Let Aurum Alley Thrive Once More! is an Achievement in the category The Memories We Share.
To unlock this achievement, the player needs to complete the Adventure Mission Back in Business (IV) and have the Merchant Guild take control of Aurum Alley.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Let Aurum Alley Thrive Once More! |
Chinese (Simplified) | 令金人巷再次繁荣! |
Chinese (Traditional) | 令金人巷再次繁榮! |
Japanese | 金人巷を再び繁栄に! |
Korean | 금 조각상 거리여, 다시 번영하라! |
Spanish | La resurgencia del Callejón Aurum |
French | Rendre à l'allée des Aurums ce qui appartient à l'allée des Aurums ! |
Russian | Вернём Переулку ауруматонов былое процветание! |
Thai | ทำให้ตรอก Aurum รุ่งเรืองอีกครั้ง! |
Vietnamese | Giúp Phố Kim Nhân Hưng Thịnh Trở Lại! |
German | Bringe die Aurum-Allee wieder zum Wohlstand! |
Indonesian | Buat Aurum Alley Berjaya Lagi! |
Portuguese | Faça o Beco Aurum Prosperar Novamente! |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.3