Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

This is the proof of invitation to the halls of the Nous Temple.
Finding the door of which this key opens is a far more arduous task than obtaining the key itself. Those who pass through the doors will immediately realize the impossibility of returning to this side.

"The Erudition does not have answers to the universe, but it will teach you how to ask the right questions."

Key of Wisdom is a 4-star Trace Material and Light Cone Ascension Material.

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Key of Wisdom for ascension.

12 Light Cones use Key of Wisdom for ascension:

EruditionPasskey Passkey

Trace Usage[]

6 Characters use Key of Wisdom for their Traces:

PhysicalArgenti Argenti
IceHerta Herta
FireHimeko Himeko
LightningJing Yuan Jing Yuan
QuantumQingque Qingque
LightningServal Serval

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishKey of Wisdom
Korean지식의 열쇠
SpanishLlave de la sabiduría
FrenchClé de la sagesse
RussianКлюч к мудрости
ThaiKey of Wisdom
VietnameseChìa Khóa Trí Tuệ
GermanSchlüssel der Weisheit
IndonesianKey of Wisdom
PortugueseChave da Sabedoria

Change History[]

