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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Imbibitor Lunae is the title used by the Vidyadhara High Elder of the Xianzhou Luofu, successor of the Azure Dragon, Commander of the Clouds and the Rain, and is tasked with watching over the Ambrosial Arbor.


After the Vidyadhara joined the Xianzhou Alliance, the entire delve of Scalegorge Waterscape on the Luofu was said to have been brought over from their home world, including the waters of the Lunarescent Depths. In the Year 4800 Star Calendar, the five lineages of the Vidyadhara made an alliance on the Yuque, putting their sacred vow into writing: "This oath shall remain unbroken, standing stronger than even earth and steel."[1] The five High Elders were bound to keep watch over the respective plaguemarks of each Xianzhou ship. To accomplish this, Imbibitor Lunae Yubie, High Elder of the Luofu at the time, made a decision to move the entire delve of Scalegorge Waterscape underwater to help the Luofu seal the Ambrosial Arbor. The Xianzhou natives felt they owed the Vidyadhara a great debt for this, while some Vidyadhara, including Imbibitor Lunae, saw it as repayment for giving them a home on the Luofu.[2][3]

Dan Feng, the most recent Imbibitor Lunae, joined the High-Cloud Quintet and together they accomplished many feats: drove out the Borisin invading Thalassa, destroyed the alliance between the Houyhnhnms and Wingweavers in the Abundance Axis, rescued the Xianzhou Yuque and defeated the living planet Ketu Mirage, becoming one of the most prolific Vidyadhara of his time.[4]

However, approximately a hundred years later, the High-Cloud Quintet would fall apart, and sometime after, in the Year 7379 Star Calendar, Dan Feng would go on to commit a great crime. This would spark turmoil and be considered an act of rebellion against the Xianzhou Luofu and the event would be known as the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae, a stain on Vidyadhara history. Upset by the endless cycle of death that war brought about, he used the Transmutation Arcanum to resurrect Baiheng, who sacrificed herself in a great battle against Shuhu, while also allowing other races to be incorporated into the Vidyadhara species in order to solve the Vidyadhara reproduction problem.[5] His tampering instead ended up creating an uncontrolled draconic abomination that wrought great destruction to the Scalegorge Waterscape and the creation of Bailu.[6] The Luofu Vidyadhara were divided on the matter: there were those who sided with Dan Feng and those who sided with the Xianzhou. It was a controversial time of great unrest.[7]

With the Transmutation Arcanum in his possession, Dan Feng was able to personally perform the ritual to name a new High Elder of the Luofu, and he selected the Vidyadhara who would be reborn as Bailu. However, the ritual failed, and as a result Dan Feng's power was splintered between Bailu and his next reincarnation, Dan Heng.[5] Lady Bailu was selected to become the next Imbibitor Lunae, though she did not possess the same level of power as previous High Elders and the power of dragon transmutation was not passed on intact, as the Transmutation Arcanum had not been carried out in full, resulting in her gaining only a fraction her predecessor's power.[2][8] In order to prevent a similar predicament, Yunyou, attendant to the young High Elder, Bailu, commissioned some of the finest craftsmen to create the Dragonhorn Pilory to shackle the latter's tail in order to limit her powers.

The Cloud Knights joined forces with the Vidyadhara Preceptors to assault him, and Dan Feng was captured and his punishment was carried out; he went through torture and hatching rebirth and his subsequent incarnation was held in the Shackling Prison for a period of time before being exiled from the Luofu. After Dan Heng’s exile, he traveled across the universe, still only a teen (presumably by Vidyadhara rather than mortal standards).[9][Note 1] Amidst Dan Heng's travels, he chanced on the Astral Express Crew, incidentally saving them by defeating huge monsters in the path of the Express. Himeko offered to take him in under the guise of being the train's guard and archivist.[10] In Year 8100 Star Calendar, after a Stellaron was smuggled onto the Xianzhou Luofu, the Astral Express Crew eventually boarded the ship in order to help resolve the Stellaron crisis and clear the Stellaron Hunters' name of any involvement. Despite Dan Heng's banishment from the ship, he decided to tail his companions out of concern for their well-being.[11]

Once aboard the Luofu, Dan Heng traveled with Sushang, a Cloud Knight transferee, and Luocha, a traveling merchant in the hopes of reuniting with his friends. When they reached the Alchemy Commission, Dan Heng slipped away from the others and boarded a starskiff to Scalegorge Waterscape. There, he encountered Kafka and Blade, though his confrontation with the latter was interrupted by Yanqing. Blade proceeded to reveal Dan Heng's true identity as Imbibitor Lunae by stabbing him in the chest. When Yanqing tried to capture both of them, Blade and Dan Heng briefly fought side-by-side to defeat him.[12]

After the fight ended, Jing Yuan appeared and dismissed the Stellaron Hunters. He and Dan Heng continued deeper into the delve to meet up with the Astral Express Crew. Calling upon his powers from his previous incarnation, Dan Heng parted the waters of Scalegorge Waterscape to clear a path to the roots of the Ambrosial Arbor. After removing the seals on the Arbor, the group confronted Lord Ravager Phantylia. Dan Heng and Jing Yuan managed to defeat her vessel by coordinating their attacks, with the powers of Dan Heng's Cloudhymn Roar and Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord, though Jing Yuan was injured in the battle and had to spend time away from his duties to recuperate.[13]

Due to Dan Heng's part in resolving the Stellaron crisis, Jing Yuan revoked his banishment decree, allowing him to come and go freely on the Luofu.[13] Dan Heng later met with the Luofu's current High Elder, Bailu, and together they repaired the seal on the Ambrosial Arbor. Dan Heng met with Huanxi, one of Bailu's maids, who urged him not to meet her and instead meet with the Preceptor elders in order to take up the position of High Elder, claiming she did not want Bailu to take on the burden. Luying, a Vidyadhara alchemist from the Alchemy Commission, expressed a different sentiment to Dan Heng, fearing that he would threaten Bailu's position as High Elder, and asked him to leave the Luofu as they were making their way to the starskiff dock. At the Alchemy Commission, they came across General Jing Yuan, who was still recuperating. He gave them some advice before they left, where they were set upon by Vidyadhara assassins just as they met with Huanxi at the docks. After Dan Heng swiftly dispatched the assailants, they group made their way to Scalegorge Waterscape where they met Bailu and exchanged pleasantries. Both Dan Heng and Bailu expressed their disinterest in the High Elder position before proceeding down towards the Dragon Palace.

There, Dan Heng tried repairing the seal but to no avail. Bailu, following his example, started to affect the seal. By working together and combining their powers, they successfully managed to strengthen the Arbor's seal, proving that Bailu did inherit some of Dan Feng's power through the Transmutation Arcanum. However, they were soon ambushed by more assassins concealed by cloudhymn magic. After they defeated the attackers, they discovered there were more concealed enemies looking for them. Dan Heng used mirage echolocation using the various mirage echoes lingering in the ruined Palace to detect and avoid the assassins. While conversing with the echoes, they learned more about the true nature of Dan Feng's crime.

The group managed to reach the surface and met with Huanxi, who declared that she was worried about Bailu, as she had been attacked by assassins. After being questioned about how she knew about the assassins and how they were targeting Bailu, Huanxi revealed herself to be among their ranks and attacked the group with her fellow assassins. In the heat of battle, Jing Yuan joined the fight and assisted them in defeating the remaining assailants. Jing Yuan questions the Preceptors' motives, while Huanxi denied their involvement, insisting that she acted alone. She died before Jing Yuan could bring her in for further questioning. Dan Heng and Bailu reflected on what they learned. Dan Heng observed that while he had inherited Dan Feng's more combat-oriented and destructive abilities, Bailu inherited all of his healing and restorative abilities. Bailu posed that Dan Heng might have been the teacher that she had always needed, and that they might have been friends or disciples in their previous lives. Dan Heng revealed that his worries about Bailu had been assuaged by the Preceptors and that she always possessed true power. Regarding her healing abilities, Bailu assured Dan Heng that Dan Feng might have had a gentle side to him as well, before they both bid each other farewell.[5]


  • Yubie — Former Imbibitor Lunae of the Xianzhou Luofu, 91st known incarnation.[14]
  • Dan Feng — Former Imbibitor Lunae of the Xianzhou Luofu.
  • Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae — Current incarnation taking his previous life's form. Holds partial power, but not the title.
  • Bailu — Holds partial power, slated to take on the title once she comes of age.[8]



  • Imbibitor Lunae, when translated directly from Latin, means "drinker of the moon."
  • 饮月君 Yǐnyuè-jūn, translated from Chinese, means "The Lord Who Drinks the Moon."



  1. Jinyu claims to undergo hatching rebirth at an unnaturally accelerated rate of just a month, noting that the cycle typically takes five or six centuries. Bailu further notes in a case study that Jinyu only lives a few months before molting again, and that she ages around 100 times faster than a normal Vidyadhara. Assuming Dan Heng's growth has progressed normally, and given Dan Feng's date of death presumably falls around the Sedition, this could make Dan Heng several decades old, though probably no older than a century if he is still mentally and physically considered "teenaged" without being noted as a "child-looking elder" (a rare condition in which a Vidyadhara's growth is stunted).

Other Languages

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishImbibitor Lunae
SpanishImbibitor Lunae
FrenchL'Imbibitor Lunae
RussianПожиратель Луны
VietnameseẨm Nguyệt Quân
GermanImbibitor Lunae
IndonesianImbibitor Lunae
PortugueseEmbebidor Lunae


  1. Honkai: Star Rail (August 29, 2023). Animated Short: Ichor of Two Dragons. YouTube. Retrieved August 29, 2023.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Trailblaze Mission, Topclouded Towerthrust: Oblation Obtained, Order Ordained
  3. Trailblaze Mission, Topclouded Towerthrust: A Dragon Gallant, Its Ocean Distant
  4. Data Bank, Characters, Jing Yuan: Character Story: Part III
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Companion Mission, Vita Infinita: The Dragon Returns Home
  6. Data Bank, Characters, Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae: Character Story: Part IV
  7. Location, Scalegorge Waterscape: Investigations
  8. 8.0 8.1 Data Bank, Characters, Bailu: Character Story: Part IV
  9. Data Bank, Characters, Blade: Character Story: Part II
  10. Data Bank, Characters, Dan Heng: Character Story: Part III
  11. Trailblaze Mission, Windswept Wanderlust: Scattered Memories of Hooded Past
  12. Trailblaze Mission, Topclouded Towerthrust: Dragon Mislay, Dreams Astray
  13. 13.0 13.1 Trailblaze Mission, Karmic Clouds Faded, War Banners Folded: Obsequies Performed, A Long Road Ahead
  14. Readable: The Account of Preceptor Sutuan Crafting a Statue of the High Elder

