This article is about the Trailblaze Mission. For the achievement, see Long Day's Journey Into Night (Achievement).
Long Day's Journey Into Night is the first part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter The Sound and the Fury. It automatically begins after completing Obsequies Performed, A Long Road Ahead.
- View the message from the crew
- Head to the Parlor Car to join the navigation meeting
- Speak with the Crew (0/4)
- (Optional) Listen to the newest Interastral Peace Broadcast
- Sit on the sofa and prepare for the warp jump
- Sub-mission: The Knocking at Ungodly Hours
- Meet with March 7th
View the message from the crew[]
Mission Description
A new journey is about to begin. View the message from the Crew and check to see if everyone is prepared.- Messages
The Astral Express FamilyWe sure are! The warp jump device is all calibrated.But, as the Express conductor, I have three things I wanted to stress before we depart.That's why I'm here for this little Express meeting, too.Accepted MissionLong Day's Journey Into Night
Step Description
A new journey is about to begin. Pom-Pom has stated in the group chat that they want to stress "three things" during this navigation meeting. Given that the conductor rarely leaves people in suspense, perhaps you can mull over what they are thinking and play the role of the stern conductor's straight man for the navigation meeting.
Find a suitable place in the Parlor Car to wait for everyone to arrive.
- (Upon teleporting to the Parlor Car)
- (Trailblazer): (Time to head to the next stop. Let's meet up with everyone in the Parlor Car...)
- (Approach the Crew)
- March 7th: Pom-Pom's not here yet?
- Himeko: Pom-Pom knows how to keep people on the edge of their seats.
- Pom-Pom: *ahem* Apologies for the delay, dear passengers. Something important came up, so I, the conductor, had to spend some time preparing!
So... what came up?
- March 7th: Yeah! What was so important?
It's rare for the conductor to make an announcement.
- March 7th: Yeah! What was so important?
Are we switching routes again?
- March 7th: Huh? But I only just finished packing my bags!
- Penacony. Pom-Pom: I thought everyone knew! Our next destination is the Planet of Festivities,
- famous stellar hotel, but before we set off, I should remind everyone of three things. Pom-Pom: I know everyone's eager to disembark and get to that
- Asdana, a star system brimming with memoria, which has historically been one of the Macro Voids that leaked out from the Memory Zone. Even after eons, the memoria concentration up ahead is above normal levels. Pom-Pom: First: Penacony is located in
- Pom-Pom: Usually, this wouldn't be a huge problem... but everyone's different, so if you exhibit any signs of dizziness, hallucination, distorted memories or any other symptoms, you should take them seriously!
- Harmony Family — it also marks the first time this Family has extended a public invitation to other factions. Please remember that the Express has been invited as a guest, and that we must adhere to any and all regulations. Pom-Pom: Second: Penacony is a colony belonging to the
- the Nameless. March 7th: Got it! When in Rome, as they say! Don't worry, Conductor, we definitely won't embarrass
- Pom-Pom: Rome? Anyway... Third and final: Rather than being a request... Pom-Pom has a favor to ask of everyone.
- Pom-Pom: If you could, I hope that while you're all on vacation, you could spare some time to help inquire about a few of the Nameless.
What Nameless?
Are we getting new crew mates?
- Himeko: Allow me to explain.
- silver tracks. Several millennia ago, it was an IPC frontier prison, and it was the Trailblaze that connected it to thousands of stars. Himeko: Just like most of the worlds that the Express calls at, Penacony is one of the stops along the
- Himeko: During that time, the Astral Express once visited Penacony. As with all meetings, they inevitably lead to goodbyes. As the Express's logs indicate, it seems some passengers decided to call Penacony their permanent home.
Is this a rare happening?
Who could be this important?
It's been so long. Will we still be able to find them?
- Himeko: Don't worry, just think of it as returning to your hometown. Following the Express's departure, the Stellarons cut off contact to myriad worlds, and Penacony's ownership switched hands several times.
- Himeko: Why did these Nameless choose to stay here? How did the course of their subsequent lives unfold, and what legacies did they leave behind? Retracing our predecessors' footsteps, that is in itself an adventure, wouldn't you agree?
- Himeko: Even if they left the stars behind them, their Trailblaze would not be over. That's also what the conductor thinks, isn't it?
- Tiernan, Legwork, and Razalina — the Express's guard, mechanic, and surveyor, respectively. No supplementary details are available. Himeko: According to the passenger list, the three people who got off were
- March 7th: Just names and occupations? And they don't even sound like their real names either... This will be like looking for a needle in a haystack!
- Himeko: We'll just leave it to the stars of fate. Considering the Nameless' diversity... Perhaps we might even stumble upon their descendants, or, against the slimmest of chances, the very individuals themselves.
- Himeko: We'll conclude today's navigation meeting on this point. There's a bit of time left before we jump. In the meantime, might be a good idea to double-check your bags.
- Pom-Pom: I'll broadcast an announcement before we jump!
Speak with the Crew (0/4)[]
Step Description
The navigation meeting has come to an end and the "three things" that Pom-Pom mentioned do not include the Astral Express being able to transform into a giant robot. Though you have to admit this is disappointing, a journey to track a trace of the old Nameless and Penacony itself are enticing enough topics.
Before the warp begins, why not discuss your individual plans with everyone? Of course, you could also check in on the newest Interastral Peace Broadcast and see if the Crew can really make the headlines every day.
- (Trailblazer): (There's still some time before the jump... I should talk to everyone.)
- (Listen to the Interastral Peace Broadcast, optional)
- (Talk to Himeko)
- Himeko: (Trailblazer), you're the picture of calm as always. Meanwhile, March 7th's buzzing around like a kid on a sugar rush.
I'm excited, too!
- Himeko: I trust Penacony won't let you all down.
Of course, I'm the mature, adult-type.
- Himeko: A punchline with a straight face — I suppose that's your specialty.
- Himeko: But, regarding The Family's invitation, I do have some details that I wish to discuss with everyone... just not now. Let's enjoy our vacation for now.
- (Talk to Himeko again, optional)
- Himeko: Let's enjoy ourselves first. Of course, let's not forget Pom-Pom's request either.
- (Talk to Welt)
- Welt: How's it going, (Trailblazer)? All packed and ready?
- Welt: There probably won't be any surprises happening on Family territory, which is a bit of a shame if you ask me. But hey, it's rare that we can take a break and let loose. Let's enjoy it.
Mr. Yang, you look relaxed.
- Welt: Well, adventures are exhilarating, but rest and recuperation is equally important.
Mr. Yang, you seem disappointed.
- Welt: Of course not! Adventures are exhilarating, but rest and recuperation is equally important.
- Welt: Rest and recuperation aside, don't forget Pom-Pom's request. The conductor has done plenty for us, and it's time to return that favor.
- (Talk to Welt again, optional)
- Welt: Rest and recuperation aside, don't forget Pom-Pom's request. The conductor has done plenty for us, and it's time to return that favor.
- (Talk to Dan Heng)
- Dan Heng: I spoke to Mr. Yang. I'll be staying on the Express this time. I wish you all a delightful time in Penacony.
You're not coming?
- Dan Heng: Thank you, I appreciate the invitation, but I don't like bustling places, and someone has to handle the work on the Express.
You should come with us, it's such a rare opportunity...
- Dan Heng: Thank you, I appreciate the invitation, but I don't like bustling places, and someone has to handle the work on the Express.
I respect your decision. Rest well.
- Dan Heng: Thank you, (Trailblazer). It's reassuring to know we're on a similar wavelength.
- Dan Heng: Pay no mind to the matters concerning the Xianzhou. Penacony isn't the final stop on our trip. We have plenty of time. Once everything is packed up, I will naturally catch up with all of you.
- Dan Heng: I'd advise double-checking your bags. Word is that The Family's customs procedure can be quite demanding. Better to sort it out now than face issues at your hotel check-in.
- (Talk to Dan Heng again, optional)
- Dan Heng: I'd advise double-checking your bags. Word is that The Family's customs procedure can be quite demanding. Better to sort it out now than face issues at your hotel check-in.
- (Talk to March 7th)
- March 7th: Camera, check. Extra clothes, check. Toiletries...
- March 7th: ...Ahh, drat! The travel bottles I ordered haven't arrived. Although, I hear that Penacony's resort hotel is pretty luxurious. I'm guessing their toiletries should be just as fancy.
- March 7th: That means I can make more room in my suitcase. What else should I bring...
Take some food.
- March 7th: Good idea! A vacation without munching on-the-go? Unheard of! Mm, but since time-off is a rarity, I'm kinda leaning towards savoring the local dishes...
Take your Pom-Pom toy.
- March 7th: My Pom-Pom toy... not a bad idea! That's kinda like bringing the conductor on vacay with me. Ah, but I think it's too big to stuff in the case...
Take me.
- March 7th: You won't fit in the suitcase! Can't you walk?
- March 7th: Maybe I should bring some novels or comic books? At least then I won't be too bored while staying in the hotel room. But these books are so heavy...
- March 7th: Oooh this is hard! What else should I take...
- (Talk to March 7th again, optional)
- March 7th: Oooh this is hard! What else should I take...
Sit on the sofa and prepare for the warp jump[]
Step Description
It seems that everyone has been looking forward to a trip to the Dream Amusement Park for a long time — Everyone except Dan Heng — He prefers quiet places, and you have already witnessed his allergy to amusement parks.
The Express's announcement system stated that the warp jump is about to begin. It's time for you to get back to your designated waiting position.
- (Trailblazer): (It's about time... I should find a seat.)
- (Rest on the sofa)
- Pom-Pom: Ahem, hi, hello~ Attention all passengers.
- Pom-Pom: The Express is about to make the jump — The Express is about to make the jump — Please be seated and hold on!
- (Cutscene plays)
- Pom-Pom: The train is about to make the jump!
- Pom-Pom: 5
- Pom-Pom: 4
- Pom-Pom: 3
- Pom-Pom: 2
- Pom-Pom: 1
- (Cutscene ends)
- (Begin The Knocking at Ungodly Hours)
The Knocking at Ungodly Hours[]
- Main article: The Knocking at Ungodly Hours
Mission Description
This warp jump is quite unusual. In the blink of an eye, you transition from the comfortable couch of the Parlor Car to an unfamiliar location. A stranger awakens you, claiming that both of you coincidentally share the same dream, and offers to guide you to an exit.
Follow her guidance and leave this area.
Meet with March 7th[]
Step Description
The woman in the dream seems to be trying to tell you something, though you don't know what it is. The next thing you know, she swings a blade at you, and the strange dreamscape disappears in an instant.
When you open your eyes, you realize that the train has already arrived in Penacony. It looks like March 7th is waiting for you. Alight from the train with her.
- (After completing sub-mission The Knocking at Ungodly Hours)
- (Trailblazer): (Is March 7th still packing her luggage...?)
- (Talk to March 7th)
- March 7th: (Trailblazer), you're up? How's your prep going? Welt and Himeko beat us to the punch, but I stuck around for you. Let's get going.
- March 7th: Mm... Shall we go meet up with them now?
I'm ready to go.
- March 7th: Penacony, the Planet of Festivities, the universe's biggest and fanciest amusement park awaits!
Hold on a moment.
- March 7th: You left something behind? Hurry up and go get it, I'll wait here for you!
- The name of this mission is a reference to Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey Into Night.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Long Day's Journey Into Night |
Chinese (Simplified) | 长日入夜行 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 長日入夜行 |
Japanese | この夜の果てへ |
Korean | 밤으로의 긴 여로 |
Spanish | Un largo día se convierte en noche |
French | Voyage au bout du jour |
Russian | Долгий день уходит в ночь |
Thai | ทิวาสู่ราตรี |
Vietnamese | Cuộc Hành Trình Trong Đêm Trường |
German | Eines langen Tages Reise in die Nacht |
Indonesian | Perjalanan Panjang Siang Menuju Malam |
Portuguese | Jornada de um Dia Longo Até a Noite |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0