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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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proper profile

Joshua is an NPC on Jarilo-VI, located in Boulder Town.


He is a member of Wildfire. He speaks with a distinct stutter and seems to lack self-confidence.


View map: Boulder Town

Missions and Events[]

Trailblaze Missions

Daily Missions

Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"W—Why are you looking at me?"
(Version 2)
"Stop s—staring! I haven't done anything wrong..."


(First interaction)
Joshua: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do I have something on my face?
Joshua: Huh...? No, no. It's just that... there is something I want to ask you!
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Ignore him)
Joshua: Hey... can I talk to you for a second?
(Both dialogue options will lead to the following response)
Icon Dialogue Arrow You look like you have your guard up.
Joshua: ...No, not at all. I'm just... just... a little curious.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What is it?
Joshua: Well... um...
Joshua: Never mind, nothing really... Sorry about that.
(Continue onto dialogue options below)

(Subsequent interactions)
Joshua: ...
Joshua: Huh? What are you looking at me for?
Joshua: Sorry, I — I didn't mean to bother you. I'll leave you alone...
Icon Dialogue Talk What's really going on?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're a pickpocket, aren't you?
Joshua: No — no way! I—If I were a pickpocket, Chief Oleg wouldn't let me into Wildfire...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oleg?
Joshua: Y—You don't know the chief?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Wildfire?
Joshua: Y—You don't know what Wildfire is...? You must be kidding...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who are you?
Joshua: I'm... I'm just a regular bureaucrat for Wildfire. I do... admin and accounting.
Joshua: Wildfire i—is a self-organized group for maintaining order in the Underworld... O—Oleg is the leader of the group.
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you want to talk to me about?
Joshua: I heard that you are from the o—outside... Is that true?
Joshua: Don't worry! I—I won't tell anyone. I'm from Wildfire.
Joshua: I—If you don't want to tell me, it's okay. I was just c—curious...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yes, we're from another world.
Joshua: Huh...? A—Another world?
Joshua: You're kidding me... well actually... you seem p—pretty serious...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why do you want to know about this?
Joshua: N—Nothing! It's just that I've never met an outsider...
Joshua: M—Most undergrounders have never seen anyone from the outside, not in their entire lives. S—So it's quite normal for me to find you strange...
Joshua: T—That's all I wanted to ask... If it's okay with you, I—I'm gonna go...
Icon Dialogue Exit Okay.
Icon Dialogue Exit Okay, see you.
Joshua: T—Take care. Phew...

(Included in subsequent interactions, upon completing Trailblaze Mission No Time for Me, My Friend)
Icon Dialogue Talk How have things been?
Joshua: Oh, i—it's you folks. It's all thanks to y-you that we can f—finally return to the surface.
Joshua: This is what the W—Wildfire wanted m—most. B—But, plenty of troubles h-have risen...
Icon Dialogue Arrow What troubles?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do I have to run errands again...?
Joshua: O—Of course not! Y—You have already done so much for us. This is an in—internal affair. We will d—deal with it ourselves.
Joshua: A—After all, we have been in charge of the Underworld for years...
Joshua: Some of our m—members have always had a problem with the Supreme Guardian. Now, they've found a better excuse to n-not listen to her.
Joshua: Still, everything is alright... Together with O—Oleg, I'll try to c—convince them.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
