The fighting was put on hold, but the Stellaron Hunters did not leave. Kafka sent you a request for help...
Letter from a Strange Woman is the first and only mission in Kafka's Companion Mission chain. It is part of the Stellaron Hunters chapter and takes place on The Xianzhou Luofu.
Complete the Trailblaze Mission A Dragon Gallant, Its Ocean Distant in the Chapter Topclouded Towerthrust and read the messages received from Anonymous.
- Receive a message from Anonymous
- Head to Kafka's location
- (Optional) Ask Himeko and Welt's opinion
- (Optional) Report Kafka to the Seat of Divine Foresight
- Speak with Kafka
- (Optional, if Kafka was refused) Help Kafka
- (Optional, if Kafka was refused) Leave Kafka alone
- Clear out the enemies roaming nearby (0/2)
- Speak with Kafka
- "Conflict is inevitable"
- (Optional) Try to change the future and persuade the Cloud Knights to leave
- Speak with Kafka
- "Prevail in the following battles" (0/2)
- (Optional) Try to change the future and prevent the battle from happening
- Speak with Kafka
- Play the second round of truth and lies
Gameplay Notes[]
- There are two different endings, depending on the player's choices during the first meeting with Kafka:
- The player may choose to refuse to help Kafka, ending the mission early, thus obtaining all rewards and unlocking the Achievement True Free Will.
- The player may choose to help Kafka, progressing through the mission normally, and eventually unlocking the Achievement Free Will.
- Upon completion of this mission, Kafka will not appear as a visitor on the Astral Express.
Receive a message from Anonymous[]

(Trailblazer), come to the Divination Commission alone. I'll send you the coordinates
Don't tell anyone
- Sincerely Yours, Kafka
You're still on the Luofu?

Accepted Mission
Letter from a Strange Woman

Head to Kafka's location[]
Mission Description
You received a message from Kafka claiming that she is in trouble and requires your help. Do you go to her rescue? ...Or rather, do you believe her?
- (Talk to Welt, optional)
Show Kafka's message.
- Welt: ...Kafka and Blade are still on the Xianzhou? The general nearly released them outright, but that was then, If memory serves, the Xianzhou only revoked Kafka's arrest warrant. Blade is still a wanted criminal...
What do you think I should do?
What do you think her motive is?
- Welt: To be honest, I can never figure out what those Stellaron Hunters are up to, especially that Kafka...
- Welt: ...but my intuition tells me she won't do anything to harm you. If she's really in trouble, it'd be best to go see her.
- (Talk to Himeko, optional)
Show Kafka's message.
- Himeko: Really? So she's still on the Xianzhou.
What do you think I should do?
Can you go instead of me?
- Himeko: Me? I'd suggest you go yourself. Even if you don't want any more dealings with her, it's best to say that to her in person... Reading this message, it seems like she may really need your help.
- Himeko: As a passenger of the Express, I don't want anything to do with the Stellaron Hunters. But... she does have a deep connection with you, (Trailblazer). Based on her actions so far, it seems like she has no ill will towards you.
- Himeko: If it were me seeking help from someone in a time of crisis, I'd sure hope they showed up in person...
- Himeko: So, (Trailblazer), do as you see fit. I don't think Kafka intends to do you harm.
- (Upon approaching the Seat of Divine Foresight)
- (Let's not give ourselves away and make sure where Kafka is first...)
- (Upon arriving at the Divination Commission)
- (Trailblazer): (Hiding out at the Divination Commission... that's a bold decision.)
- (While moving closer to the marked area)
- (Trailblazer): (She should be around here somewhere...)
- (Upon approaching Kafka)
- Kafka: Hm, I knew you would come, (Trailblazer).
Speak with Kafka[]
- (Talk to Kafka)
- Kafka: If we had Elio's eyes, the world would not appear as it does to you and I. There are myriad possibilities overlapping one another, representing the consequences of different choices. In every passing moment, an infinite number of choices converge on the same point and become the present, and then become the past....
- Kafka: So... was this your choice? To respond to my request for help?
Yes, it sounded like you needed some.
- Kafka: I do, Bladie is in a prickly situation. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
- (Proceed to agreeing to help Kafka)
- Kafka: I do, Bladie is in a prickly situation. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
I haven't made my choice yet.
- Kafka: Is that so? Haha, so how can we get you to make up your mind?
No, I'm here to refuse your request.
- Kafka: Huh... Really? You refuse?
- Kafka: ...If you wanted to refuse, then why would you be standing here right now?
You have a point... I'm here to help you.
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
- (Proceed to agreeing to help Kafka)
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
So I could say "no" to your face.
- Kafka: Such a possibility may exist... but, (Trailblazer), is that a choice you would make? If you walk away now, everything that happens afterwards will not involve you. All the expectations and needs that I have for you would also vanish into thin air.
Because I have no choice...
- Kafka: Haha, yes, we're all "Destiny's Slave."
- Kafka: What we call "destiny" is neither visible nor tangible, yet it is as certain as the collapsing and converging of the past and present. I called out to you, and you came. You had many choices, but everything led you here... to right here and right now.
- Kafka: You heard the call and knew that I truly did need your help, so why are you hesitating?
I want to understand the situation...
- Kafka: But I've already told you.
I dislike you.
- Kafka: Is that so?
I don't believe in destiny.
- Kafka: So you believe that this universe is free?
- Kafka: Well, in that case, how about this choice... (Trailblazer), will you stay here? For me?
I'll stay and help you.
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
- (Proceed to agreeing to help Kafka)
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
No. I'm leaving.
- Kafka: Well, let me ask you the same question again. It's not that I can't let it go, it's just that I deeply understand that in this seemingly vast world, real choices never exist and have no meaning.
I'll stay and help you.
No. I'm leaving.
- Kafka: You know why I'm trying to stop you, right...? If you leave, the story that follows will vanish from your future. It will become an unalterable, irrevocable past.
I'll stay and help you.
No. I'm leaving.
- Kafka: What is it you're holding on to? The right to choose? Or are you actually trying to defy destiny? Don't you understand that even this act of defiance is limited by predetermined possibilities?
I'll stay and help you.
No. I'm leaving.
- Kafka: Elio said that you would help me. I wonder how many possibilities he saw before he got a glimpse of that reality...
I'll stay and help you.
No. I'm leaving.
- Kafka: ...
I'll stay and help you.
No. I'm leaving.
- Kafka: If you're only concerned with my next answer, quit while you're ahead. Every choice has consequences, and every consequence carries responsibility.
I'll stay and help you.
No. I'm leaving.
- Kafka: In that case, a final warning: I respect your choice, and that choice will be irreversible. If you walk away, I will find a way to save Blade so I can leave the Xianzhou, and you won't be involved in any way...
- Kafka: I'm not sure what kind of future that will entail... Elio never revealed a single word about it to me — I'm as blind as you are. A long time ago, Elio convinced me that there is no true "free will" in this world, and that choice is merely an exhaustive list of possibilities.
- Kafka: But if you think you have the right to choose... if you insist on this and it comes from your heart... then maybe I'll be happy with the outcome. I hope you can rise above destiny, so that maybe one day, "you will change me."
- Kafka: Have you made up your mind?
Tell me what we should do next.
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
- (Proceed to agreeing to help Kafka)
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
I'm leaving — this is my choice.
- Kafka: Okay... Goodbye, (Trailblazer).
- (Upon agreeing to help Kafka)
- Kafka: Being stricken with mara is the inescapable destiny of the long-life species. It is a madness triggered by the accumulation of emotions and memories. Blade doesn't remember much, but the mara still haunts him in some form...
- Kafka: After we arrived on the Xianzhou, the mara in him flared up so violently that even my Spirit Whisper couldn't suppress it. He's not fit for interstellar travel in this state.
- Kafka: My plan is to use Spirit Whisper to temporarily seal the mara by reducing its potency. I need to focus all my concentration so I'll be vulnerable for some time — I need you to protect me while I suppress Blade.
- Kafka: I know when danger will come and what form it will take. Don't worry, together we can do this — no harm will come to you.
- Kafka: Now...
- Kafka: There are wandering monsters nearby — they'll spell trouble if we let them hand around. Go take care of them — your victory is certain.
- (Proceed to the next step)
- (Upon refusing to help Kafka)
- (Help Kafka, optional)
- (Talk to Kafka)
I'll stay and help you.
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
- (Proceed to agreeing to help Kafka)
- Kafka: I'm grateful. On the Xianzhou... you're the only one I can turn to.
I'm leaving.
- Kafka: Goodbye, (Trailblazer).
- Kafka: Hesitation never did anyone any good.
- (Leave Kafka alone, optional)
- (While moving away)
- Kafka: Whatever your choice is, I will accept it.
- (Complete)
- (Obtained
"Hunter's Intuition" ×1)
- (Achievement Unlocked True Free Will)
- (Upon leaving and returning to the area)
Investigate windowsill
- Kafka and Blade are gone. In a flower pot by the window, you find a hastily written note.
- "Elio can see the future, but he can't interfere with your choice. We are all 'Destiny's Slaves,' but I hope you are not. If you really have free will, hold on to it. Reach the ending of the story in your own way. I like you for this."
- (After the next daily reset)
- Messages
Kafka(Trailblazer), I'm KafkaJust FYI, it's been a journey, but I'm unharmedDoes free will exist? I can't say for sure, but you've made your own choice, transforming a nascent possibility into reality.This is wonderful to you and I, two people both enslaved by fateError: Recipient does not exist
Clear out the enemies roaming nearby (0/2)[]
Mission Description
Does "choice" really exist? From Kafka's perspective, all choices are illusions and merely represent predetermined possibilities. Free will does not exist, and your presence here is clear proof of that. Her ideas are somewhat pessimistic and nihilistic, and you can either accept or reject them.
- (Talk to Kafka, optional)
- Kafka turned a blind eye to you. She mutters some words in her mouth, and these powerful words are known as "Spirit Whispers."
- (
Investigate Blade, optional)
- (Trailblazer): That's Blade. Kafka says he's Mara-struck.
Speak with Kafka[]
- You return to Kafka and Blade's hideout, and wait patiently for a while until Kafka cuts the Spirit Whisper short.
- Kafka: ...That felt like a time. It's good to open my eyes and see you back here, (Trailblazer).
I eliminated all the monsters.
- Kafka: Ha, inevitably so.
How's progress on your side?
- Kafka: Not fast enough.
What do we do now?
- Kafka: Let me tell you...
- (Black screen then we see Blade)
- Kafka: I've weakened Blade's senses to the outside world so that he's only able to hear my voice and feel my touch — he's oblivious to everything else.
- (We see Trailblazer and Kafka from the back again, they are looking at Blade behind the window)
- Kafka: I'm going to transfer his consciousness away from the Xianzhou and cleanse his memories of Jing Yuan, Jingliu, Yingxing, and your friend Dan Heng. Again, this process mustn't be interupted, but I can answer questions before I begin.
My questions?
- Kafka: Yes, as compensation for helping me... You don't have any questions? I put you into a deep sleep then reawakened you, abandoned you at the space station then lured you to the Xianzhou... I owe you an explanation or two — don't you want to know?
Now that you mention it...
I couldn't care less.
- Kafka: Don't rush, we still have time. Think about it first and ask when you're ready.
- Kafka: One rule though — please don't ask anything boring...
- Kafka: Let's play truth and lies!
Truth and lies?
Sounds childish...
- Kafka: It's a game I play with Silver Wolf all the time — kinda psychological: Both sides ask each other two questions, then give one true answer and one false answer each.
- Kafka: So one of my answers will be true, the other will be false. As for which is which, that's up to the asker to make the call...
- Kafka: We don't have much time — let's do two rounds to start. You ask me two questions, and you'll also have to answer two of mine. But remember : one truth, one lie.
What if both my answers are true?
- Kafka: Ah, that's not allowed! *sigh* The game only works when both sides follow the rules, but I'll be none the wiser if you break them. Let morality be your guide.
- Kafka: But I give you my word, (Trailblazer): I will abide by the rule of one truth, one lie.
How do I know you won't cheat?
- Kafka: I give you my word, (Trailblazer): I will abide by the rule of one truth, one lie.
Sounds childish...
- Kafka: you think? I really like it. I'm not good at it though — Silver Wolf always manages to guess right.
- Kafka: I'll go first to give you a demo.
- Kafka: Don't be nervous, (Trailblazer), the first question is quite trivial — you can tell the truth or tell a lie. It's the second question where the game gets interesting...
- Kafka: My first question is: What do you think about me?
- (Trailblazer): (Huh? What do I... think about Kafka?)
- (Trailblazer): (How should I answer? If I tell the truth, I have to lie the next time, and vice versa. Or I could just cheat... Is that really an option?)
Tell the truth.
- (Trailblazer): (Better to tell it like it is...)
(Truth) I like you.
(Truth) I think you're pretty good.
(Truth) I don't care about you.
(Truth) I dislike you.
(Truth) I hate you.
Tell a lie.
- (Trailblazer): (If I tell a lie this time, then I'll have to tell the truth next time...)
(Lie) I like you.
(Lie) I think you're pretty great.
(Lie) I don't care about you.
(Lie) I dislike you.
(Lie) I hate you.
- Kafka: ...
- Kafka: And there you have it. It's pretty simple game, don't you think, (Trailblazer)?
- Kafka: Haha, you're hiding your feelings well.
- Kafka: ...I'm afraid we'll have to put our game of truth and lies on pause, (Trailblazer).
- (Screen move and show
Cloud Knights Patroller ×2)
- Kafka: The Cloud Knights are here — I need you to help me get rid of them.
Just defeat them, right?
- Kafka: Uh-huh. Don't worry. I'll take care of any repercussions.
How about I try persuading them to leave...
- Kafka: That won't work, (Trailblazer), no matter how hard you try...
- Kafka: This conflict is inevitable... It's destiny.
"Conflict is inevitable"[]
- (Try to talk to Kafka, optional)
- Kafka turned a blind eye to you. She mutters some words in her mouth, and these powerful words are known as "Spirit Whispers."
- (Upon approaching Cloud Knights)
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Hey! You — Stop!
- Cloud Knight Soldier: We've received an order to capture the wanted criminal! Put down your weapons and come with us!
- (Trailblazer): (How should I respond?)
(Threaten the Cloud Knights.)
- (Trailblazer): (Try to intimidate them!)
I am General Jing Yuan's esteemed guest!
- Cloud Knight Soldier: The law is the law, even if we must offend the general. Everyone, take them down!
Who do you think you are, yelling like this?
- Cloud Knight Soldier: They're talking nonsense. Everyone, take them down!
A Cloud Knight pawn dare speak like this to the marshal?
- Cloud Knight Soldier: You dare to pretend to be the marshal? Scoundrel! Everyone, take them down!
I, Diviner Fu, do not like conflict...
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Nonsense. Everyone, take them down!
I-I'm a variable...
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Utter nonsense. Everyone, take them down!
- (Trailblazer): (Try to intimidate them!)
(Lie to the Cloud Knights.)
- (Trailblazer): (Maybe you can lie to the Cloud Knights and distract them...)
The order was faked. You've been fooled.
- Cloud Knight Soldier: ...Don't you think of fooling me. Everyone, take them down!
You're too late. The criminal ran thataway.
- Cloud Knight Soldier: The criminal is right behind you! At least look around when you lie...
Wake up! The Garden of Recollection is stealing your memories!
- Cloud Knight Soldier: What... This place...
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Take this, Memosnatcher!
You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't...
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Nonsense. Everyone, take them down!
I want to lie to you, but I really dunno how...
- Cloud Knight Soldier: You're an honest one.
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Everyone, take them down!
- (Trailblazer): (Maybe you can lie to the Cloud Knights and distract them...)
(Report Kafka.)
- (Trailblazer): (Thinking about it, Kafka is a villain, and the Cloud Knights are justified in trying to capture her...)
Kafka is right here. Be careful of her Spirit Whisper ability!
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Hah! None of you will get away. Everyone, take them down!
Blade is right here. Be careful of his regenerative ability!
- Cloud Knight Soldier: Hah! None of you will get away. Everyone, take them down!
I'm willing to become a prosecution witness...
- Cloud Knight Soldier: What are you talking about? Everyone, take them down!
Truth is, I work undercover for the Realm-Keeping Commission.
- Cloud Knight Soldier: I know all the undercover agents from the Realm-Keeping Commission, and you're not one of them. Everyone, take them down!
- (Trailblazer): (Thinking about it, Kafka is a villain, and the Cloud Knights are justified in trying to capture her...)
(Talk to the fist.)
- (Trailblazer): (Why waste my breath on them? Time to fight!)
- (Begin battle against
Cloud Knights Patroller ×3)
Speak with Kafka[]
- Kafka: See, the future always seems like infinite possibilities, but what is destined to happen will always happen. This conflict is inevitable because the other possibilities don't exist.
- Kafka: I need to use the Spirit Whisper on Blade again, but let's play another round first. Have you thought of your question? Come to me when you're ready. I can wait.
- (Speak with Kafka again)
- Kafka: The game continues. Your turn, (Trailblazer).
- (Trailblazer): (So I got two questions, only one of which Kafka will answer truthfully... but I won't know which answer is which...)
- (Trailblazer): (What should I ask?)
(Ask about myself)
- (Trailblazer): (When I came to on the space station, I remember seeing Kafka... but everything before that is blur. Shouldn't I ask about my past?
Who am I?
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: You are an artificial body created for the purpose of hosting a Stellaron. From the moment of your birth, it was your destiny to receive the Stellaron at Herta Space Station. Before that task was complete, I was responsible for protecting you, as well as teaching you general knowledge, common sense, and combat skills.
- Kafka: The reason you don't remember is that I wiped your memory before the operation at Herta Space Station.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: You? ...At first, you were a being accidentally created by an Aeon, with a body but not soul. Elio guided me to you, and you were given a soul.
- Kafka: There's nothing to say about your past. You only remember me because I was the one with you when your soul was born.
- Kafka: That's all there is to it.
How am I able to host a Stellaron?
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: Because you were created for that purpose — your body has been transformed by the power of an Aeon. You are immune to Stellaron contamination.
- Kafka: Therefore, you could say that you are a one-of-a-kind Stellaron vessel.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: The Stellaron in question was modified. After seizing it, Herta conducted a lot of research — it's the only Stellaron in the universe that doesn't contaminate humans.
- Kafka: As soon as Herta got bored, she forgot about the whole thing, but all her research was recorded in Screwllum's database. Silver Wolf retrieved it when she hacked into Planet Screwllum...
- Kafka: ...and so Elio saw a new future possibility.
What is my connection to you?
- Kafka: ...
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: One day, Elio handed you over to me. He said that if things continued to transpire according to the future possibility he foresaw, you would eventually change me and I would change you.
- Kafka: In other words, you and I are each other's destiny.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: Genetically speaking, you are my child. A quarter of the data that makes up your body comes from me. Of course, neither Silver Wolf, Bladie, nor Sam are well-suited for looking after a child...
- Kafka: the burden of mentoring you fell on me. It was a stressful job, and I dumped you on the train as soon as I got the chance.
(Ask about Blade)
- (Trailblazer): (Blade... he seems to know Dan Heng. I don't understand the connection between them. Maybe I can learn the truth from Kafka...)
Who is Blade?
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: I don't know. Bladie didn't tell me — he said he doesn't know either.
- Kafka: When he woke up, he didn't remember anything. Sometime later, a woman found him. She taught him swordplay, and then killed him, over and over again, until it was too much for him to bear.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: He's a long-life species, apparently he was a Sword Champion of the Xianzhou at some point.
- Kafka: The Ten-Lords Commission planned to execute him, but managed to escape from the Shackling Prison. He was severely injured — he forgot nearly everything.
- Kafka: Elio ordered Sam and me to find Bladie and return with him. According to Elio, Bladie's swordplay and immortality have important uses. That's all I know.
What is the connection between Blade and Dan Heng?
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: Apparently, they used to be good friends... Well, good friends who were bad for each other. Bladie forgot nearly everything, so he doesn't remember well.
- Kafka: Together, they did something bad — something terrible. It led to horrific consequences.
- Kafka: That's the information I managed to piece together. Bladie refused to tell me the details.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: Master and disciple. Bladie said that in Dan Heng's previous life, Dan Heng was his apprentice. A long time ago, several of Blade's apprentices joined forces to kill him.
- Kafka: After his revival, Bladie had forgotten nearly everything, but he remembered the night his apprentices killed him. He's been searching the whole universe for those who took his life...
- Kafka: make them pay in blood.
(Ask about Kafka)
- (Trailblazer): (Kafka... She's the one who put me on the Astral Express. Everything about her is shrouded in mystery and I want to know more...)
Who are you?
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: The old me? I used to be a Devil Hunter.
- Kafka: I grew up on a planet contaminated by a Stellaron: Pteruges-V — "New Babylon." Humans there don't know what fear is — the concept itself simply doesn't exist.
- Kafka: When people don't feel fear they are dominated by desire and pleasure — they become "devils." When Elio found me, I was in the middle of a mission... and the conditions he offered me caught my interest.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: The old me? I used to be a Knight of Beauty.
- Kafka: We worshiped Idrila, the Aeon of Beauty. We vowed to guard THEIR beauty with the sword, but one day THEY suddenly disappeared.
- Kafka: I lost my faith and was recruited by Elio... that's how I joined the Stellaron Hunters.
Why did you join the Stellaron Hunters?
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: Because I wanted to change myself.
- Kafka: I have no mechanism for "fear". There's an empty space in my mind and my heart, but I'm unable to perceive it. Changing that part of myself isn't something I can do alone.
- Kafka: Elio can help me, if I follow his instructions.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: Because I have a future that I want.
- Kafka: As I told you, Elio is able to glimpse through possibilities. As long as I followed his instructions, he promised to tell me what it would take to move towards the future I wanted.
- (Trailblazer): (No matter what she says, she looks like she's got something up her sleeve... I can't tell what's true and what isn't.)
- Kafka: I see the look on your face... Don't bother asking — I can't tell you if an answer is true or not. Make your best guess and choose your next question based on my answer — that's the beauty of the the game. I hope your next question proves interesting~
- Kafka: The rules of this game are like reality: We all think we have infinite possibilities, but when you really analyze it, you could count them on your fingers. Every question and answer is constrained by previous choices...
- Kafka: The future is like a labyrinth: Every divergence is merely an inducement. There is only one real path.
What's that supposed to mean?
- Kafka: ...It's a metaphor.
- Kafka: If you don't believe me, try it for yourself: Soon we will face another battle. Can you change the possibility?
Is the future predetermined?
- Kafka: No, but what is predetermined is the future that has value.
- Kafka: If you don't believe me, try it for yourself: Soon we will face another battle. Can you change the possibility?
Are you sure you don't follow the Aeon of Nihility?
- Kafka: Do I sound that negative? No. We believe that existence has meaning, but that meaning is bestowed by ourselves, not by choices.
- Kafka: If you don't believe me, try it for yourself: Soon we will face another battle. Can you change that possibility?
"Prevail in the following battles" (0/2)[]
- (Fight
Cloud Knights Patroller ×3, optional)
- (Fight
Mara-Struck Soldier ×2
Disciples of Sanctus Medicus: Ballistarius ×2, optional)
- (Fight
- (
Interact with Gate, optional)
- (Trailblazer): (Maybe if this door is closed, this path would be closed as well?)
- (Solve Abacus Circuitry)
- (Trailblazer): (With this, the path is secured.)
- (
- (Trailblazer): (There are Cloud Knights guarding this place. Maybe I can destroy the aurumaton in secret?)
- (Solve Abacus Circuitry)
- (Trailblazer): (Dismantling an aurumaton is not as hard as I think.)
- (Approach the Cloud Knights after disabling the aurumaton, optional)
- (Trailblazer): (The Cloud Knights ae all distracted by the aurumaton. I should just stay away from the commotion.)
- (Trailblazer): (There are Cloud Knights guarding this place. Maybe I can destroy the aurumaton in secret?)
Speak with Kafka[]
- Kafka: Oh...
- (If the player didn't evade the fights)
- Kafka: Well, you're doing a great job, (Trailblazer).
- Kafka: The future is still clear — the real test lies ahead... The young swordmaster of the Cloud Knights. He will not be an easy foe.
- (If the player evaded one fight)
- Kafka: If you want to change my prediction, you'll have to put in more effort, (Trailblazer).
- Kafka: The future is still clear — the real test lies ahead... The young swordmaster of the Cloud Knights. He will not be an easy foe.
- (If the player evaded both fights)
- Kafka: That's the second time you've evaded the possibility of a battle... You really do want to change my prediction, don't you...
- Kafka: But the future is still clear — the real test lies ahead... The young swordmaster of the Cloud Knights. He will not be an easy foe.
- Kafka: Until then, let's continue our game. It's my turn again.
- Kafka: Hehe, second question: Do you want to see me again?
- (Trailblazer): (What kind of question is that? ...Will we see each other again? She'd know the answer to that one...
- (Trailblazer): (As for whether I'd want to, it seems obvious to me...)
(I want to see Kafka again)
- (Trailblazer): (...I guess I do want to see her again.)
- (Trailblazer): (So, my answer is...)
- (If you have to say the truth)
(Trailblazer): (Obey the rules of the game) I want to see you again.
(Trailblazer): (Ignore the rules of the game) I don't want to see you again.
- (If you have to say the lie)
(Trailblazer): (Obey the rules of the game) I don't want to see you again.
(Trailblazer): (Ignore the rules of the game) I want to see you again.
(I don't want to see Kafka again)
- (Trailblazer): (...No, I don't want to deal with this lady again.)
- (Trailblazer): (So, my answer is...)
- (If you have to say the truth)
(Trailblazer): (Obey the rules of the game) I don't want to see you again.
(Trailblazer): (Ignore the rules of the game) I want to see you again.
- (If you have to say the lie)
(Trailblazer): (Obey the rules of the game) I want to see you again.
(Trailblazer): (Ignore the rules of the game) I don't want to see you again.
- Kafka: ...
- Kafka: Okay, I'm done asking.
- Kafka: What a surprise, (Trailblazer), I can't see through you.
Are you satisfied with my answers?
- Kafka: Partly...
- Kafka: For me, the truth or lack there of is not what matters in this game...
- (If you ignored the rules of the game:)
- Kafka: ...
- Kafka: After all, how can I know which answer is which?
- Kafka: You've become very impressive, (Trailblazer)... and unfamiliar.
- Kafka: It's your turn to ask a question. Come see me when you're ready.
Play the second round of truth and lies[]
Mission Description
The game of truth and lies has entered its second round. What does Kafka hope to gain from this game? Perhaps just some entertainment. But from the truthful and false answers, you can finally find answers to things you've been curious about for a long time. As for which answers are true or false...
- Kafka: This is your last question, (Trailblazer). Surprise me.
- (Trailblazer): (I don't know if Kafka was telling the truth in the previous question, but one thing's certain: For this question, she'll have to answer according to the rules.)
- (Trailblazer): (Should I venture into a whole new topic?)
(Ask about myself)
- (See the first question)
(Ask about Blade)
- (See the first question)
(Ask about Kafka)
- (See the first question)
(Venture into a whole new topic)
- (Trailblazer): (Kafka wants me to surprise her... Let's try this on for size...)
Is destiny predetermined?
- Kafka: ...
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: No.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: Yes.
One plus one equals two, right?
- (If Kafka says the truth)
- Kafka: Correct.
- (If Kafka says the lie)
- Kafka: Wrong.
- Kafka: Very clever, (Trailblazer). But was it worth sacrificing a question to determine whether the last answer was true or false? ...Tough to say.
- (Yanqing arrives at the location)
- Yanqing: Stellaron Hunters... The general was merciful enough to let you live, but you haven't shown the slightest bit of gratitude.
- Yanqing: ...Why are you here?
- Kafka: Because (he/
she) was struck by my Spirit Whisper. - Kafka: My powers of suggestion are capable of convincing people to accept my orders... all without a second thought.
- Kafka: (Trailblazer), defeat this little boy and your mission is over.
- Yanqing: ...You witch!
- (Begin battle against
Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing ×1)
- Kafka used Spirit Whisper on Yanqing and told him to leave, then breathed a sigh of relief.
- Kafka: Trailblazer, if it weren't for you, that kid would've had me and Blade in The Shackling Prison in no time.
- Kafka: Of course, Sam and Silver Wolf would have broken us out, but Bladie would've been gravely injured, and our relationship with the Xianzhou would've been damaged beyond repair.
- Kafka: If possible, I'd like to avoid that kind of future at all costs.
- Blade: ...Can I leave now?
- Kafka: Yes, the mara in you in temporarily suppressed. So long as you avoid over-stimulation and familiar faces, you shouldn't have a problem.
- Kafka: ...Wait, you're not leaving?
- Blade: I am sorry, Kafka. There is a person... a person to whom I am greatly indebted. I must see them.
- Kafka: ...Then it's in your hands. Elio didn't say anything about what happens next.
- Kafka: Thank you for coming to my aid, Trailblazer — I appreciate it... Our paths will cross again.
- Blade: ...
- Blade: I remember you.
Well I don't remember you.
- Blade: You once followed Kafka, didn't you? There was a time when she was on a mission — you were next to her. I remember.
- Blade: I've yet to see anyone follow her for as long as you did... and live to tell the tale.
What exactly are you getting at...?
Guess I owe her my thanks, then.
You all need me alive.
- Blade: ...
- Blade: Every Stellaron Hunter has a deal with Elio. I do not know the nature of those deals, but I do know that Kafka and I agreed to take orders from Elio. She must have sought something extraordinary. Everything she does comes at a great cost.
- Blade: She will have done many things to keep you alive until now, young one.
- Trailblazer: ...
- (Mission complete)
- (Obtain
"Hunter's Intuition" ×1)
- (Obtain Achievement Free Will)
- (Obtain
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Letter from a Strange Woman |
Chinese (Simplified) | 陌生女人的来信 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 陌生女子的來信 |
Japanese | 見知らぬ女性からの手紙 |
Korean | 낯선 여인의 편지 |
Spanish | Carta de una mujer desconocida |
French | Lettre d'une femme étrange |
Russian | Письмо незнакомки |
Thai | จดหมายจากหญิงแปลกหน้า |
Vietnamese | Bức Thư Từ Người Phụ Nữ Xa Lạ |
German | Brief einer unbekannten Frau |
Indonesian | Surat dari Wanita Misterius |
Portuguese | Carta de uma Mulher Estranha |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.2