Iron Cavalry's Silvery Armor is a Relic piece in the set Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge.
Several arcs of intense fire streak across the night sky, surpassing the horizon where dawn rises, heading toward different star sectors of Glamoth — a routine that the residents of the Republic are most familiar with and also most terrified of.
Silver-tinged armors soar through the skies, racing against time to reach the devastated battlefields, too preoccupied to gaze down at the views they tirelessly guard day and night.
The Empress' orders brook no argument. Identical-looking warriors are birthed from the incubators, swearing allegiance to the Empress and to reclaim Glamoth's skies. The Iron Cavalry traverse through the mountains of corpses and seas of flying insectoids' blood, burning the charred remnants of the vermin's shells, shattering their colossal jaws and toothy remnants... The fate of Glamoth's Iron Cavalry is to endure the slow disintegration of entropy, burning fiercely on the threshold between life and death.
Until the flames are completely extinguished, until the insectoids that blot out the sky turn into ashen black earth, until no one remains alive — such a daily routine would continue...
What does it mean to be alive? As the acceleration of the propelled armor tightly clamps down on their chests and as the piercing pain of entropy-induced numbness briefly surfaces on their bodies, they would taste a brief hint of what it means to be alive.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Iron Cavalry's Silvery Armor |
Chinese (Simplified) | 铁骑的银影装甲 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 鐵騎的銀影裝甲 |
Japanese | 鉄騎の銀影アーマー |
Korean | 철기군의 은빛 기갑 |
Spanish | Armadura plateada de la Caballería de Hierro |
French | Armure argentée de la Brigade de fer |
Russian | Серебристые доспехи Железной кавалерии |
Thai | Iron Cavalry's Silvery Armor |
Vietnamese | Giáp Ảnh Bạc Của Thiết Kỵ |
German | Silberne Panzerung der Eisernen Kavallerie |
Indonesian | Iron Cavalry's Silvery Armor |
Portuguese | Armadura Prateada da Cavalaria de Ferro |
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