foxsomn Tomb.
- (Talk to Yukong)
- Yukong: It's you, (Trailblazer). Thanks for your help with the phantom starskiff this time. Please help me thank the ghost-hunting squad as well.
- Qingni: I would like to thank you and your team too.
You're welcome. That's our job.
- Yukong: Understood. Thank you for your hard work.
Don't mention it. We're just completing a job for the Ten-Lords Commission.
- Yukong: You always have a strange way of being humble.
- Qingni: ...So why did you forbid Sky-Faring Commission staff from talking about the phantom starskiff?
- Yukong: Words spread like wildfire. Who knows what kind of horrible legend it will end up as?
- Qingni: ...Fair enough.
- Yukong: We'll take our leave first.
- Qingni: Goodbye, (Trailblazer).
- The heliobi involved in this mission will fuse into Regratta at Suppression Tower, Pavilion of Cessation.
- 贯月槎 Guànyuèchá is an unidentified flying object described in 拾遗记 Shíyíjì, a Chinese mythological/historical treatise compiled by the Taoist scholar Wang Jia (Chinese: 王嘉) of the Eastern Jin dynasty.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Luofu Myths: Moon Impaler Skiff |
Chinese (Simplified) | 罗浮异闻•贯月槎 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 羅浮異聞•貫月槎 |
Japanese | 羅浮異聞・月を貫く星槎 |
Korean | 나부 기문•달을 관통하는 별뗏목 |
Spanish | Leyendas urbanas del Luofu: Esquife perforalunas |
French | Mythes du Luofu : Astroskiff Percelune |
Russian | Городские легенды Лофу: Ялик, пронзающий луну |
Thai | ตำนานพิศวงเมือง Luofu: เรือเกี้ยวจันทร์ |
Vietnamese | Kỳ Bí Luofu - Thuyền Xuyên Trăng |
German | Legenden der Luofu: Das Skiff, das den Mond durchbohrte |
Indonesian | Legenda Urban Luofu: Kapal Pembelah Bulan |
Portuguese | Lendas do Luofu: Esquife Empalador da Lua |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.5