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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The people of Izumo use tassels to bind the sharp blades to their belts. They walk the world to hunt down kami with their blades, then used the divine carcasses to forge new blades... In this never-ending cycle, Izumo marches toward prosperity, towards disillusion, and towards the void.

Izumo's Blades of Origin and End is a Relic piece in the set Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm.


The dual planets were intertwined in each other's tragic destiny, and a dead song was scattered amongst the Cave Where Light Hid.

The song had no beginning and no end, had no sound and no echo, came from no singer, and was heard by none. It thus uttered:

Takamagahara endless like Izumo, for it was a paradise perfect in its place.
Yet the sky turned dark and the great sun pulled the tides, and the kami left numerous trails as if migrating.
The Magatsuhi no Kami manifested and slaughtered without mercy, yet little did they expect their peerless authority to be stolen and taken.
Izumo broke seventy-thousand-and-thirty-three warrior's blades, forging the majestic Sentinels twelve in number.

The first was "Truth," forged with the slain Sovereign of Revelation. It allowed mortals to comprehend all laws and order, to dissect all things and to recreate miracles.
The second was "Sky," forged with the slain Eternal Zenith. It could turn the sky into walls and fortresses and pose obstacles for the Magatsu no Morokami's steps.
The third was "Howl," forged with the slain Almighty Thunder. It could summon lightning to tear the sky, and the soaring meteors and thunder to serve divine justice.
The fourth was "Mist," forged with the slain Everbreath. It could make winds break and shear the land, for gales to rage forever unceasing.
The fifth was "Frost," forged with the slain Heaven's Winter Cloak. It could freeze and still the very order of time, to create boundless frozen wastes and stretch one moment into eternity.
The sixth was "Fate," forged with the slain Spurned Sister of Mortality. It could make flowers bloom and cover barren graves, for life and death to dance in a cycle and dissipate.
The seventh was "Flare," forged with the slain Flamebringer. It could summon fires to burn down the very world, to torch the skies and to char the earth.
The eighth was "Thought," forged with the slain Wisdom Supreme. It could discern the past and future with the water mirror, to tell truth from lies over years beyond reckoning.
The ninth was "Root," forged with the slain Father of Lands. It could command islands to float into the heavens, for mountains and valleys to burst before armies.
The tenth was "Form," forged with the slain Nether Lord. It could make the masses join in unity, for endless forms to ebb and flow as one.
The eleventh was "Bind," forged with the slain Omen Ward. It drove misfortune into a binding cage, for evil and demons to instantly vanish.
The twelfth was "Maw," forged with the slain Woes Eighty. It could corrode and age the very mortal world and make equal kami and oni, leaving an entity's four souls to be sundered in twain.

Then the underworld was cleared out, the wars called to a halt, and the twelve blades broken and locked.
In the emptiness the dead souls grew restless, and under the black sun two blades were forged as Bearers of the world's destiny.
One was named "Origin" and the other named "End," for all begun with humanity and shall end with oni-kind.
The sounds of lamentation ceased, and the dead flowers rose and fell. The losers returned to the void, and the winners... became null.

The hobbling monk sang the song without a tune, for those who hold the power of kami are walking backwards, towards divinity.
Witnessed by the great sun, the land once named Izumo became completely devoid... of humans, oni, and kami.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishIzumo's Blades of Origin and End
Korean이즈모의 종시일도
SpanishFilos del inicio y el final de Izumo
FrenchIzumo, lames de fin et de commencement
RussianКлинки конца и начала Идзумо
ThaiIzumo's Blades of Origin and End
VietnameseIzumo, Lưỡi Đao Chấm Dứt Và Khởi Đầu
GermanIzumos Klingen von Ende und Anfang
IndonesianIzumo's Blades of Origin and End
PortugueseIzumo: Lâminas de Começo e Fim

Change History[]
