Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The source of the Xianzhou long-life species' "Endless Lifespan." The remnants of the Aeon of Abundance's influence. After endless trials, the fleet seeking the medicine of immortality was able to behold the visage of the celestial being. The divine one cast down its blessings in material form, and the Ambrosial Arbor sprouted its leaves.

"New buds descend into the moon, divine flowers bloom by the clouds. In the blink of a blossom's life, old wood returns to youthful grove."

Immortal Aeroblossom is a 3-star Trace Material and Character Ascension Material.

Sold By[]

The Arma Correctional GroupTrick Snack×35Daily

Dropped By[]

7 enemies drop Immortal Aeroblossom:

Ascension Usage[]

10 Characters use Immortal Aeroblossom for ascension:

WindBlade Blade
ImaginaryDan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae Dan Heng • IL
FireFugue Fugue
WindHuohuo Huohuo
FireJiaoqiu Jiaoqiu
LightningJing Yuan Jing Yuan
IceJingliu Jingliu
FireLingsha Lingsha
IceRuan Mei Ruan Mei
LightningTingyun Tingyun

15 Light Cones use Immortal Aeroblossom for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

10 Characters use Immortal Aeroblossom for their Traces:

WindBlade Blade
ImaginaryDan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae Dan Heng • IL
FireFugue Fugue
WindHuohuo Huohuo
FireJiaoqiu Jiaoqiu
LightningJing Yuan Jing Yuan
IceJingliu Jingliu
FireLingsha Lingsha
IceRuan Mei Ruan Mei
LightningTingyun Tingyun

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishImmortal Aeroblossom
SpanishFlor etérea inmortal
FrenchAérofleur immortelle
RussianЭфирный цветок бессмертия
ThaiImmortal Aeroblossom
VietnameseĐóa Hoa Trường Thọ
GermanUnsterbliche ätherische Blume
IndonesianImmortal Aeroblossom
PortugueseFloresciaéreo Imortal

Change History[]

