Louis Fleming is one of the founders of the Interastral Peace Corporation alongside Dongfang Qixing. He is said to be the most powerful person in the universe after the Aeons, and remains the IPC's biggest stakeholder.[1]
If we were to compose a list of the most famous mortals in the entire cosmos, then Louis Fleming — the man famous for seven hundred and so Amber Eras — must have his name there. He is the founder of the Interastral Peace Corporation, a bona fide life-time member of the Board of Directors, and the only person who had attended all 14,600 board meetings. He is also the most powerful person in the universe after the Aeons. As the IPC's biggest stakeholder, Louis Fleming's wealth is now literally beyond count. Many even joked that this mysterious tycoon is the Aeon of "Wealth."
Some are convinced that Louis Fleming is only a legend. No mortal body can possibly endure such an eternity. Some surmised that "Louis" is a name inherited by generations of the same family. Some believed Director Fleming is a myth deliberately maintained by the IPC. Some believed the man used his wealth to obtain immortality. Some claimed Louis had turned himself into data and discarded his mortal shell. Some even said Director Fleming had already ascended and became a god... The official line from the Interastral Peace Corporation is that Louis Fleming had definitely existed and still exists. Apart from that, all other information about the man remains top-class secrets.Character Mentions[]
HoYoLAB Articles
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Louis Fleming |
Chinese (Simplified) | 路易斯•弗莱明 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 路易士•弗萊明 |
Japanese | ルイス・フレミング |
Korean | 루이스•플레밍 |
Spanish | Louis Fleming |
French | Louis Fleming |
Russian | Луи Флеминг |
Thai | Louis Fleming |
Vietnamese | Louis Fleming |
German | Louis Fleming |
Indonesian | Louis Fleming |
Portuguese | Louis Fleming |
Change History[]
- ↑ Data Bank, Terms: Louis Fleming (Character)