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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream is the first Trailblaze Continuance chapter in Honkai: Star Rail. It takes place on Jarilo-VI.


For the Nameless, the joy of the journey lies not only in a series of novel adventures but also in the delightful reunions with old friends, a beautiful part of the Trailblaze.

The ice and snow of Jarilo-VI are melting, and all signs of Belobog seem to point to a bright future. People are rediscovering the pleasures of life and even planning festivities to bid farewell to the Everwinter.

However, beneath the calm surface, there's a current of hidden motives tinged with the scent of money that is starting to surge...

List of Sub-Missions[]

  1. Future Market (Prologue)
  2. Future Market (I)
  3. Future Market (II)


Future Market (Prologue)

Mission Future Market (Prologue)Icon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackFuture Market (Prologue)

Bronya informed you that Jarilo-VI was preparing a carnival for the Solwarm Festival and invited the Nameless.
Outside Belobog, you encountered Topaz, the director of IPC's Strategic Investment Department, who claimed to have come to discuss business.

Future Market (I)

Mission Future Market (I)Icon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackFuture Market (I)

Topaz arrived at Jarilo-VI to collect the debt owed by the Architects from centuries ago.
However, their seeming unreasonable request seemed to have hidden motives. Motivated by justice, you drive away the occupying IPC squad at the Great Mine.
Meanwhile, Bronya urgently summoned you back to Qlipoth Fort for a discussion.

Future Market (II)

Mission Future Market (II)Icon Trailblaze Continuance Mission Small BlackFuture Market (II)

Topaz proposed a plan to eliminate the debt by handing over the entirety of Jarilo-VI to IPC's trusteeship, believing it to be the only way to save the planet.
Himeko's timely arrival allowed Bronya to see through the true nature of the situation, prompting her to rally all the Belobogians to defend their world.
In the far north, Topaz witnessed the unwavering determination of the Belobogians, who have stood firm for seven centuries. With the Crew serving as a guarantee of credit, Topaz decided to bear the IPC's subsequent recourse on her own.


There is 1 Achievement related to Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Sunny Deeds Beget Rainy Needs The Rail Unto the Stars Help Jarilo-VI and Belobog solve their enormous crisis (again)
※ Complete Trailblaze Continuance "Future Market"
Yes 1.4 10


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishJolted Awake From a Winter Dream
Korean겨울꿈에서 깨어난 순간
SpanishDespertar de un sueño invernal
FrenchLa fin d'un songe d'hiver
RussianПробуждение от зимнего сна
VietnameseTỉnh Mộng Ngày Đông
GermanAufgeschreckt aus einem Wintertraum
IndonesianTerbangun dari Mimpi Musim Dingin
PortugueseDespertar Abrupto de um Sonho Invernal

Change History[]

