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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Last Stand of a Lone Wolf is the eighth part of the Trailblaze Continuance chapter Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II). It automatically begins after completing Sweep by Merlin's Claw.


  1. At this moment, in the war-torn Aurum Alley...
  2. Assess the situation on the battlefield and search for survivors


At this moment, in the war-torn Aurum Alley...[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Mission Description

In Aurum Alley, you and Moze stand above the aftermath of war, searching for survivors... as well as the whereabouts of Jiaoqiu.
At the same time, in the Aurum Alley

Feixiao's skyborne wind arrows accurately find their mark in the borisin...
Moze: Tsk, what a mess. I just knew it would end up this way...
Moze: Every time she hits the battlefield she makes a mess like this.
Moze: She didn't even leave a single survivor to get intel from. One of these men must have known about Hoolay and Jiaoqiu's whereabouts.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What happened just now?
Moze: That was one of Feixiao's "arrows." Who knows what she used as an arrow to fire all the way over here.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That general of yours is way out of line!
Moze: She... She's just very passionate. She sees every place as a battlefield where she can unleash hell.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Has that general of yours always been like this?
Moze: I wouldn't say "always"... But "often" would be fair. As soon as the heat of battle gets to her, she sees every place as a battlefield where she can unleash hell.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I want to see her fire another arrow with my own eyes...
Moze sizes you up with a cold, indifferent gaze. You can almost hear the unspoken words in his expressionless face: "Is it not better to cherish your life instead?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is Jiaoqiu still alive...?
Moze: ...He has to be.
Moze: A retainer like myself is nothing more than an insignificant shadow who stands by the general's side. But Jiaoqiu is different. Without his careful treatment, the general wouldn't even be here today.
Moze: Hopefully, he can use that silver tongue of his to buy himself enough time...
Moze: (Trailblazer), take a good look around. If you can find one or two borisin that aren't dead yet, let me know.
Moze: I don't care how tight their lips are sealed. I always have a way to crack them open and get the information we need.

Assess the situation on the battlefield and search for survivors[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Atop the Palace of Astrum, the Merlin's Claw brings the battle to an end with a single attack. Meanwhile, Moze and you emerge from the battle's aftermath in Aurum Alley and begin the search for survivors... as well as for news about Jiaoqiu's whereabouts.
(Approach marked location)
Mok Tok: ...What a terrifying attack.
Mok Tok: Who could have imagined... that such astonishing strength would lie in the hands of a foxian war slave...
Mok Tok: So decisive, so... brutal. She is more like a descendant of Duran than we who have fallen to our current state. No wonder the Warhead has his eyes on her.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's...
Moze: The sneak that infiltrated The Shackling Prison. Mok Tok... You are harder to kill than a cockroach.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The fact that you still draw breath after an attack like that...
Moze: I remember you, Mok Tok... You are harder to kill than a cockroach.
Moze: But, the fact that you have willingly shown yourself saves us some time.
Moze: It is not too late for you to surrender. Tell me... where are Hoolay and Jiaoqiu?
Mok Tok: Save your energy, Yaoqing monkey. If there is one principle that we beasts know well, it is that we might have to break off an arm to break free from a cage. Today, I will be that arm.
Mok Tok: I lived as a hunter for many years, yet I have only followed the Warhead for this recent, brief period. However, his existence has brought light back to our once-blind eyes, like the moon of Verdantia. He has shown me the way.
Mok Tok: The descendants of Duran have abandoned the Wolf's Creed. In order to ensure our survival, we took solace in the shadows and fed on one another. We were no longer wolves. We were no more than rats, living a dirty and pathetic life.
Mok Tok: Thanks to the gift granted to us by Lord Hoolay, I have shared his vision and his blood... The descendants of Duran should live for the victory of the pack, and they should die for it as well!
Mok Tok: Come, Yaoqing man. Show me your fangs! We will fight to the death!
Moze: How honorable, you mangy dog.
Moze: But you seem to have misunderstood. There will be no fair one-on-one duel. Let's see how tough you are once we've put you down.

(Begin battle against Eclipse Wolftrooper Mok Tok ×1, Sableclaw Wolftrooper Sableclaw Wolftrooper ×4)
Mok Tok: The Warhead's blood... It boils in my veins...
Mok Tok: Long live Hoolay! The borisin resurgence is at hand!
Moze: The borisin resurgence?
Moze: You think you can still pillage and murder freely as you did a thousand years before?
Moze: The Xianzhou Yaoqing will ensure that this is nothing more than your dying fantasy!
(After Mok Tok is defeated)
(Mok Tok resurrects and immediately enters Moon Rage state)
Mok Tok: Fight me! You think a scrape like this will send me running!?
Mok Tok: I must... hold on...
(After Mok Tok is defeated again)
Mok Tok: The borisin resurgence... shall come...

(After the battle)
Moze: No matter how heroic your sacrifice... there is no honor in your battles or deaths, borisin.
Hoolay: It seems that Mok Tok got what he wished for.
Moze: Hoolay... your "declaration of war" is over.
Moze: From now on, no matter where you run, General Feixiao will catch you and send you to the same fate as Mok Tok...
Hoolay: Your tongue is sharper than your claws.
Hoolay: Don't stand in my way, child. Have your general speak with me. Our little hunting game is not over yet.
Feixiao: Stand down, Moze. I am here, Hoolay. What do you wish to say?

Hoolay: The Merlin's Claw, though we have never met on the battlefield, I have heard many interesting things about you from both my men and your healer.
Hoolay: The people of the Xianzhou must be quite brave to allow a foxian war slave with borisin blood to ascend to the position of general.
Hoolay: Has no one ever questioned that lineage of yours? Or could it be that your grand achievements were enough to convince everyone to keep their lips sealed?
Feixiao: Claiming to have family ties with the enemy sounds to me like an attempt at asking for mercy... Hoolay, are you begging me for mercy?
Hoolay: I see that it is not only the ruthless blood of a wolf that courses through your veins, but also the cunning blood of a fox.
Hoolay: When you think about it, this was a gift from the borisin. Anything that we gift, we are also free to reclaim...
Hoolay: The Merlin's Claw, I shall extend a final invitation to you: I will be waiting for you on the Skysplitter.
Hoolay: Before you arrive, I will slaughter all in sight, allowing the Crimson Moon that has fallen dim for over seven hundred years to once more come to life. I will illuminate this ship with the sheen of blood and show everyone just how weak and powerless the Xianzhou is.
Hoolay: Then, I will pilot this ship through every blockade and barrier you have prepared and begin my journey home. This ship shall be the flagship for the borisin resurgence!
Hoolay: Before I finish these tasks of mine, you have a chance to stop me, or die at my hands. This is the path that I have prepared for you.
Feixiao: I accept your challenge, Hoolay. Because the very moment you stepped aboard the Skysplitter, you stepped onto your path to ruin.

Switching to Yunli's POV...
On the Skysplitter, the atmosphere of an impending storm makes Yunli anxious and uneasy...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLast Stand of a Lone Wolf
Korean갈기갈기 찢긴 육신, 외로운 늑대의 저항
SpanishEl último aliento del lobo
FrenchDernières volontés d'un loup solitaire
RussianМаски сдёрнуты, старый волк в западне
VietnameseThân Xác Rách Nát, Con Sói Đơn Độc
GermanLetztes Gefecht eines einsamen Wolfs
IndonesianPertahanan Terakhir Sang Serigala Tunggal
PortugueseÚltima Cartada de um Lobo Solitário

Change History[]

