Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

THEY alone played the supreme rhythm until it was downed in THEIR multiple choruses.
Yet, THEIR listeners refused to fall silent. As the foolish dreamer seized the string of the shared wish, the false player repeated the music forgotten by the world.

"Stars trace your fingers' and command all living's law and authority... Sweet dreams nowadays have manifested, and the gazillions of old laws have all faded away."

Lost Echo of the Shared Wish is a 4-star Trace Material.

Trace Usage[]

5 Characters use Lost Echo of the Shared Wish for their Traces:

PhysicalBoothill Boothill
FireFirefly Firefly
QuantumJade Jade
ImaginaryRappa Rappa
ImaginarySunday Sunday

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLost Echo of the Shared Wish
Korean공동의 염원의 유음
SpanishEco perdido del deseo compartido
FrenchÉcho perdu du vœu partagé
RussianПотерянный отголосок единства желаний
ThaiLost Echo of the Shared Wish
VietnameseDư Âm Đồng Nguyện
GermanVerlorenes Echo des gemeinsamen Wunsches
IndonesianLost Echo of the Shared Wish
PortugueseEco Perdido do Desejo Partilhado

Change History[]

