Iron Cavalry's Crushing Wristguard is a Relic piece in the set Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge.
Glamoth's Iron Cavalry clenches their wrists tight, causing the filthy carapaces of the Swarm to crack open, allowing the corrosive fluid from their abdomens to spray freely. When the insectoid fluid touches their silvery armor, it vaporises instantly, leaving only stains of filth and blood.
The wreckage of armor and insectoid limbs scatter as deep-space debris. Around Glamoth, the "River of Death" flowes silently under the pull of gravity, marking the end of the bloody battle.
The leaders of the council discuss the post-war situation, passing judgment on Titania, who had never wielded real power. It is because of her control over the Iron Cavalry, whose power rivaled that of the Swarm. She is the greatest threat to the Republic's continued survival... People ring the bells of peace, declaring to the populace that the Swarm had dispersed, and the azure sky would return to the hands of the Republic.
"If we do not restrain the 'Empress,' who else can control these weapons?"
The Iron Cavalry ceaselessly hone their iron fists' strength in their brief lives. But they never imagined that those pale feeble hands in the council, lifting high, would possess the power to change Glamoth's fate.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Iron Cavalry's Crushing Wristguard |
Chinese (Simplified) | 铁骑的摧坚铁腕 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 鐵騎的摧堅鐵腕 |
Japanese | 鉄騎の粉砕アーム |
Korean | 철기군의 견고한 철완 |
Spanish | Brazo aplastador de la Caballería de Hierro |
French | Garde-poignets de la Brigade de fer |
Russian | Нарукавники сокрушения Железной кавалерии |
Thai | Iron Cavalry's Crushing Wristguard |
Vietnamese | Giáp Tay Nghiền Nát Của Thiết Kỵ |
German | Vernichtende Faust der Eisernen Kavallerie |
Indonesian | Iron Cavalry's Crushing Wristguard |
Portuguese | Protetor de Braço Esmagador da Cavalaria de Ferro |
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