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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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Larose is an NPC on Penacony, located in the Golden Hour.


(To be added.)



There is 1 Achievement related to Larose:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Reality Sinks, Dream Drifts The Memories We Share Humans can't empathize with each other after all
※ Listen to the conversation between Larose and Forla
Yes 2.0 5

Missions and Events[]

Trailblaze Missions

Adventure Missions

Character Mentions[]


Voice Lines[]

Before completing Clockwork: Larose
(Version 1)
"Hi, can you come see my show?"
(Version 2)
"I sure envy Robin's predecessor..."
After completing Clockwork: Larose
(Version 1)
"Get ready! You'll be falling for me in no time!"
(Version 2)
"Just wait. I'll be famous one day."


(Approach Larose for the first time)
Larose: Dear (Sir/Miss), please stay for a while. There's no need to hurry in this dreamscape where time stands still.
Larose: Here, please take this pamphlet. I will be performing the song of beautyBeauty at this concert. Please don't miss it.
(Obtain The Planet Of Canticles' Final Song: Song of Beauty Concert The Planet Of Canticles' Final Song: Song of Beauty Concert)

(First interaction)
Larose: Are you ready for the Song of Beauty from the planet of canticles, dear (sir/lady)?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The planet of canticles?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The Song of Beauty?
Larose: I see, you are not familiar with my music. Let me introduce it to you: Have you ever heard of the name "Mendasia"?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is that the name of the planet of canticles?
Larose: Yes, it was once an artistic paradise in the universe, but it no longer exists.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it someone's name?
Larose: Someone's name... Well, if you compare it to "someone," then she must be a goddess of immortal beauty. It's actually the name of the planet of canticles.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it some sort of food?
Larose: Some sort of food... Hehe, it's actually the name of the planet of canticles, but your joke relates to its ultimate fate.
Larose: Since the dawn of civilization, Mendasia has believed in the Beauty. Idrila bestowed upon us the Wall of Mirrors that shielded us from plagues. Henceforth, the world concealed its traces in the star ocean, and only a few knew of its existence.
Larose: Gradually, it became a peaceful wonderland where people indulged in feasts and drinks in the forest of flowers, explored and sang in praise of the Beauty, referring to their homeland as the planet of canticles.
Larose: However, as the Beauty disappeared, the blessings she left behind gradually crumbled... Approximately two Amber Eras ago, the Wall of Mirrors collapsed entirely, and soon after, like a vulnerable butterfly, Mendasia was swallowed by a terrifying interstellar beast.
Larose: The surviving Mendasians have been wandering ever since, and no one believes in the paradise spoken of by those refugees. Only a few musical pieces, known as the "Song of Beauty," serve as evidence of the existence of the planet of canticles...
Larose: The enchanting realm of the Beauty has faded, and if its remaining art withers away, the crown of cosmic art will lose one of its brightest jewels. With each additional listener, the enduring flame of art will shine brighter. So, I hope you can support my performance.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'll definitely support you!
Larose: Thank you for your support. I salute you on behalf of the Beauty.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm not interested in musical performances.
Larose: Oh, what a shame... It's one of the few legacies that the Beauty has left behind in the universe.
Larose: I will continue to preserve the "Song of Beauty," for the sake of the planet of canticles and the precious beauty of the universe.

(Subsequent interactions)
Larose: Please support my performances so that the "Song of Beauty" will continue resonating in the cosmos.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd like to chat with you...
Larose: Sure thing. I am delighted to provide my audience with more information about myself and my music.
Icon Dialogue Talk How did you become a singer in Penacony?
Larose: Well, for as long as I can remember, I have been traveling and singing with my relatives. We performed in various places, from small countries on border stars to mercenary ships, but the pay we received was barely enough to make ends meet.
Larose: Once, while I was singing at The Comet tavern in the Saran Meteorite Belt, a Pepeshi lady interrupted my performance, saying that talent should not be wasted in a place like that, and that I should move on to a bigger stage.
Larose: At first, I thought she was just some random drunken customer, but I later discovered that she was Forla, the most respected celebrity manager from the Iris Family. So I accepted her invitation to Penacony and became a songstress with a smidgen of fame in the Dreamscape.
Larose: She's a very strict manager who overseas my diet, schedule, relationships, and performance. It's rare for me to have a chance to chat with you like this...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are your thoughts on Robin?
Larose: Robin? You mean the "once-in-a-century musical genius," the "voice kissed by Xipe themselves," and the "Princess of Harmony?" I don't think I need to elaborate on her reputation.
Larose: Her songs are undoubtedly excellent, but since I arrived in Penacony, I noticed her posters adorning every wall, her music playing in every store, and her songs hummed by everyone passing by...
Larose: For example, SoulGlad is widely recognized as a delicacy, but if you had to drink SoulGlad every single day, even use it for washing... day after day, year after year... would you still love it in the same way?
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's a nauseating thought...
Larose: Yeah, no matter how good something is, its charm diminishes with repeated exposure.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Of course I'd love it. I'll never betray good flavor.
Larose: Um... looks like I cited an inappropriate example. Now I see you truly enjoy SoulGlad. No wonder you are here, at the Golden Hour.
Larose: I have great respect for her, but the music in Penacony should not be overshadowed by her all the time. Dreamscape should embrace a more diverse range of musical styles.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why are you handing out flyers on the streets?
Larose: Actually, my concerts used to be quite popular in Penacony, but ticket sales have been poor lately, so my manager suggested that I personally promote the show on the streets.
Larose: I believe it's because the Charmony Festival is approaching, and all the visitors are eager for Robin's performance, but not so much for the other acts...
Larose: Countless individuals are pursuing their musical aspirations in the dreamscape, yet the audience fixates only on the brightest moon... If this trend continues, the lesser stars will only shine clinging to the moonlight or fade away in solitude. Sooner or later, the sky will become insipid...
Larose: Dear (sir/lady), while you are here, please pay attention to some other performances. Although they may not match the grandeur of the Charmony Festival, each has its own unique charm.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I just want to enjoy the finest shows.
Larose: I understand your desire, but everyone has their own criteria for the "finest" shows. By relying solely on external judgements, you might overlook the truly finest shows.
Larose: Perhaps you could start with my performance and expose yourself to different musical forms. Who knows... the Song of Beauty might resonate with you as much as Robin's songs.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are there any performances that you would recommend?
Larose: There are numerous options... the automated orchestra at the Moment of Oasis, the wandering musician Brona's cruise show during the Blue Hour, and Ekarin's famous opera, the King of Dreams, at the Moment of Sol...
Larose: And in the Golden Hour, a talented songstress from the planet of canticles will be performing songs from her lost hometown. Please, don't forget about my concert. Please, dear (sir/lady), don't forget about my concert!
Icon Dialogue Exit Let's catch up another time.
Larose: Sure, I'm always up for chatting with guests.
Icon Dialogue Exit See you later.
Larose: See you later. I look forward to seeing you in the audience.


(After completing Adventure Mission Clockwork: Larose)
(If Larose's Emotion is set to Calm)
Larose: I haven't forgotten my true self. I've simply discovered my true passion.
Larose: From the start, my goal was to achieve success and fame, rather than the calling of passing on the art.
Icon Dialogue Exit See you later.

(If Larose's Emotion is set to Angry)
Larose: Curse the manager! Curse Penacony! Curse the Iris family!
Larose: One day... one day, I will pulverize your arrogance! You will all become stepping stones on my path to fame!
Icon Dialogue Exit See you later.

(If Larose's Emotion is set to Happy)
Larose: Indeed... I will become a household name, a superstar, with crowds bowing at my feet!
Larose: When the time comes, neither my audience nor my manager will be able to confine my voice. I will have the freedom to express myself through the songs I truly desire to sing!
Icon Dialogue Exit See you later.

(If Larose's Emotion is set to Sad)
Larose: Fate has dealt me an unfair hand. I was born in the humble nest of a night hawk, only to make me yearn for the sunlit heights.
Larose: While an eagle effortlessly soars high by riding the wind, I must defy the wind and my own desires to reach the sky...
Icon Dialogue Exit See you later.


Clockwork is only available after completing the Adventure Mission Clockwork: Larose.

Icon Dialogue Clockwork Activate Clockwork
Icon Clockwork Calm Calm
Larose's expression calms down, her smile fading at the corners of her mouth as she murmurs in a low voice.
Larose: I can still vividly recall my childhood days, singing songs with my relatives. Most of our performances were meant to satisfy people's curiosity and showcase that humans could create such unique sounds. While we called ourselves singers, we weren't much different from those Trotters who entertain with daring acts in the Cirque du Soucoupe.
Larose: At first, I genuinely believed the Song of Beauty was truly beautiful. However, when nobody appreciated it, I started contemplating giving up on singing... until an interstellar traffic accident left us stranded on a world maimed by Dr. Primitive.
Larose: The inhabitants of that world had been transformed into apes through malicious experiments. Though they couldn't grasp complex music, they were naturally drawn to our primitive and ancient songs.
Larose: As I practiced my songs in the camp, these natives cheered me on with their remaining intelligence, and I found a reason to continue singing through their applause — valifdation from others.
Larose: Yes, the pursuit of art, the legacy of my homeland, and the faith for the Beauty... They were all mere empty words I used to deceive myself. In truth, I sang solely for the admiration of the audience right from the start.
Icon Clockwork Angry Angry
Larose's brows are knitted tightly as her shoulders tremble with the roiling fury within her soul.
Larose: How much longer do I have to sing songs I hate, do things I have no interest in, and cater to an audience with no taste... just to make it to the big stage?
Larose: Do you know what happened when I first asked her to add the "Song of Beauty" to the setlist?
Larose: With a bright smile on her face, she agreed and promised to arrange a performance for me in a month. I spent my days praticing, eagerly looking forward to the show, but she didn't provide any details during that period, simply instructing me to be so prepared.
Larose: However, when the day of the performance arrived. I walked onto the Iris Family's stage with great anticipation, only to find that she was the sole presence there: no audience, no accompanying musicians, not even an automated orchestra.
Larose: "Snap out of it! Without the publicity and support of the Iris Family, you and your so-called Song of Beauty are just worthless trash in the Dreamscape."
Larose: Her words filled me with fury, but I remained silent, watching her leave the theater. I couldn't argue with her... because she was an expert in music... a representative of the Penacony mainstream...
Larose: But one day, I will make her regret it. I will become an authority, redifining the new "mainstream." Even if I have to abandon the Song of Beauty, I will rise above her and pulverize her arrogance!
Icon Clockwork Happy Happy
Larose's smile grows more confident, as if she were standing on a stage in the spotlight.
Larose: Phew... Now that I've untangled the knots that plagued me for years, I can finally dedicate myself completely to my career.
Larose: I will become a superstar even greater than Robin, a universally adored singer! Even a simple burp of mine will send fans into a frenzy!
Larose: And when that time comes... I might just be able to sing Mendasian music again, with nobody having the right to stop me. Everyone will marvel at the art they once despised, defending me with various artistic theories and showering me with countless accolades!
Larose: Unshackled by responsibilities, unconcerned with market trends, and able to sing anything while reaping success solely based on reputation — I must become a singer like this.
Icon Clockwork Sad Sad
Larose's resolute expression fades, and you catch a sigh as the flickering neon lights on the street corner reflect in her eyes.
Larose: Dear (sir/lady)... Do you think Robin has experienced the same pain as I do?
Larose: I am certain she has not. She is the pride of her family, immersed in the study of elegant harmonies since childhood. Her tastes align with her family's, and her aesthetics align with the world's.
Larose: On the other hand, I am the humble remnant of a fallen Aeon, raised with a passion for unconventional music, nurturing a sense of aesthetics that doesn't conform. My world and I are outcasts of time. We will never truly comprehend the world, and the world will never fully embrace us.
Larose: I love my homeland I have never seen, and I cherish the utopia found only in stories... Yet at times, I resent my origins. If I had not been born as a child of the planet of canticles but instead in Penacony, would my heartfelt singing have garnered recognition?
Larose: *sigh* I was born in a night hawk's humble nest, yet I yearn for the sunlit heights. While an eagle effortlessly soars high by riding the wind, I must defy the wind and my own desires to reach the sky...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

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