Iron Cavalry's Skywalk Greaves is a Relic piece in the set Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge.
The Iron Cavalry's tracks spread across every corner of Glamoth's "Empire" like blazing meteors, yet they cannot escape the "dream" woven by Titania.
The people of the Republic worry about the legion born for war, questioning how much overlap there truly is between the "Empire" that never existed and the territories that the ordinary people are familiar with...
The Empress bestows honor and faith upon her knights, and the Iron Calvary [sic] offers loyalty and commitment to the Empress... New humans are continuously birthed from incubators and given numbers and missions, while old humans hide beneath steel barriers, anxiously enjoying the long-awaited peace they yearned for. The deception of peace needs to be exposed by someone, and that particular method of war that shook the very foundation of humanity should not exist in the world. When the catastrophe fades, people with fear in their hearts then want to destroy the distorted products of war completely...
The Iron Calvary's [sic] greaves break through the sky. As long as they are willing, they can reach any star.
However, the "Empire" is nowhere to be found. Before the Iron Calvary lies only a predetermined path — one end leading to death, the other to themselves.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Iron Cavalry's Skywalk Greaves |
Chinese (Simplified) | 铁骑的行空护胫 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 鐵騎的行空護脛 |
Japanese | 鉄騎の飛翔グリーブ |
Korean | 철기군의 비행 그리브 |
Spanish | Grebas andacielos de la Caballería de Hierro |
French | Grèves marche-ciel de la Brigade de fer |
Russian | Небесные сапоги Железной кавалерии |
Thai | Iron Cavalry's Skywalk Greaves |
Vietnamese | Giáp Chân Hành Không Của Thiết Kỵ |
German | Himmelsweg-Beinschienen der Eisernen Kavallerie |
Indonesian | Iron Cavalry's Skywalk Greaves |
Portuguese | Grevas da Marcha Celeste da Cavalaria de Ferro |
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