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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Leo is an NPC on Penacony, located in Dewlight Pavilion's Reception Counter.


Leo is the Head of Security for Dewlight Pavilion. His job is to convey Mr. McCoy's instructions to the Bloodhound Family members. No one has ever succeeded in breaking into Dewlight Pavilion, so they just patrol the place every day and occasionally assist in entertaining the guests.


Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"You need something?"
(Version 2)
"Huh? Looking for me?"


(First interaction)
Leo: ...
Leo: Sorry, but I don't like to chat during working hours.

Icon Dialogue Talk Mind if we have a little chat?
Leo: Since you're up for it, let's do it.
Icon Dialogue Talk How do you feel about your job?
Leo: My job here? Frankly speaking, it isn't the most interesting thing.
Leo: Mr. McCoy is stringent about the security of Dewlight Pavilion. My job is to convey Mr. McCoy's instructions to the Bloodhound guys.
Leo: No one has ever succeeded in breaking into this place, so we just patrol the place every day and occasionally assist in entertaining the guests... That's a pretty uneventful routine.
Leo: Still, it means things are peaceful in the Dreamscape, isn't it?
Icon Dialogue Talk What are your thoughts on dreams?
Leo: Oh, dreams. No one in The Family would deny its importance, but it isn't the only thing that matters in my life.
Leo: Just take me as an example. When I'm not working, I'll return to reality to spend time with my family and pets — I have dozens of animals at home.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dozens!?
Leo: Yup... They were stray animals that I took in. I only had a couple of them in the beginning, and got more as time went on...
Icon Dialogue Arrow You should meet Miss Topaz...
Leo: I have no idea who that is, but I bet she must be a pet lover too, haha.
Leo: Most of my pets used to be stray animals. I only had a couple of them in the beginning, and they got more as time went on...
Leo: I've never regretted doing this or found it a nuisance. After all, someone has to deal with the issues in the real world at the end of the day, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk What's your take on the Sweet Dreams Troupe?
Leo: Oh, Sweet Dreams Troupe. They are a lovely and sweet bunch. I like them.
Leo: Although they are Dreamscape creations, they're just as good as us humans when it comes to serving the guests. They're quite reliable assistants.
Leo: Unfortunately, it's inevitable to get frustrated while handling the guests. It's unfortunate that some Sweet Dreams Troupe are corroded as a result and are reduced to... something less sweet.
Leo: If one day people in the Dreamscape could be rid of their negative emotions, the troupe could probably stay pure all the time — that would be a beautiful dream in the truest sense.
Icon Dialogue Exit That's all for now.
Icon Dialogue Exit Catch you later.
Leo: See you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

(Subsequent interactions)
(If Leo's Emotion is set to Calm)
Leo wears a frosty expression. He isn't uttering a word, and no one dares to talk to him.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mind if we have a little chat?
Icon Dialogue Exit Catch you later.

(If Leo's Emotion is set to Angry)
Leo: The world beyond Dewlight Pavilion is full of lies and deception!
Icon Dialogue Talk Mind if we have a little chat?
Icon Dialogue Exit Catch you later.

(If Leo's Emotion is set to Happy)
Leo: Hello there. If you have anything to get off your chest, I'm all ears.
Icon Dialogue Talk Mind if we have a little chat?
Icon Dialogue Exit Catch you later.

(If Leo's Emotion is set to Sad)
Leo: Dreams will one day face their end...
Icon Dialogue Talk Mind if we have a little chat?
Icon Dialogue Exit Catch you later.


Icon Dialogue Clockwork Activate Clockwork
Icon Clockwork Calm Calm
Leo: ...My apologies. That behavior was out of line. I am not usually like that.
Leo: I do not like to reveal my emotions in public as it will affect my work. This time... this is an accident. It won't happen again.
(Obtain Weary Weary ×1, first time only)
Icon Clockwork Angry Angry
(First interaction)
Leo: Hmm... Dangers are lurking everywhere outside The Family!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Has the Dreamscape been invaded by monsters?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are the IPC here to attack us?
Leo: No, I just recalled something embarrassing that happened to me. There are always some Dreamchaser who never fail to get under my skin!

(Subsequent interactions)
Leo: Hmph... Some Dreamchasers are just so annoying!
Leo: There was a time I went out to buy something in the Golden Hour. I bumped into a Dreamchaser who worked as a salesman along the way.
Leo: He claimed to own an Aether Cartridge from Punklorde and was eager to sell it to me for just 50,000 credits. I only brought Alfalfa credits with me at that time, so I had to borrow from some of my family to afford it.
Leo: In the end, I came across another cartridge that looked exactly the same on the Interastral network as the one I bought. It was just a regular cartridge worth less than 500 credits!
Leo: That was an outright scam! Can people nowadays still be trusted!? May the Great One punish the merchants who disrupt Harmony!
Leo: Much to my dismay, The Family only ousted the guy from the Dreamscape without any heavy sentences... That's unacceptable!!!
(Obtain The Sound and the Fury (Item) The Sound and the Fury ×1, first time only)
Icon Clockwork Happy Happy
Several different emotions flicker across Leo's face in a short time. In the end, he breaks into a faint smile as if he's just woken up from a dream.
Leo: Oh, dear... What have I missed?
Leo: It just dawned on me how perfect my job actually was — I don't have to run errands at different places. It's not too tiring, and I still have time to take care of my dogs after work.
Leo: Come to think of it, I've been too rigid all this while. I should be enjoying such a wonderful life with a smile!
Leo: Perhaps, it's time I get rid of this poker face... From now on, I must treat everyone around me with warmth. Let's start with you.
(First interaction)
Leo: This emotion is a gift for you. I've kept it for a very long time...
Icon Clockwork Sad Sad
Leo: Dreams... One shouldn't feel sad in a dream, but I just can't help feeling pessimistic sometimes.
Leo: There's no doubt we need dreams. The Golden Hour is a city of dreams where people who desire beauty visit.
Leo: Nevertheless, the expansion of dreams is approaching its limits, and all the nice things will eventually come to exhaustion. Penacony is akin to a bubble that is bound to burst if it continues to grow bigger.
Leo: There might come a day when the entire universe gets sick of the Dreamscape as well as the illusions that come with it... When the time comes, what can people like us do?
Leo: The only good thing is that such a day won't be happening in the near future.
(Obtain Conclusion of the 11th Round of Inspection: Failed Conclusion of the 11th Round of Inspection: Failed, first time only)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
