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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Joseph's Model is an NPC on Herta Space Station, located in the Seclusion Zone.


(To be added.)


Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"Transcription missing"
(Version 2)
"Transcription missing"


(First interaction)
Joseph's Model: Hello, Wubbie? It's (Trailblazer)!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing here?
Joseph's Model: Get down here... Wubbie... Play!
Icon Dialogue Talk You recognize me?
Joseph's Model: Yes, I do! Space station! Hero! My hero!
Joseph's Model: (Mister/Miss), woo? Play with me, woo?
Joseph's Model: I'm here! Very familiar, woo!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd like to ask...
(Continue onto dialogue options below)
Icon Dialogue Exit I have no more questions.
Joseph's Model: Woo!
Joseph's Model: Play with me? Next time, woo-woo? Wubba-woo!

(Subsequent interactions)
Joseph's Model: (Mister/Miss), woo? Play with me, woo?
Joseph's Model: I'm here! Very familiar, woo!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd like to ask...
Icon Dialogue Talk How did you end up becoming someone else's model?
Joseph's Model: Joseph said, woo, get down and play, boo... and I said yes.
Joseph's Model: Everyone wanted to woowoo, put things on woo me. Woo, I said yes!
Icon Dialogue Talk Where did you sneak in from?
Joseph's Model: Shuttle, woo... I got stuck in a gap under the shuttle. It hurt a lot, woo.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's dangerous here. You should go back.
Joseph's Model: I want to play here. I don't want to go back.
Icon Dialogue Exit I have no more questions.
Joseph's Model: Woo!
Icon Dialogue Exit I have no more questions.
Joseph's Model: Woo!
Joseph's Model: Play with me? Next time, woo-woo? Wubba-woo!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishJoseph's Model
Korean조셉의 모델
SpanishModelo de Joseph
FrenchModèle de Jospeh
RussianМодель Джозефа
Thaiโมเดลของ Joseph
VietnameseNgười Mẫu Của Joseph
GermanJosephs Vorzeigemodell
IndonesianModel Joseph
PortugueseModelo de Joseph

Change History[]
